Where to look at this division?

Bu Linghou grabbed Li Guang.

“Let them plunder themselves, I’ll go with you!” We are brothers, and we have difficulties together! How can it allow you to go on an adventure alone? ”

Crappy rhetoric.

Li Guang saw through Bu Linghou’s intentions at a glance.

But he couldn’t say yes.

It’s not about tactical secrecy.

“Buji, you are the commander of the army, you are gone, if something happens to the army, how to explain?” You rest assured, and I invite you to watch my walkthrough. ”

Bu Linghou was so frightened by Li Guang that he finally suppressed the idea of following Li Guang.

“Okay, I’ll take note of your words. Can’t talk doesn’t count. ”

Li Guang patted Linghou’s arm and turned to leave.

Five hundred people did not need to give an order, and naturally followed Li Guang to act.

The queue turned out to be orderly, and no one was noisy.

Seeing Debu, Linghou was envious.

Li Guang took this small group of centaurs and went around in circles. Bypassing the front.

If Nekh’s ministry sends troops, it must come head-on.

Now regardless of whether they send troops or not, it is safer to go around this in advance.

The actions of five hundred people are also more secretive. Avoiding some herders, they reached Qinghai Lake directly.

The endless sea surface makes these soldiers in the northwest who have never seen the sea in their lives a little addicted.

After tasting the sea, he continued east along the coast. Prepare to go to the back of the Nekh tribe.

After all, Li Guang still has some insight. When I followed the emperor to Buyeo, after passing Julu County, I went to the beach and saw the real sea.

The water of this Qinghai Lake, as soon as he tasted it, he knew that it was still worse than the sea.

Frying salt with this water may not be feasible.

However, it is somewhat out of place to think about this now.

Whether it works or not, finish playing first!

The water of Qinghai Lake cannot be drunk and does not produce salt. In fact, there were no people nearby at all.

The march of Li Guang’s small team was unusually smooth.

Soon it was copied to the rear of the Nekh tribe.

In this place, there are no trees, the grass is very shallow and thin, and there is nothing hidden at all.

Li Guang could only take people and just walked forward. When it is discovered, attack when it is launched.

On the way, I was really unfortunate enough to meet the shepherd.

The other party saw them from a distance, with clear armor and weapon patterns, and at a glance, it was Daqin’s iron horse!

The man did not say a word to greet, immediately turned the horse’s head and galloped away.

Whether he went to report the letter or not?

Li Guangdu could only order and began to attack.

The five hundred elite horses began to urge the horse to run, no longer caring about the vibration caused by the horse’s hooves, which would reveal its whereabouts.

When the front saw the tent of the Nekh tribe, everyone took the riding bow in their hands and began to accelerate the dash.

From a distance, you can see that among the Nekh tribe, there is a panic.

Some people ran around looking for horses.

Li Guang knew that he was going to take advantage of it this time, and Nekh’s main combat power should not be at home!

Li Guang took the lead and raised his hunting bow.

When rushing within range, an arrow was fired, giving the signal to attack.

Five hundred elites all took arrows and opened their bows.

With a violent advance, arrows chirped and flew towards the rioting crowd on the opposite side.

No need for a knife. Just by firing at close range with a bow, the Nekhqian were powerless to fight back.

War horses trample and arrows fly.

After a round of rushing over, the people in front separated from the two wings and outflanked back.

The group surrounded the camp and began a circular hunt.

Before the Qiang people could resist, they were already beaten and unable to fight back.

In this case, the only way is – surrender!

Seeing the intention of the Qiang people to surrender, Li Guang raised his hand and stopped the attack of his subordinates.

Those who remained here were the families of Leader Nekh. The key to the success or failure of this operation lies in them.

Nekh took the men and horses of his settlement, a total of six hundred horses.

Found Bu Linghou.

When I saw the other party’s soldiers and horses, they were several times their own. And the weapons are also given by Daqin, which is better than himself.

When the opportunity came, he immediately decided not to make trouble and go back to the station first.

At that time, the people of the various stations of the tribe will be concentrated, so that it will be possible to confront.

The task of Bu Ling Hou was originally only to contain Nekh’s people.

Seeing that Nekh retired without saying a word, he also hung far behind Nekh.

This tailgating action caused Nekh a lot of trouble.

Nekh knew very well that the other side was friend or foe. Just because you don’t do it doesn’t mean you don’t do it all the time.

Being followed by others like this all the time, I feel very passive.

Nekh had no choice but to send two teams of heralds out. While gathering his own men, he called for help from neighboring tribes.

They are all Qiang people, although they are not very harmonious in normal times, but at critical moments, as long as the benefits are enough, they are still willing to help.

At this time, Bu Linghou played a trick.

He turned a blind eye to the heralds sent by Nekh. Just let them go.

He has not yet seen Li Guang’s elite combat posture, and hopes to create a fighter plane so that Li Guang can perform well.

Nekh didn’t know what was going on in Bu Linghou’s mind?

Seeing that Bu Linghou did not make any movement, he followed him wholeheartedly. I panicked even more.

What exactly does this person want?

That’s scary!

The thing Nekh was most afraid of was that the Wusun people behind him would directly follow him home and copy his lair. Now he doesn’t know that in fact, the old nest has already been copied by Li Guang.

Nekh changed direction and walked towards the neighboring tribe.

Next to the Nekh tribe, there is also a large tribe – the Fire House.

In the past, the fire house was very powerful, and even a powerful tribe like Neh was often bullied.

Huoju also often sent people over the Qilian Mountains to rob.

Suddenly, one day, the hundreds of strong men in the Fire House were gone. None of them came back.

This made Nekh happy for a while.

Happy to be happy, but Nikh is still weak in front of the fire house. Can’t take the fire house how.

Today came the opportunity.

Nekh planned to lead this group of unidentified Wusun people to the house of the firehouse.

As long as his own reinforcements arrived, Huoju couldn’t do anything to him.

It’s just that Bu Ling Hou is no longer the Wusun people he used to be. Now he has a compass in his hand, and a map.

Since Fusu made a precision compass, except for the water generals, one each. All major legions also issued one to generals with more than 10,000 troops.

Precision compass, in addition to the role of indicating the north and south, the biggest use is that it can be accurately divided.

The perimeter circle is divided into twenty-four parts. Named after the twenty-four solar terms.

The north needle refers to the winter solstice, and the south needle refers to the summer solstice. In this way, only one solar term needs to be reported, and the direction can be accurately judged. It is also very helpful for the general to draw maps.

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