He had thought that Li Guang’s elite would be very powerful. But I still didn’t expect it to be like this!

It seems that all people have a tacit understanding. With a simple instruction, the general’s intentions can be understood immediately.

And never doubt, react quickly, there are orders must be done!

What general, if possible, would not want to command such an army?

Bu Ling Hou also wanted to train such a team in his Wusun Legion.

But it was so hard, he knew it was almost impossible. This is also related to the habits of life.

Daqin established the country with law, and all people understood the meaning of the law and would subconsciously obey it.

But the Wusun people are a grassland tribe, and they have not long joined Daqin.

It has always been a matter of loose discipline and thinking about every task you receive. It is even customary to replace military orders with their own understanding.

How can such a source of troops train such a team?

Unless there is a way.

Mix the Wusun people into Li Guang’s corps. Let the Great Qin pawn drive every Wusun person.

This idea is a bit too radical and can only be discussed slowly.

Li Guang had already set his sights on the fire house.

Although it is not known who he is, it is known that he is the one who ordered the attack.

When his military horses charged towards the Qiang, Li Guang also took up his bow.

His iron tire bow is not much time when it can actually be used. In so long, there has never been a better opportunity than today.

Li Guangyao raised his bow and aimed at the Fire House.

Huoju is directing his men to divide the Wusun people. He didn’t care about the lives of the hostages, those were Nekh’s people.

All he cares about is whether he can take advantage of it?

Huoju would never have thought that someone would actually aim at him with a bow and arrow a hundred and fifty steps away!

One hundred and fifty steps, more than seventy zhang, is an extremely long distance. Far away, when Li Guang was aiming, the fire dwelled in his eyes, about the size of a fly.

In this case, archery is more about feeling.

Li Guang’s arrow broke off, and the long arrow emitted a sharp whistle, and at twice the speed of ordinary bows and arrows, an arrow pierced through the fire house. Along with the hole, there was a thick rhino skin armor on his body.

The fire dwelling fell from the horse. Before dying, his last thought was, why are you so stupid to come to this trip to muddy waters?

It’s too late to regret anything.

The Qiang people on the periphery were immediately chaotic as soon as they were attacked by the Qin army. Not to mention that the leaders of the two tribes have both died. There is no backbone in the heart.

The Wusun people finally waited for their main general, and also began to fight back.

The Qiang people were instantly defeated and fled in all directions.

No one expected this ending!

It can only be said that it was a series of accidents that caused such a result.

Originally, Li Guang did not want to destroy the Nekh tribe. He also wanted to lure the Qiang people to collect salt through profit. Then he only needs to collect it for a very low price.

After all, in this place, it is really not easy to find some labor to work.

Li Guang was unwilling to let the soldiers of his legion do it. Then there is only one way left, to capture prisoners.

At the end of World War I, more than a thousand prisoners were captured.

The white fox coat was also found.

Li Guang held up the white fox and spoke to all the Qiang captives.

“This fur is a treasure of the world. Nekh is not virtuous and does not deserve this treasure. Now he was indeed punished by heaven and died under the sword. But rest assured, this matter will not be investigated further. As long as you help Daqin work hard, I Li Guang guarantee that your life can be lived well!” ”

Since I am with the Qiang people, I can’t cooperate well. Li Guang immediately adjusted his thinking.

He now thinks that with the salt pond here, it is worth garrisoning the army and building a city!

More slaves could be mobilized later to collect salt.

It is also possible to mobilize the Wusun people to collect salt and collect it at a normal price.

It is also necessary to build a large road to Zhangye.

With the salt here, put it in Zhangye centralized trading. Zhangye will become a pearl on the plug!

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong have been very troubled recently.

At the beginning, it was Tao Tong who recommended two people to the emperor. One is the royal tomb, and the other is the Yongya.

The emperor agreed, and then gave each of them a position as head of the Ministry of Commerce. Although the position is not high, the actual power is very large.

Moreover, now the emperor attached great importance to commerce.

These two people, no matter where they go, the local chief administrator will give quite face.

However, conflicts began to arise between these two people.

Also last year, Wang Ling made a suggestion to the imperial court. It is proposed to build a port in Liuxian County in Julu County and Yuquan County in Huiji County as a transit point for maritime trade routes. After this proposal was approved by the emperor, he began to assign tasks.

Originally, this task was proposed by Wang Ling. Qu Zheng’s meaning was to let Wang Ling preside over the construction of the two ports, and Yongya would be the deputy.

But Yongya was not satisfied. He thinks that his family lineage is not bad compared with Wang Ling. And the two people were recommended at the same time, and the qualifications were the same.

Why let Wang Ling ride on his head?

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong were very angry, but they didn’t expect Yongya to be such a person. At that time, Qu Zheng was angry and wanted to drive Yongya home.

It was still Wang Ling who pulled them and said good things for Yongya.

In the end, Wang Ling proposed that it would be fairer to build two ports anyway than one person to be responsible for repairing one.

So, Yongya took the lead and chose Liuxian.

At that time, the main water trade route was still from Ashhada to Loyi. The location of Liuxian is in the middle of this waterway, at the mouth of the Yellow River.

You don’t need to think about it, this place has more oil and water, and there are more opportunities.

Wang Ling didn’t say anything, and silently went to Yuquan County.

For this matter, Qu Zheng and Tao Tong have always had opinions in their hearts. Quite diaphragmatic and toothless this person.

Fortunately, both ports were successfully built and put into use.

Merchant ships from Ashhada were diverted in Liu County. One entered the Yellow River and drove to Luoyi. Another coastal road, to reach Yuken, and then to Lingnan.

Originally, this is the end of the matter, even if everyone is happy.

But now, the problem is again.

After May, it starts summer, and it doesn’t rain in many places. Drought is more widespread in the north, and in some places it is severe.

In the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, water is diverted everywhere for irrigation.

As a result, there is no water in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Big ships could no longer sail into the Yellow River.

This port in Liuxian County is basically equivalent to being abandoned.

This made Yongya dissatisfied again. He kept going to Xianyang and wrote letters to Qu Zheng and Tao Tong, asking to continue transiting in Liuxian County. Then by land, it is transported to various places.

Qu Zheng couldn’t bear him anymore. He wrote a letter telling Wang Ling that he would report to the ministry and remove Yongya from office.

Qu Zheng is still relatively kind.

PS: Have fun on National Day!

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