The reason why Yingche wanted to ask this question was just to understand a little about his character through Zheng He’s answer.

Hearing Zheng He’s answer, Yingche was very satisfied. Not arrogant or impetuous, sonorous!

Although he was already a crippled person from the beginning, this did not prevent him from doing great things!

Zheng He is indeed a person who is both civil and martial, and in the field of water army generals alone, it can be said that he is unparalleled.

Ying Che slowly spoke: “I want you to build a kind of ocean-going giant ship…”

Giant ship?

Zheng He’s eyes suddenly shone brightly.

Zheng He also seems to know that his natural mission is to build giant ships and go to sea.

Although he is now just a lieutenant official who tells the hour, it does not hinder his self-confidence.

“Thank you for Your Majesty’s trust, the minister will definitely live up to his mission!”

Zheng He received a holy decree and was about to rush to Huiji County and Moling County.

Moling County was designated by the emperor to build ocean-going giant ships. Zheng He didn’t know why the emperor designated it, but the emperor must have a reason for doing so.

After receiving the holy decree, Zheng He immediately set off and rushed to the Moling Tomb.

Unlike others, Zheng He was alone. There are no family members and no relatives to say goodbye, just go.

After sending Zheng He away, Yingche called Zhang Han again.

Zhang Wei had just returned to Xianyang from Waodao and was waiting for the emperor to summon him to report the details of the Eastern Crusade to Wadao.

Yingteng is still staying in Wajima and other big tides, and has not returned yet.

Zhang Wei did not come to see the emperor himself, but brought Lu Jia with him. This time, the destruction of the Yanren was able to proceed so smoothly, and Lu Jia contributed a lot.

The two came to the Lizheng Hall together.

“Wait, meet Your Majesty.”

Yingche didn’t know Lu Jia, but he had received a war report from Wajima before, and he also knew that there was such a person as Lu Jia.

Seeing him come to see him with Zhang Handan, I immediately knew his identity.

“The two Ai Qing are flat, this crusade to Wajima, hard work! If there is any interesting fact, tell it and listen to it. ”

Annihilation is a great pleasure for people, and listening to it more will not get in the way.

At this time, Yingche actually gave Lu Jia a chance to tell his achievements.

In the war report, after all, it was written too briefly.

Zhang Wei also understood, looked at Lu Jia, and gave him the opportunity to speak.

Lu Jia saw the emperor’s true face for the first time, and he was very excited.

“Your Majesty, speaking of interesting things, in the Kingdom of Yin, the most interesting thing is the Fushi Mountain Divine Punishment.”

Win knows about this.

Yingteng set off a mountain fire over there, known as divine punishment. Terrified, they all gathered near Mount Fushi.

At this time, Zhang Han and Lu Jia sent the relatives of the puppet emperor of filial piety to a public execution. Show the people that filial piety is a false divine messenger. And spread rumors of the coming of the end times.

There are quite a few people who believe the rumors that the end is coming. They have asked to join Lu Jia’s Suzhan Shrine, wanting to take a boat to the sea to avoid the end of the world.

Who would have thought that at this moment, Mount Fushi suddenly erupted. Hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered clean by a divine punishment.

That’s amazing to say.

Lu Jia wanted to tell the emperor, of course, he had to skip these already known situations and specifically talk about some interesting episodes.

Lu Jia said: “A few days before this divine punishment came, the Suzhan Divine Palace also experienced an earth movement. ”

Earth movement is a great earthquake. It is often considered a precursor to God’s wrath.

Yingche had not heard of this matter.

Lu Jia continued: “This time the ground movement did not cause the mountain to collapse. They all thought that this was a divine foreshadowing, a reminder to everyone that divine punishment had come. The people were nervous, and they all gathered together.

Things that have moved in the past have also happened from time to time. The Wataren always thought that under the earth, there was a huge divine beast that held up the entire island and made it float on the sea.

This ground movement caused the worries of the wajin. They believe that the divine beast is afraid that it will be affected by the divine punishment, and may take the entire island and sink into the sea.

Once the land sinks, there is no need to wait for divine punishment, and all the people will be drowned.

It was on the second night of the ground movement that the Wojin broke out in one of the most terrifying camp roars in history. Killing each other, blood flowing like rivers.

At that time, there was also panic in the Suzhan Divine Palace, and even the soldiers of Daqin believed that Wajima was about to experience divine punishment. ”

Win knows it in his heart.

When faced with unexplained phenomena, people tend to think of God. They think that God is manipulating everything.

Speaking of this, Lu Jia suddenly smiled.

“At the time, we were at the very center of the camp, and everyone was terrified of the sight. Hold out until dawn, and prepare to withdraw to the battleship. The Yonoba tore at each other overnight, and 100,000 people died. There is also a large group of limbless. It makes people panic.

The road ahead was full of wounded people. At this time, I don’t know who blew the whistle. Strangely enough, when the people heard the whistle, they covered their ears and avoided it.

It feels like after experiencing the roar of the camp, the people have all turned into beasts.

When the soldiers with the whistle saw this, they all took out the whistle and used the whistle to open a way. Fortunately, we did not entangle with the people at that time, and we were only a little closer, and we were buried under the later divine punishment. ”

Win Che was speechless.

Everything seems to be in the dark, there is an arrangement.

Great Qin Ruishi, has his own heavenly blessing. If it hadn’t been for the night before, there was a sudden roar in the camp. If it is not the time to evacuate, use a whistle to drive away the bonobos. Those 15,000 Great Qin Rui Shi may also be buried in the great eruption of Fushi Mountain.

Yingche’s hand touched the Xuanyuan sword on his waist. Maybe all this is the reason for it?

“The two Qing families are the earliest batch of water army generals in my Daqin. In the future, he will also shoulder the important task of spreading the indoctrination of Daqin. ”

“It’s an honor to wait!”

Zhang Wei and Lu Jia only understood after experiencing this slaughter. Outside of Daqin, there are many stubborn existences among the people outside the country. I don’t understand anything, but I am very superstitious about God.

Now Lu Jia is also a little fascinated by the feeling of playing a god stick.

The feeling of being adored by a large group of people is so cool!

Lu Jia hesitated slightly, but was still ready to take this opportunity to speak to the emperor.

“Your Majesty, the minister thinks that a set of divine genealogies should be compiled specifically for the people outside the country. We will establish theology and cultivate more human resources who can use theology to control people outside the world. ”


Wincher had some surprises about this suggestion.

But he knew in his heart that it was a good idea.

Daqin ruled the country by law, and wanted the people outside the country to suddenly accept the rule of law. This is not easy, and the Qiang people are an example of this.

And the Qiang people are much better than those people who have been transformed into non-transformations. At least it has been adjacent to Daqin for so long, and under the influence of his ears, he has some understanding of the rule of law.

Such a comparison shows how difficult it is to make people outside the country understand the rule of law.

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