Being able to be an official in Lingnan is Wu Yu’s dream. So now looking at the rapid prosperity of Lingnan, my heart is also very excited.

It’s just that.

The fact that Nanhai County imitated the boats and fishing nets of the Minyue people let Yue Wuzhu and Yongya know.

Angry hair dizzy.

I thought it was something unique to the Minyue people, but I knew that Lingnan could easily learn it.

Before, because of Yongya’s attitude, he was proud. Many people who came to buy boats learned the news, and they all flowed to Nanhai County.

Nanhai County is gradually taking over the fishing boat business in Minzhong.

Yongya felt that he was wronged, and he worked hard for a long time, but he made wedding clothes for others.

He angrily went to find Yu Wuzhu.

“Great King, now Nanhai County is openly robbing us of business. I think, do you want to take revenge on them? ”

Yu Wuzhu was also a little angry, and finally pondered this business, and he hadn’t made a fortune yet, and now someone has robbed it.

“Mr. Yong, you are a wise man, what do you say?”

Yongya pinched his chin and thought for a moment.

Before, he was just angry. I really haven’t thought about what to do?

Now that Yu Wuzhu has expressed his intention to make a move, as a staff member, he should also help his master plan.

“Dawang, Lingnan is different from us. Li You was the governor sent by Xianyang, and the hearts of the Baiyue people were not yet completely attached. I think we can do a little bit of work in this. ”

Yu Wuzhu became excited to hear this.

“How? Mr. Yong, you say, the king listens to you. ”

Yongya smiled darkly.

“Let’s give them a Seagod’s wrath!”

“Wrath of the Sea God?”

He thought of the choppy scene on the sea when the sea was angry. The fisherman’s boat, in the face of the monstrous waves, looked so weak and helpless.

The sea god was furious, and the sea water hung upside down!

South of Panyu, the mouth of the Pearl River.

Known as the Ocean Dragon’s Cave.

The water here is wide and there are countless small islands. The rivers and the sea meet, and the waves are calm.

Li Youjian’s shipyard is here.

A large number of fishermen also gather in this vicinity.

Therefore, the land faces the vast Nanyang, and Li You set up a township here and named it Nansha Township.

Every day, countless fishermen go out to sea. When he returned, he sold it at the village market.

The fish market here has become a scale.

But in recent days, something strange has happened.

Some fishermen, after going to sea, never returned.

At first, the fishermen’s family thought they had encountered a storm at sea. Although he was grieving, he did not go to the county to report the crime.

But then, for several days, some fishermen disappeared every day.

Someone is beginning to realize that something is wrong.

And these days have been calm, there should be no accidents every day.

After discussing with each other, the fishermen organized hundreds of fishing boats and went to sea together to see what happened.

After walking around the sea, I found another fleet of fishing boats. The number is larger than theirs, but there are three hundred.

Get closer and ask questions. The other party said that it was a Minyue fisherman, who went to sea for a few days and came here by accident.

The Baiyue fishermen had some doubts in their hearts.

Get closer and take a closer look.

Someone found something suspicious. On these fishing boats, some have some obvious traces of collision.

The Baiyue fishermen pointed to these traces and began to question the Minyue fishermen.

Unexpectedly, they actually did it.

All boats are the same, but the number of fishing boats in Minyue is three times that of Baiyue. Crashed into the Hyakuyue fleet, with three to one.

The Baiyue people were caught off guard, and they had no experience in group fights at sea. Soon they fell into the water and were taken away from their fishing boats.

Someone saw that the opportunity was wrong and quickly fled back. Want to send this news back.

Minyue fishing boats followed closely behind.

The Minyue people also know that the news cannot be leaked. Otherwise, I am afraid that it will be attacked by hundreds of Yue people.

It’s just that the Baiyue people are at sea and are not as skilled as the Minyue people.

Slowly, the escaping fishing boats, still one by one, were caught up by Minyue.

More than 100 fishing boats, none of them survived.

Nansha Township.

Everyone waited for a few days, but as a result, all the hundreds of fishing boats lost track and no one returned. That’s when I started to panic.

A rumor quietly arose among the fishermen.

It is said that in the South Seas, there are evil dragons. Fishermen who guard outside the Ocean Dragon’s Cave and wait to eat out to sea.

As a result, none of the fishermen dared to go to sea again.

If you don’t go to sea, there will be no fish to sell in the fish market.

Only then did the Panyu County magistrate report the situation to Li You.

Li You was shocked to hear this news, and he was going crazy!

Take your personal escort, mount your horse, and go straight to Nansha Township.

After coming over and asking some fishermen, I learned the general situation.

Li You gritted his teeth with hatred.

These hundred Yue people, why don’t they report something to the officials? Just deal with it yourself. After I can’t deal with it myself, I’d rather do nothing than go to the county to say anything.

What dragon? This is clearly an enemy!

Just don’t know what kind of enemy?

Li You thought about it, looking at this situation, it was no longer something that the fishermen could deal with by themselves. The only way is to find the Lingnan Water Army.

The Lingnan Water Army Camp, but not here. And on Nanzhu Island, fifty miles away.

The navy ships are large, and the port of berthing needs to be deeper.

Nanzhu Island is also under the rule of Panyu, and there is only a narrow strait between it and the mainland. And the depth of this strait echoes the requirements of the navy.

This place was personally chosen by Zhou Bo, which is very suitable for the water army.

Li You sent people to set up fishing boats to report to the navy army, asking the navy to go to sea to search.

The Lingnan Navy now has 120 warships, 50 transport ships, and more than 1,000 small ships.

Most of the naval warships let Han Xin and Zhou Bo take them out and went to Kradi to dig the canal.

Today, there are only twenty warships left on Nanzhu Island. The main general who remained in the water army camp was Chen Xi.

Chen Xi is Han Xin’s disciple and is now guarding the camp here as Zhou Bo’s deputy.

Receiving Li You’s order, Chen Xi ordered ten warships and two hundred. Mighty out to sea.

However, several days have passed and there is nothing on the sea.

Occasionally a floating plank can be seen.

Chen Xi asked the soldiers to salvage the planks and observe them carefully.

The planks were broken and fell from the fishing boat. Traces of the impact are clearly visible.

But that alone doesn’t prove anything.

Unlike the fishermen, Chen Xi had a map in his hand.

If it is concluded that these fishermen have been attacked by the enemy. Well, this enemy is most likely from two places.

One is the south of Xiangjun, overseas Zhuya Island. Zhuya Island is huge, almost close to the land of a county. The people living above were Yangyue people who moved south here.

The second is Minzhong County, adjacent to Nanhai County. It’s a Minyue person.

People in these two places are close to Baiyue, but they are not blind to each other.

A hundred fishing boats from a hundred yues, a huge team, actually disappeared together. From this point of view, the size of the enemy is not small, and the strength is not weak.

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