There are still many things that Daqin does not understand.

Because of the stimulation of these things, everyone is full of fantasies about that place in the Americas.

In fact, whether it is a jumping deer or a chocobo, it tastes similar to beef.

For ordinary soldiers, in fact, there is almost no chance to eat beef.

In Daqin, there is a set of implicit rules.

Horse meat can only be eaten by the Son of Heaven. The princes ate cattle, the sheep, the doctors ate pigs, and the people ate grass.

This is just a rough division and is not strictly enforced.

Especially now, after the boom in commerce, these lines have become increasingly blurred.

However, the price of horse meat and beef is still the first of the six animals. Ordinary people, if they want to buy some to eat, it is a difficult thing.

Even the legion commander Chen Qingzhi has few opportunities to eat beef and horse meat.

Today, the cavalry hunted a lot of jumping deer and chocobos, which made everyone eat very happily. After going back, this is all capital that can be boasted of for a lifetime.

On this overseas continent, eating things that have never been seen before. A good night’s sleep.

In the morning, when the genius was shining, there was a sudden exclamation that startled everyone.

In this unfamiliar land, no one dares to sleep steadily.

When they heard someone exclaiming, they immediately rose to alert and were ready to fight at any time.

After getting up, I found that the camp of the army had been “attacked at night”.

It’s not a man or a beast, it’s a giant bat. It’s terrifyingly big!

Someone caught a big bat, pulled its wings to see it, and the wingspan was as tall as one person!

Bats are disgusting and have never been eaten.

However, seeing such a big bat is not only disgusting, but also terrifying.

Chen Qingzhi was also a little apprehensive in his heart. The order was immediately given, and the camp was immediately raised, and the ship was set sail.

During the night, the edges of the tents in the entire camp were hung with large bats. A long line of tents, all of which are these big black guys.

Fortunately, during the day, they don’t flutter much. One by one, they were all discarded on the ground.

Chen Qingzhi’s heart was a little depressed.

Although so far, nothing deadly has been encountered. But the scene I encountered was already very disturbing.

I’m really worried about what danger will happen in front of you.

The life and death of the army are all between Chen Qingyi’s thoughts. This puts him under a lot of pressure.

Continuing on, I met a large school of sharks in the sea. Although the shark is fierce, it is not a threat to the ironclad warship.

The further he went, the more fearful Chen Qingzhi became.

Such stop-and-go, sometimes go ashore and camp. Later, I was more careful, and I never encountered anything more terrifying.

After many days, for the first time, they found people on this continent!

South Continent Natives!

The appearance of the natives made Chen Qingzhi breathe a deep sigh of relief. This shows that people can still survive on this continent.

Chen Qingzhi did not stay here long. But record everything here. Thinking of returning to the emperor in the future, you can send another army to conquer this land!

Just when Chen Qingzhi was exploring a little bit in the endless sea.

Far away on the shore of the natural sea, Zhao Tuo of Ding Zero City received a holy decree.

The divine decree ordered Zhao Tuo to select a group of elites and drive five or six boats. From the natural sea, turn north along the Tunguska River and explore Europa.

At the same time, he also sent Zhao Tuo a map and a letter.

The letter was written by the emperor himself, and briefly said about the situation in Europa.

also explained the task to Zhao Tuo.

The task this time is extremely simple, that is, pretending.

Due to the operation of the Gold and Silver Division of Zhangye County in Shuangjing County, a lot of Daqin copper coins have flowed into Europa. There are also many Europa people who already know about the existence of the Great Qin Empire.

But their understanding is also limited to copper coins.

Zhao Tuo’s trip to Europa this time is to establish the image of the Great Qin Empire as strong and invincible in the eyes of the Europa people.

Let them know that they are just a corner abandoned by heaven.

The real darling of heaven is the Great Qin Empire!

The people who preached the divine decree and sent the letter were Zhu Da and Zhang Zhong. Two peerless swordsmen beside the emperor.

The emperor sent them and asked them to follow Zhao Tuo on a tour.

Zhao Tuo didn’t know what the emperor meant, and thought that it was just two captains who came to monitor the movements of the army.

This is a very normal phenomenon in the Great Qin army. During the reign of the First Emperor, there were especially many governors, and a legion could sometimes send ten captains.

Insect Da and Zhang Zhong did not explain much to Zhao Tuo.

Zhao Tuo himself also wanted to go out for a walk. Sitting in this Ding Zero City, it has also been prosperous for nearly half a year. Ding Zeroren is still quite honest, and after he leaves, there should be no big accident.

What’s more, this time, Zhao Tuo didn’t take many people away, just brought a thousand elites.

Zhao Tuo’s son Zhao Zhongshi sits in Shucheng and cannot be separated.

This time, Zhao Tuo arranged for a deputy corps commander to guard Ding Zero. The name of the deputy corps commander is Kong Jia, who has only been promoted in the past half a year, and he is a figure who is both civil and military.

Kong Jia’s martial arts are not good, and he has been following Zhao Tuo on his eastern expeditions to the west before. But there was no battle exploit.

It was not until the construction of Shucheng that Kong Jia seemed to have found a place to play his strengths.

Kong Jia is a rare person with political thinking in the army.

Later, Jianding Zero City, Zhao Tuo also brought him over.

The management of the new city and the guidance of the indigenous people, Kong Jia came up with a lot of good ideas, and he also helped Zhao Tuo a lot.

Zhao Tuo, after all, there is still a person who has a good view of the overall situation. After discovering Kong Jia’s strengths, he was promoted all the way and mentioned the position of deputy corps leader.

After Zhao Tuo left, he could only feel at ease by calling Ding Zerocheng into Kong Jia’s hands.

Between the natural sea and the difficult river, there is no river channel to figure out.

Ashhada’s warship entered the sea from the Nan River, through the Black Water. After a long circle, we arrived at the natural sea.

No more, no less, only six.

Zhao Tuo took a thousand elites under his command and boarded the ship. He also gave this thousand elites a resounding name – Golden Eagle Battalion.

Set sail from the natural sea, on the shores of Ding Zero City. Straight into the Tunguska River.

It’s the height of summer, but it’s not very hot in the far north. The scenery along the way is beautiful.

On both sides of the Tunguska River, some Tunguska natives can occasionally be seen.

It is because of their existence that the river is called the Tunguska River.

The Tungusic people are not exactly the natives of the wild people, they also know how to smelt bronze. It’s just that the composition is very loose and the kingdom is not formed.

But all of them speak similar Tungusic languages. Believe in the same demon god – Chiyu.

On both sides of the Tunguska River, several wood-carved totems can also be seen occasionally. It’s a columnar head.

They were defensive against the Qin people, but they were not hostile.

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