Li Cunxiao prepared a Roman dish for the emperor. In addition to roast sheep and similar to the steppe tribes, the other dishes are all some strange flavor combinations. And also grab and eat directly with your hands.

Wincher doesn’t like this kind of dish and how to eat it. After eating some roast lamb casually, I went down to the pool and soaked.

To Wincher’s surprise, there was a sulfur smell. This water turned out to be a hot spring!

As soon as the emperor got off the pool, the lieutenant came to report.

“Your Majesty, the Ministry of Rites has specially arranged a program to help you. Please show Your Majesty, do you want to go up now? ”

Yingche soaked in the hot spring, closed his eyes, raised his hand slightly, and moved his two fingers. The lieutenant agreed, retreated, and arranged for the musicians and dancers to come up.

The first performance was the body poison dance.

This was specially arranged by Jia Xu to take care of Meng Yan. The performance to the emperor did not say a finale.

The emperor was soaking in the hot springs and could fall asleep at any time. The more it is arranged in front, the more likely it is to finish the performance. If the emperor falls asleep when he watches the first program, all the later ones are fine.

Win Che soaked in the hot spring, relaxed and comfortable.

This is the largest and most luxurious one, and the room is like a large hall.

Win Che squinted and watched the performance in front of him. He knew that compared to Daqin’s dance, it was faster and more vigorous. It is perfect for performing on occasions such as hot springs.

As soon as the dance began, the musician played the music, and seven dancers came up.

Six are exotic women dressed in the Mauryan dynasty with dark skin. The middle one, however, was dressed as a relatively conservative Daqin servant.

The stars hold the moon!

Although the costumes are different, the dancing is different. But rhythm and artistic conception are perfectly integrated. On the contrary, it seems that the Daqin woman is even more prominent!

Yingche understood at a glance that this was to sacrifice a daughter.

The dancing was enthusiastic and unrestrained, and Yingche was very happy to watch.

After a dance, Ying Che hooked his finger at the Daqin woman in the middle. She came over obediently.

The other idle people and others withdrew.

Meng Yan waited anxiously at the door.

But the more urgent, the longer it feels.

Li Cunxiao was responsible for the safety of the emperor and personally inspected the visit. When he came to see Meng’s appearance, he began to laugh at him.

“Meng family boy, what are you in a hurry? Your show is over, and the purpose has been achieved. ”

Meng was a little embarrassed.

The two are not equal in generation, and Li Cunxiao is his uncle, and he can joke with him like this. He can’t joke with Li Cunxiao unscrupulously.

“Uncle Li, don’t laugh at me. It’s not something wrong with me, it’s resting in my heart, like a big rock. ”

Li Cunxiao also knew what Meng Yan was going to do.

This time the eradication of greed has not officially begun, but it is already full of mountain rain!

Li Cunxiao smiled and said to Meng Yan.

“Meng boy, it’s not appropriate for you to go to the emperor empty-handed like this, right? I have to mean it first. ”

Meng Yan has thought about it, but he is not sure how much to donate? Therefore, after consulting the emperor, I would go back to prepare money and donate it to Hubu.

Now listening to Li Cunxiao say this, he suddenly felt that he had not expressed it, and he was a little ignorant.

Quickly asked Li Cunxiao: “Uncle Li, you also know that my parents are not at home.” What do you mean by me changing it? Is it still too late? ”

Li Cunxiao mysteriously approached Meng Yan and said in his ear.

“Do you know what my old Li does? I spent the money directly on building the Huaxi Tangchi. Anyway, the emperor came and was able to see the money spent here. When you are in a good mood, pardoning your Meng family is not a matter of a word. ”


“Uncle Li, but now the Huaxi Tangchi has been built. I…… Is it still time? ”

Li Cunxiao didn’t see anything at all, and flicked a brain crash on Meng’s brain.

“With your Uncle Li here, do you say it’s time?”

I was overjoyed.

Although Li Cunxiao is not a smart person like Jia Xu, what he says is absolutely reliable. Who made him a red man in front of the emperor?

Meng Yan was happy, but did not dare to walk away. He was afraid that the emperor might summon him at any time.

Li Cunxiao also knew the weight, and went to the account room by himself, brought a page of accounting paper, and a contract for purchasing materials.

Several pieces of paper were stuffed into Meng Yan’s hand together.

“Meng boy, look at this, it is a contract that has not yet settled the bill. If you think the number is right, you claim it. ”

Meng Yan opened it and saw that the total amount was 1.32 million money.

How much property the Meng family has, Meng Yan knows everything in his heart. This number is too little, right?

He looked up at Li Cunxiao suspiciously.

“Uncle Li, is this enough?”

Li Cunxiao winked at him and said, “We also won one million dollars from Mo Xuanlou before, remember?” I have already spent all of that million money in this Huaxi soup pool. Even if we are half a million per person. That’s pretty much it, don’t compare me too coldly. ”

Meng Yan wanted to say something.

Li Cunxiao held him down and said, “You don’t need to say it.” Your Meng family has high merit, and I believe that the emperor will not calculate with the Meng family in this matter. You just need to make a statement, and the emperor’s purpose is achieved. ”

The two were chatting, and suddenly they heard the lieutenant at the door, shouting at the throat.

“Xuanmeng Delay Meeting!”

It was obviously very close, but the lieutenant still shouted very hard, and wanted to pierce his eardrums.

Li Cunxiao did not dare to speak, and raised his eyes at Mengmeng.

Meng Yan understood Li Cunxiao’s meaning, and let him learn from that lieutenant. Many times things are done just for a sense of ritual.

Meng Yan straightened his appearance outside and strode in.

When he was delayed, he kept his head down, afraid to see something he shouldn’t see.

Little by little, I lifted up and saw the emperor soaking alone in the hot spring, and there was no one else around. Meng Yan quickly lowered his head again.

“Grass people, meet Your Majesty!”


Ying Che opened his eyes slightly and glanced at the restrained young man in front of him. Close your eyes again and lean back comfortably.

“Meng Tian’s son? Suddenly give a beautiful woman to Xuan, what do you say? ”

Meng Yan swallowed nervously.

“This woman’s name is Yu Ji, and she is the sister of Yu Zizhi, the commander of the 26th Legion. Because he admires His Majesty and hopes to enter the palace to serve him. Therefore, together with the Maucock Dynasty Mai Ji…”

Wincher interrupted Meng Yan’s words.

“These things are already known. Tell me about yourself? ”

Meng Yan was already nervous, and when the emperor interrupted like this, he stammered for a while, forgetting what he was going to say.

Yingche waited for a short while, but did not hear Meng Yan speak.

He opened his eyes again and looked at Meng Yan.

“Dumb? What’s the matter with you? You can’t have anything, just tell me what your Meng family is going to do?” ”

Meng Yan suddenly remembered again, and quickly said.

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