Bai Wu judged that attacking the city immediately at this time was the most favorable situation.

The army pressed up and began to attack the western wall of the city of Segan.

Before Segan, he had been engaged with Zhou Bo’s water army on the eastern wall. Most of the combat power was transferred to the east of the city.

Now the west suddenly encountered the enemy, even if he wanted to send the defenders back to defense, he couldn’t pull it out.

Bai Wu’s army rushed to the city, and some of the skilled soldiers began to climb the city wall with their bare hands.

The city walls are made of large stones, and in order to stack them steadily, they are all large and small. There will be a very steep slope outside.

For most soldiers who have been fighting all year round, they can climb up with their bare hands.

It’s just that you have to watch out for the defenders throwing things from the head.

And now, on the western wall of Segan, there are not many defenders at all. And these people have completely lost their morale.

Seeing a large area of the Qin army begin to climb the city wall, he fled first.

Only a few soldiers left to hold on, and they were completely unable to stop the Qin army’s offensive.

Don’t say block, you can’t even block a little.

Segan City was breached in an instant!

Segan’s defenders were not many, only fifteen thousand.

This is not a very important place for the Mauryan Dynasty.

The Mauryan dynasty did not have large ships, so the main purpose of the port was the fish market.

Bai Wu’s army invaded the city. Zhou Bo’s side suddenly felt that there was no resistance.

The remnants of the soldiers in Segan City have completely lost their fighting spirit. Under the swords and guns of the Qin army, it was almost equivalent to being slaughtered.

Soon, it broke their psychological defenses.

The remnants surrendered.

After taking the city of Segan, the basic framework of the Great Triangle Strategy has been formed.

Bai Wu and Zhou Bo met in the city.

This time, it was a complete coincidence. Instead, due to coincidence, a beautiful siege cooperation was played.

Bai Wu and Zhou Bo’s emotions were very high.

Zhou Bo asked, “General Bai, why did you suddenly come here?” ”

Bai Qi asked his staff to bring up the map.

Unfolded on the ground, pointed to the map and analyzed the situation with Zhou Bo.

“General Zhou, here now. The city of Mandu was already occupied by Yu Ping’s army. He blocked the main army of the Mauryan dynasty for us there. ”

Mandu was also an important town in the entire Mauryan Dynasty.

However, it does not depend on the Ganges. There is still a distance of more than a hundred miles from the bank of the Ganges.

Zhou Bo analyzed in his mind while looking at the map.

“General Bai, where is your Jinhe?”

Bai Qi smiled and pointed to another point.

The location of this point is so good!

It is close to the Ganges River and close to Mandu City. If the two sides are horns of each other, they completely form a barrier.

Zhou Bo nodded and said.

“If this is the case, General Bai and General Wei, you will block all the troops of the Mauryan Dynasty to the west. Our Lingnan Legion occupied the city of Segan and cruised the Ganges with warships. The entire area east of Mandu and north of the Ganges River fell into our pocket! ”

Bai Wu said in agreement.

“As long as this place is stabilized by us. In the future, we will start a war with the Mauryan dynasty, and we will have a stable rear support. ”

Stable rear support, this is the most central part of the grand strategy.

No matter what strategy you want to develop, as long as you intend to fight for a long time. It will be impossible to leave stable rear support.

So this place is especially important for Daqin!

Zhou Bo thought about it and said.

“If we want to operate in this place, we must first find a way to compile a household register for the people of the Mauryan Dynasty. Let them live in our area with peace of mind. ”

Speaking of household registration.

Two people thought of Martingale at the same time.

These poisonous people are all aliens. And there are strange beliefs. It is difficult to bring their hearts and minds together.

The only way to use severe punishment and harsh laws first restrain them all.

The law made by Shang Martingale confined people to a small piece of land and was easily forbidden to leave. Through vigorous rewards and punishments, to guide the thinking of the people.

Only such a forced reversal can allow the poisonous person to integrate into the Qin Law environment as soon as possible.

It’s easier said than done.

Bai Wu was born without this patience, and simply threw the pot to Zhou Bo.

“General Zhou, General Lieutenant and I are responsible for blocking the enemy forces in the front. The heavy responsibility of stabilizing the rear is all entrusted to you. ”

Zhou Bohao was speechless.

He is also the commander of the Lingnan Water Army, and he has no time to keep an eye on these things here.

Moreover, with the current situation, it is impossible to ask the imperial court for civil officials to govern.

Thinking about it, he thought of a person.

“Since General Bai is willing to entrust this heavy task to our Lingnan Legion. Then I will formally write a letter and ask General Han to send someone over to take full responsibility. ”

Bai Wu was a little curious.

Listening to General Zhou’s meaning, it seems that he is quite pleased with this person. Who is this man? ”

Everyone is an official in the same dynasty, but everyone with a higher rank knows each other’s names.

But no matter what Bai Wu thought, he couldn’t think of such a suitable person in Lingnan.

Li Youcan, Governor of Lingnan, why did he come here?

Han Xin was also impossible, he also dug a canal in Kradi. I heard that Kradi City is also doing well, and it has already set up a county office. He is busy educating the local natives and integrating them into the legal environment of Daqin.

Zhou Bo saw Bai Wu’s puzzled expression, and it seemed that he really did not expect that person.

That’s what I said proudly.

“This person is General Han’s teacher, the grandson of the famous Warring States general Li Mu, Li Zuoche!”

It turned out to be him!

Bai Wu had actually heard of this man, but he hadn’t heard anything about him.

This Li Zuoche, since surrendering Han Xin, has become Han Xin’s teacher. The whole person is unusually low-key, and has always only been planning behind the scenes.

Even a legion leader like Bai Wu didn’t know much about him.

But he can be Han Xin’s teacher, and he must also be a person with outstanding ability.

Leave the rear area to Li Zuoche to operate, and Bai Wu can also rest assured.

This time the city of Segan was captured, and another 8,000 prisoners of war were captured.

There were too many people, and Zhou Bo arranged a large number of people to send to Kradi and hand them over to Han Xin.

At this time, Bai Wu couldn’t leave. Once he also led his army away, Segan City had no garrison.

No way, just stayed.

Bai Xin, who remained in Jinhe, was at this time that something happened.

He kept Bai Wu’s words in mind and constantly patrolled to prevent the gold prospectors from uniting.

But in the process, there was a conflict with the gold diggers.

The gold prospectors saw the departure of the main army of Daqin with their own eyes, and knew that there were only a thousand people stationed here.

Therefore, they are not particularly afraid in their hearts.

As soon as the conflict began, a large-scale armed fight broke out.

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