They, at least, have their own culture.

“Brother, did you snatch these dancers from the noble mansion of the Peacock Dynasty?”

Zhou Bo shook his head.

“Tianzhu people despise women very much. As long as they are given a better treatment, they themselves will take the initiative to come to the door. Most of the trained dancers let Fusu Gongzi send them back to Xianyang. I finally asked for a few here and specially sent them to General Han. ”

Han Xin smiled slightly. Zhou Bo can have this heart, and it really makes Han Xin very gratified.

However, how could he keep these Maihimes? Staying is a curse!

When he turned back, he still had to be sent back to Lingnan and handed over to Governor Li You.

There are many hot springs around Sihui Prefecture. Now merchants returning from the Central Plains have also begun to learn to build baths. The poisonous Mai Ji returned to Lingnan, which is also a sought-after item.

Zhou Zhi was curious and asked, and Zhou Bo said cheerfully. During the dinner, they chatted very happily.

Kept talking, leaving Han Xin and Uncle Sun Tong aside.

Han Xin coughed, and Zhou Bo seemed to realize something, and quickly stopped his mouth.

“General Zhou, the canal here will be able to open in another month.”


What the?

Zhou Bo was a little unresponsive for a while.

This canal is very difficult to dig, it has been dug for so long. Zhou Bo has long stopped thinking, when will he be able to dig through?

Unexpectedly, the surprise came so suddenly!

The opening of the canal not only means that Lingnan ships can reach Tianzhu more quickly.

At the same time, it also means that Han Xin can free his hand!

As long as Han Xin takes the army and goes to Tianzhu. The end of the Mauryan Dynasty has arrived!

Since Fusu Gongzi, he took the Feiyu Camp to Tianzhu. Already went to the territory of the Mauryan Dynasty, fought several battles, plundered countless gold.

Using the strategy set by Li Zuoche, a flying feather battalion was in the territory of the Mauryan Dynasty. By wandering, he successfully attracted several aristocratic forces of the Mauryan Dynasty.

Then he set up an ambush in vain and fought a beautiful ambush battle.

Since then, the nobles of the Mauryan Dynasty have all taken advantage of the danger and started a new round of chaotic wars.

The entire Mauryan dynasty was beaten into a pot of porridge. Grievances and grievances are intricate and unreasonable. Don’t say outsiders, even themselves, they are often confused.

It’s a hit anyway.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Fusu Gongzi went deep into the territory of the Peacock Dynasty several times.

Although the number of people in the Flying Feather Battalion is small, they are all elite soldiers. It is very slippery, and it has not suffered a loss at the hands of the enemy.

If at this time, a large army can pass, and all those chaotic forces can be quickly swept away!

And this wish is about to come true!

Zhou Bo was very excited.

“General Han, can the speed still be accelerated? Do you want me to organize a little more people to help you?” ”

Han Xin shook his head.

“Now there are two ends of the most critical canal left. It doesn’t work with a large number of people. ”

Zhou Bo’s heart was clear.

Excavation of canals, especially those carved out of stone. The most difficult, the most careful, is when digging the two ends.

In the past, the two ends were blocked, and there was no water in the canal, so you could dig as much as you wanted.

But at both ends, it’s time to see the water. Once the sea water pours into the canal, it is basically impossible to dig in it.

So, only when everything is in place and it is confirmed that the entire canal channel is fine. Then prepare to dig both ends.

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