It is also a place where all rebel forces want to attack.

The Peacock King was busy with the defense of the national capital, and he had no time to care about other places.

He was Ashoka’s grandson, and after he sat on the throne, he did not have a good relationship with many brothers and cousins. This time of civil unrest, in fact, behind many forces, there are shadows of his brothers and cousins.

Everyone wants to occupy this powerful empire.

Of course, strength is only relative to countries other than Daqin.

At present, the Peacock King Relic still has the upper hand steadily, and the city of Hua’s is not moving.

On the Fahrenheit side, it seems that it has also been discovered that there have been no such ironclad warships cruising in the Ganges for a long time. Some of the restless Mauryan nobles have begun to tentatively cross the river in small groups.

The pioneers of the temptation to cross the river could not lead horses, but could only run on two legs.

Every day, the scouts of the White Martial Warriors had to shoot some on the banks of the Ganges.

But even so, they found weaknesses in their defenses.

Began to organize the army, preparing for a sneak attack across the river.

On Fusu’s side, he made arrangements with Li Zuoche. The two of them spent a lot of time drinking and having fun every day, so that the poisonous people nearby could see that they only knew pleasure and did not know what defense looked like.

They waited quietly like this, and finally waited for the sneak attack army they expected.

The nobles of the Peacock Dynasty had already been frightened by Daqin, and they acted very carefully.

This wave of sneak attack troops numbered about fifteen thousand. They also have the intention of victory, and they only want to use the sea of people to pile up the defenders of the Holy Pool.

After they landed, they wandered the countryside all day and did not launch a rash attack.

Caught a lot of poisonous people everywhere, and tried to ask some news from their mouths.

Fusu and Li Zuocha already knew that this group of people had landed. But I have always pretended not to know, and I still spend time drinking.

But secretly, the Peacock Dynasty army, which had already opened his pockets and waited for a sneak attack, fell into the cloth bag. Then close the door and beat it!

Although Xiao Nanhuachi is a decoy, it cannot lose anything.

Fu Su and Li Zuochai placed the ambush site five miles in front of Xiao Nanhuachi. Even moved a dozen crossbows and small trebuchets.

The enemy’s first reaction to an attack is generally to form a circle formation and defend on the spot. Only then did they look for flaws and try to break through.

The role of crossbows and trebuchets is to strike down in a wave of powerful blows when they form a circle. Break the enemy’s position and destroy their confidence by the way!

In this way, quietly waiting for the army of the Mauryan Dynasty, he stepped into the ambush circle himself.

The first to attack was the longbowmen. Three consecutive rounds of arrow rain made the enemy tense.

Neither their leather armor nor their improvised shields could provide effective protection against arrows fired from longbows. Therefore, when forming a circle, it is already hesitant.

Forming a formation is just more convenient for longbowmen to aim.

Before the main general could respond, the crossbow and the catapult worked together again. At this moment, the enemy’s formation completely collapsed.

Against these defeated soldiers, the longbow could not completely contain their momentum to scatter.

Li Zuoche simply went directly to the sword and shield hand and fought at close range.

Daqin’s knives are all forged of fine iron, and they have an absolute advantage against the weapons of the Peacock Dynasty. Even in the face of spearmen, the other party is completely unable to suppress.

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