Although he was unwilling to mobilize too many troops to fight in the past, it did not mean that the Great Qin court was indifferent to this.

If you can use them to put pressure on the Mauryan dynasty through their relationship with the Rest Empire and the Ptolemaic Dynasty.

This will be very beneficial to the situation on the Mauryan Dynasty’s side. And there is no need for Daqin to pay anything, as long as it is normal to do business.

Although Qu Zheng and Tao Tong did not care about military affairs, they could not fail to understand them. Business and the military have always been in a cooperative relationship.

Knowing that the business in Horoni’s mind turned out to be a broker!

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong were a little surprised, but they also said that they could understand.

In fact, the broker does not have a good reputation. In the people of Daqin, those who can be brokers are people who have no skills and can only eat, drink and make friends.

However, this broker made by Horoni is different from them.

For the rest merchants, it is still necessary to have such a broker. It has a positive role in promoting the commerce and trade between the two countries.

Qu Zheng said on the spot that as long as Khoroni obeyed the Qin Law, he could get selfless help from him and Tao Tong.

Khoroni transformed into the first broker of rest.

Everything is the first to be the most enjoyable. Brokers are no exception.

When the Ptolemaic merchants received the news, they also planned to start another brokerage business in addition to the gold shop. On the contrary, this matter does not need to occupy a place, as long as you can communicate and have connections.

It’s just that the position of the Ptolemaic dynasty is really inferior to the Rest Empire.

From their country, if you want to come to the great, pass through the territory of the Rest Empire.

Congenitally weak, there is no way.

Qu Zheng and Tao Tong have also just started, and part of it has come to business with Western countries.

Before the annexation of the Yue clan, the two words of the West, for Daqin, were barren. Almost nothing was produced, only beef and mutton and leather.

However, after owning the Yue clan, all of a sudden, it bordered the rich countries of the West. Only then did the Daqin people begin to re-examine the West.

It was found that, in fact, the West was not as barren as the Daqin people imagined. Although it is incomparable with Daqin, it also produces a lot of gold, red copper, and Mai Ji.

In fact, the West also produces some exquisite handicrafts, but these things are not too popular in the market of Daqin.

It’s just that the style is different from that produced by Daqin, and the rest is almost nothing special.

The gold shops opened by Ptolemaic merchants, using gold produced by Ptolemy, were not as pure as those of Daqin, so they were very cheap. Coupled with some different shapes, it still sells well in Xianyang West Market.

The people of Daqin love gold.

The Ptolemaic merchants were also in their favor.

The leader of the Ptolemaic merchants, named Thutmose.

He always said that his ancestor was once a noble pharaoh.

But none of that matters.

He took the caravan and was doing business in the city of Nisa in the Dormition Empire when he saw the Daqin caravan with his own eyes. It was when Kuantong and Li Guang went to Nisa City.

The goods produced by Daqin immediately shocked him!

Being a Ptolemaic man actually had an inner pride.

Their writing appeared quite early, as early as 3,000 years ago, there was writing. The Scorpion King was unified for the first time and established the Scorpion Dynasty. Earlier than people in any region.

This made the Ptolemaic people proud that they were the first civilized people in the world. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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