Between the two, there is also the existence of the Achaean League.

The Achaia League hated Sparta, then led wolves into the house and invited Macedonia.

Therefore, although the territory controlled by Macedonia is very large, it is divided into different people’s hearts and is divided into various forces.

The relationship between these forces, Daqin can make good use of it.

A loose alliance may huddle in the face of external pressure.

But if they face temptations from outside, I am afraid that they themselves will be in a mess first.

Wincher looked at the Burro Peninsula in deep thought.

Daqin should have put its hand into the Boro Peninsula before Rome completely solved the three barbarians in the north.

Otherwise, wait for Rome to come to its senses and eat the Boro Peninsula in one bite. At that time, if Daqin wanted to intervene, it would be much more difficult.

How to make better use of this group of Spartan mercenaries has to be carefully pondered.

Spartan mercenaries, still far away in the Ptolemaic dynasty. Thousands of miles away from Daqin.

When I arrived in Daqin, I would have to finish the New Year.

In the blink of an eye, the year is almost over.

Since Wincher ascended the throne, everything has developed smoothly.

In the past two years, Daqin’s territory has more than doubled. They also crossed the ocean, reached the Inca continent, and established outposts.

Now, due to trade with neighboring countries, the process of expanding Daqin’s influence has accelerated.

Just wait for the ocean-going giant ships to form an army, at that time, you can reach any corner of the world.

Looking at his achievements in the past two years, Yingche is quite satisfied.

Apart from him, no Saint Emperor in history could have been reborn to such a point!

After the beginning of spring next year, the army of Yingteng and Zhao Tuo will pass through the sea and send troops to Europa. To help the Romans, to fight against the Celts and Germans.

In fact, this action also has a deep meaning, which the Romans did not notice for a while.

In the future, when Rome wants to raise troops to the east, it will find that its back is not safe enough.

Daqin’s army could land from behind at any time.

In this way, Rome did not dare to put all its forces on the eastern Boro Peninsula.

And Daqin was caught between two sides, forming a situation of envelopment against Rome. In terms of grand strategy, it wins first.

As for the specific war situation, it is still that sentence – there is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unrighteous.

Daqin will surely win more people’s hearts and minds by doing business in the world.

At this time, most Western countries were still implementing tax rates of 30% to 50%. The farmer was very badly exploited.

And Daqin now has only a tax rate of 10%.

How could people living in poverty not support Daqin?

The trade route from Xianyang to the city of Nisa in the Rest Empire suddenly prospered.

When the trade route was first opened, many businessmen in Daqin knew that those who dared to challenge the first wave would often make a lot of money.

Although there are great risks, everyone is from troubled times, who has not encountered danger several times?

People who often go out to do business have long learned to protect themselves.

The first stop on the business road is Zhangye.

Shuangjing County is not the same now as before.

Before Shuangjing, most of the people living in Wusun were Wusun. The lifestyle is mainly nomadic.

However, after a long period of trade, the Wusun people gradually realized that grazing could hardly improve their livelihood. Many people began to learn from the Central Plains people, farming and doing business.

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