In the big cities everywhere, there are also some high castes who are unwilling to cooperate with Daqin.

They go around inciting the people with the intention of creating riots.

For this kind of person, Han Xin divided the army into dozens of thousand-man teams and searched everywhere.

Catch and kill, without mercy.

The reason why so many people, knowing that there is no hope, have been inciting the people to stand up and send them to death. It is because, behind them, on the Deccan plateau, there is also a state that exists.


King Zhuliya, also a descendant of Ashoka. In fact, he is the brother of the relish.

After the Peacock King Relic ascended the throne, the two brothers turned against each other. King Zhuliye separated his power from the Mauryan Dynasty.

With his army, he went south to conquer the barbarian tribes of the Deccan Plateau, thus establishing the state of Zhuliyeh.

The contradictions between the two brothers are irreconcilable because of their different beliefs.

From an early age, he followed his father, the old Peacock King, to practice Jaina.

However, the decision to leave was to follow the patriarch Ashoka and practice Buddhism.

Therefore, in the present-day country of Juriyah, it is a place where Buddhism flourishes.

The prosperity of Buddhism does not mean that it is not insidious, but it is good at using great light to confuse people.

King Zhuliye secretly sent a lot of spies into the territory of Tianzhu. Go around and contact those high-caste families and ask them to do things.

King Zhuliya told them that aliens were untrustworthy and that high castes had no future in Tianzhu.

However, if you achieve something, when you return to the Lord, you will be rewarded with heroic praise.

Zhuliya and the Mauryan dynasty, originally of the same origin.

Everyone who is poisonous knows the dispute between the two kings of that year. For Zhuliye, there is still a full sense of closeness.

It is also because of this that many families are said to be moved. Now while Daqin was going around pacifying the people, he quietly instigated behind his back.

For this situation, Han Xin and Li Zuoche hated their teeth itching.

The most annoying kind of person who makes small movements behind his back.

However, there are so many such people that they can’t be prevented!

Han Xin came to find Li Zuoche.

Li Zuoqian is a poison lieutenant, a righteous chief officer in the land of Tianzhu. Han Xin only led the army to help, which can be regarded as a guest army.

“Teacher, now in the high caste of the Poison Continent, he is making a lot of trouble. The reason behind this is just that Zhuliye is making trouble. In my opinion, why don’t we send troops directly and destroy the country of Zhuliye? ”

It is said that he gritted his teeth and looked murderous.

Li Zuoche looked at Han Xin and smiled.

With this powerful and matchless commander, in fact, there is no need to calculate too much, and it can be achieved directly.

There is no battle that Han Xin can’t win yet!

Li Zuoche really appreciates Han Xin. Therefore, the expectations and requirements for him are higher than others.

At this moment, he asked Han Xin.

“Although Tianzhu now has an army of 200,000, there are riots everywhere, and pacification is needed everywhere. I can only let you take 20,000 people to the conquest of Zhuliye, are you sure? ”

What Li Zuoche said was also the truth, but he only gave 20,000 troops, and he also deliberately made it difficult for Han Xin.

His kind of embarrassment is not to see Han Xin’s joke. It is a test for the teacher to the student.

If Han Xin dares to accept this challenge, his ability can be further improved.

The kingdom of Zhuliye was not as powerful as the Mauryan Dynasty, and there were only 100,000 troops in the country. _

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