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Just when everyone’s attention was on these six cavalry formations. Not far from the left flank of the Celtic army, suddenly caught fire!

It’s still early spring, and the new grass is still very low. The tall ones are dead grass in winter, and they are on fire when they see it.

Fortunately, the wind was not strong, and it did not suddenly form a burning trend.

But it was this fire that also startled the Celtics. If they are surrounded by fire, their hundreds of thousands of troops do not need to fight, and the living ones will be burned to death.

The commander immediately sent people to put out the fire and hunted down those who set the fire.

It was no one else who set the fire, it was none other than the five hundred elites who Yingteng arranged to lurk here.

These five hundred elites, specially waiting for the timing, is after the first wave of cavalry charges of the enemy!

The fire burned here and managed to attract the attention of the Celtic commander.

The five hundred elite immediately retreated, retreated to the edge of the mountain forest, and harassed the firefighters with their longbows.

Above the plain, there is nothing. The firefighters were not easy, and they had to dig soil on the ground to fight the fire. In this process, they are completely unprotected.

Attacked by the rain of arrows, he suddenly wailed.

If you want to bypass the fire to chase and kill those five hundred Great Qin elites, you need to take a long detour.

The fire gradually burned, and people and animals were incomparable.

The firefighters were also helpless about the fire.

Celtic commander, now faced with a choice –

Is it to lose the cavalry charging in front and let the army run quickly?

Or is the whole army pressed up, while dodging the grassland fire, while attacking the Qin army camp?

This steppe fire, the speed of spread at the moment. If you run immediately, most people may be able to escape. In that case, the six thousand cavalry in front would be completely destroyed.

If the whole army presses up to attack the Qin army camp. If it is conquered in one fell swoop, there is a small river behind the camp, and everyone can be saved.

But if it is not captured, the army of ten thousand will all turn into steppe roast sheep and be burned thoroughly.

It’s a dilemma.

The discomfort of the Celts is the comfort of Daqin.

Win the army, see the Celtics behind the threat of fire. Morale was boosted for a while.

The six thousand cavalry charging in front had only come to test the defense of the Daqin camp.

They didn’t expect at all, with these six thousand people, they would be able to break through the Qin army camp?

The first echelon of Celtic cavalry, before the fire burned, ran into trouble.

The sharp twigs all over the ground soaked the four hooves of the war horses under them, all of them were drenched in blood.

The momentum of the entire cavalry formation was slowed down.

These war horses are also good horses that have been in the battlefield for a long time, and they did not stop because of injuries to their four hooves. Still desperately rushing forward.

At the same time that their feet fell and stumbled, the rain of Daqin arrows fell all over the sky.

The heavy arrows used in the longbow are more than twice as thick as those used in the riding bow. The penetration is also terrifying.


The sound of heavy arrows sounding continuously, making these lonely cavalrymen and everyone feel chilled when they heard it.

They thought this was the scariest nightmare?

However, this is just the beginning of a nightmare!

Against the rain of arrows, urge the limp horse, and hold the charge strongly.

Waiting for them in front is the stumbling block hidden everywhere.

There are too many stumbling horses and too dense, and no one man can ride it over.

In this Asura field, they became living targets.

It was at this time that the fire behind grew stronger. _

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