The enemy was about to attack the city.

"Send my military order, attack the city!"

Ying Mo looked indifferent, too lazy to talk to Chen Ping any more.

Soon, the messenger passed on Ying Mo's order.


The attack horn sounded suddenly, and more than 13,000 troops began to stir.

A quarter of an hour later, the vanguard troops of the Qihuo Army began to line up, and launched large crossbows one after another, revealing their intention to attack the city.

Ying Mo's purpose was very clear, which was to take Xiang County as quickly as possible and wipe out the more than 10,000 rebels.

On the city wall, Chen Ping looked far away and observed the movements of the Qihuo Army.

I saw the large crossbows approaching slowly. After counting carefully, there were more than 200 of them.

Each large crossbow car had a huge wooden shield erected on it. It was almost impossible to shoot the crossbow soldiers!

Behind the crossbows were the infantrymen who were ready for battle.

They wore heavy armor and held shields, swords, spears and other weapons.

Moreover, they were wearing the heaviest black armor in the Qin Dynasty!

Chen Ping knew that in the Qin Dynasty, only the elite of the elite were qualified to wear this kind of black armor.

Seeing this, Chen Ping was shocked. He had no confidence in resisting the attack of the Qihuo Army.

But he didn't want to give up Xiang County, which he had just captured. He wanted to try!


As the giant crossbows pushed by the Qihuo Army soldiers gradually approached, when the distance was shortened to 300 steps, Chen Ping could clearly observe its structure.

These giant crossbows were not much different from the Qin crossbows he had seen. The only difference was that there was a thick wooden board in front of the giant crossbows.

This made it almost a luxury for people on the city wall to shoot the crossbow soldiers.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo!"

The flag was waved, and the crossbow soldiers of the Qihuo Army stopped three hundred steps away from the city gate.

Seeing this, Chen Ping cursed inwardly: "How cunning!"

Even the most powerful archers, standing on the city wall, could not shoot arrows three hundred steps away.

He could only watch the soldiers of the Qihuo Army adjust the crossbows and aim the arrows at them.


Accompanied by Ying Mo's order.

The messenger waved the flag.

The next moment!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The crossbow soldiers fired arrows at the city wall.

The arrows flew towards the city wall like a black mass of locusts.

Seeing this, Chen Ping cried out in shock: "Hide! Hide!"

At the same time!

He quickly shrank back and hid behind the city wall!

In the blink of an eye,

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He only felt as if there was a violent storm whistling above his head.


Screams came one after another.

Chen Ping looked up and saw arrows still whistling above his head.


There were hurried footsteps.


Under the cover of the crossbows, the infantry of the Qihuo Army was quickly charging towards the city gate.

Chen Ping was anxious but helpless.

After thinking for a moment,

Chen Ping snatched a shield from a soldier, stood up with the shield raised and shouted: "Brothers, stay calm, keep order, and when the arrows stop, we will quickly counterattack."

In order to let more soldiers hear his shouts, Chen Ping held the shield and walked quickly on the city wall, and carefully observed the movements of the beggars under the city.

Bang bang bang!

If Chen Ping was not a master-level peak warrior, he would never be able to walk with a shield!

Because there were no less than dozens of arrows densely inserted on the shield.

At such a close distance, the arrows shot by the bed crossbow were so powerful.

Not long.

The whistling arrows above his head gradually decreased, and Chen Ping carefully stuck his head out to observe.

When he found that the vanguard of the Qihuo Army had already reached the city wall, Chen Ping shouted: "Shoot!"

Accompanying Chen Ping's order, the archers who had been prepared for a long time fired at the city.


The screams continued.

Many Qihuo Army soldiers who were charging were shot by arrows and fell in a pool of blood.

But at this moment!

The ladders of the Qihuo Army's arrows had already been placed on the city wall, as solid as a rock.

Seeing this, Chen Ping shouted: "Prepare the pounding stones!"

Before he finished speaking. Several soldiers on the city wall who were responsible for throwing rolling logs and pounding stones nervously carried a few pounding stones and placed them on the throwing spoon of the catapult.

Seeing that everything was ready, Chen Ping gave an order: "Shoot!"

Dozens of pounding stones were thrown down from the top of the city, smashing outside the city wall like a mountain crushing an egg, and instantly there was a scream from the city.

Chen Ping shouted again: "Prepare the gold juice!"

This is

Chen Ping temporarily collected things,

Speech finished!

Two soldiers lifted a large pot from the fire with iron rods, which was filled with boiling manure juice and smelled foul.

Chen Ping quickly looked down at the ladder and found that many generals of the beggar army were climbing up the ladder.

He shouted: "Golden juice, pour!"

The two soldiers heard the words, lifted the pot, and carried it to the top of the parapet with difficulty.

The iron pot suddenly poured, and the boiling manure juice poured down like the Yellow River bursting its banks, and sprinkled like a waterfall.

A strong stench spread, and miserable screams came one after another.

The three or four beggar soldiers climbing on the cloud ladder, as well as some beggar soldiers under the cloud ladder, were all covered with boiling manure juice, and immediately fell to the ground with screams, rolling on the ground, and making inhuman howls.

Even a few beggar soldiers holding large shields could not escape.

Seeing this, Ying Mo didn't expect Chen Ping to use such a vicious method.

He raised his eyes slightly, turned to Xu Chu and said: "Xu Chu, you go and break the city gate."

Xu Chu nodded after hearing this. "Yes, my lord!"

Before he finished speaking,

Xu Chu flew away like an arrow from a bow.


But in the blink of an eye, Xu Chu had already appeared more than 20 steps away!

He jumped quickly, and his speed was many times faster than that of a galloping warhorse!

A master of the Grandmaster level, ordinary arrows can't hurt him at all.

In an instant!

Xu Chu came to the gate of Xiang County like a flying bird.

"Get out of the way!"

Xu Chu shouted loudly, like a thunderclap from the ground.

In a moment!

He raised his long sword in his right hand and shouted, "Break!"

Before he finished speaking,

the long sword suddenly swung down towards the city gate, just like a giant sword falling from the sky, accompanied by the whirring blue flames, and went straight to the city gate.

In an instant!

There was a loud noise, deafening.

The heavy city gate exploded with a sound, turning into countless wood chips flying everywhere.


Xu Chu roared, waving his long sword and rushing into the city like an empty space!

The soldiers of the Qihuo Army who were originally near the city gate also rushed in like wolves and tigers.



The sound of weapons and screams came one after another!

Xu Chu was like a god of death, and no one could stop his steps wherever he went.

Puff puff puff!


Puff puff puff!

The sound of the blade cutting through the skin, the screams, and the sound of blood flying were intertwined, like a thrilling symphony. On the city wall.

Chen Ping saw Xu Chu rushing towards the city gate like a sharp sword, and a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As a master-level peak expert, he knew that unless there was a warrior at the late stage of the grand master level or above,


It would be a foolish dream to want to open the city gate with brute force!

But a loud bang completely stunned Chen Ping!


Chen Ping did not hesitate at all!

He never dreamed that Ying Mo would be accompanied by a grand master-level peak expert in attacking the city!

Too shameless!


That grand master-level peak warrior had no manners and was willing to be a soldier to break the door.


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