The battle was over, and the battle was over.

There is no doubt that Lü Bu was a superior warrior, but his military strategy was indeed lacking!

An hour later,

Lü Bu summoned his troops and prepared to attack Wuyuan City.

In the villages outside Didao County, he saw the people who were eaten by the Huns and their bones were piled up. His anger towards the Huns was like a volcanic eruption, which definitely exceeded his hatred for his adoptive father.

At this time,

The captain of the Northern Liang Army walked up to Lü Bu and said, "General, the lord said that if we encounter a large number of Huns, let me give this to you."

As the captain spoke, he took out a brocade bag from his arms.

Seeing this, Lu Bu was stunned at first, then glared at the captain, took the brocade bag and opened it.

In an instant,

Lu Bu's eyes sparkled like stars, and then a smile appeared on his face.

"My lord is truly the best man in the history, who can truly make plans and win thousands of miles away!"

Before he finished speaking,

the captain and all the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army were at a loss.

Lu Bu was too lazy to explain, and said sternly: "Get off the horse and rest, and then attack at night."

After speaking,

the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army were stunned again.

At this moment,

Ma Muyou and Tuoba Lu in Wuyuan City were like ants on a hot pot, pacing anxiously at the gate of the city!

They ambushed 5,000 elite soldiers on the east and west sides five miles away from Wuyuan City.

As long as Lu Bu dared to attack Wuyuan City, it would be like falling into a bottomless abyss, and he would be surrounded by the Hun army.

By then, even if Lu Bu had three heads and six arms, he would probably not be able to escape.

At this moment,

A scout came from outside the city like lightning: "General, the Qin people are coming!"

Upon hearing this, Mamuyou and Tuoba Lu's eyes suddenly sparkled like stars in the night sky!

They both shouted in their hearts, great, the Qin people are coming!

Mamuyou suddenly stood up and shouted: "Pass the order, prepare for battle!"

A quarter of an hour!

Two quarters of an hour!

Mamuyou's previous excitement turned into impatience and then became irritable!

An hour later.

Mamuyou couldn't bear it anymore!

He was so angry that he was fuming: "Come here, bring me the scout who just delivered the message!"

Not long after.

The scout who just delivered the message was brought to Mamuyou.

His legs were shaking like sifting bran.

In the Xiongnu, people at the bottom must not make mistakes, because making mistakes means embarking on the road to death.

"Asshole, you said the Qin people are coming, where are they?"

"I have been waiting here for more than an hour, but I didn't even see a hair of the Qin people."

Ma Muyou's voice became louder and louder, like thunder.

He became more and more angry as he spoke.

Da Da Da!

He walked to the side of the scout in two steps and raised his hand to give him two loud slaps.

Pa Pa!

The crisp sound of slaps echoed in the air, making the other Xiongnu soldiers shudder.

But how could two slaps calm Ma Muyou?

Ma Muyou stared at the scout fiercely and said angrily:

"You lied about military intelligence and deserve to die."

Before he finished speaking.


Ma Muyou drew out his scimitar, and the scout's head rolled to the ground like a ball.

Blood splashed everywhere like a fountain, and Mamuyou's face and body were stained red.


Mamuyou threw his scimitar on the ground and walked towards his yurt angrily.

Seeing this, Tuoba Lu turned to the two Xiongnu soldiers and said, "Take his body down and pickle it. Don't waste it."

The two soldiers quickly responded, "Yes!"


Tuoba Lu hurriedly caught up with Mamuyou.

Not long after,

there were laughter and sobbing sounds from Mamuyou's yurt again.

Night fell slowly, covering the earth like a black curtain.

Mamuyou and Tuoba Lu had already drunk and staggered, unconscious.

Not far from them, several Qin women were sobbing softly, like a few faint stars twinkling in the night sky.

At this time,

ten miles away, Lu Bu was quickly gathering troops.

With Ying Mo's reminder, Lu Bu's mind seemed to be lit up, becoming sharp and intelligent.

He sent scouts to inquire about the situation around Wuyuan City.

"General, there are 5,000 Hun troops less than five miles east of Wuyuan City!"

"General, there are also 5,000 Hun troops less than five miles west of Wuyuan City!"

Hearing the reports from the two scouts, Lu Bu was shocked.

If it weren't for Ying Mo's help at the critical moment, I'm afraid I would have

He had already been surrounded by the Xiongnu.

By then,

Even if he could break out of the encirclement, the soldiers of the Northern Liang Army would inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Lu Bu pondered for a moment.


His eyes suddenly opened and he said sternly:

"Brothers, let's attack the Xiongnu on the east side first!"

"Let's go!"

With Lu Bu's order, eight hundred people rushed towards the east side of Wuyuan City like a surging tide.

The reason for choosing the east side is that it is closer to Daqin, and you can run away if you can't beat them!

In the open area on the east side of Wuyuan City, the one who was ordered to ambush here was the captain Mohami.

At night on the grassland, there are as many mosquitoes as cow hairs.

At this moment, Mohami and the Xiongnu soldiers were bitten by mosquitoes and their faces were full of lumps, and they were miserable.

"General, it's been four or five hours, and there's no signal. Have the Qin people escaped?"

The speaker was Lu Haha, Mohami's trusted centurion.

Mohami was also very angry at the moment. He raised his hand to slap the mosquitoes in front of him and complained: "Who knows where the Qin people are!"

"Without the general's order, we have to stay here even if we are bitten to death by mosquitoes."

Lu Haha sighed: "General, the Qin people are not stupid. They know that Wuyuan City has 30,000 troops. How could they attack again with only a few hundred people? That's not courting death!"

As soon as these words came out.

Mohami frowned: "General, too. The Qin people ran away and didn't even send someone to notify us!"

Just then,

Da Da Da!

A burst of rapid horse hoof sounds broke the tranquility of the night.

Mohami was stunned, and then smiled.

"Here they come. Just now they said the general would not send anyone, but now they come!"

"It seems that the Qin people have been scared away."

Mohami thought the visitor was someone sent by Mamuyu to inform him to go back.

After all, the Qin people didn't know he was here at all, and he never thought that the person coming here would be Lu Bu and others.

And at this time, they were all lying lazily on the ground to rest.


Mohami had an ominous premonition in his heart!

As men on the grassland, they were born with the ability to distinguish numbers by sound.

He frowned and looked at Lu Haha: "How many Qin people did you say just now?"

Mohami's sudden question made Lu Haha stunned, and he replied in confusion: "Six or seven hundred people!"

As soon as these words came out, Mohami was shocked.


He quickly stood up and shouted loudly: "The Qin people are here, get ready for battle!"

Lu Bu originally planned to sneak attack them, so he didn't speak.

Hearing Mohami's shout, he no longer concealed and immediately shouted: "Kill!"

Then, he shouted again: "Charge once, kill and run!"


Lv Bu rushed towards the Huns like a flash of lightning!

These Huns had been here for four or five hours, and some of them were already confused.

Suddenly hearing the shout, they hadn't reacted yet,

And at this time,

Lv Bu had already killed them.

Puff puff puff!

With a wave of Fang Tian Hua Ji, three heads fell to the ground instantly.

Lv Bu's speed was as fast as the wind, and Fang Tian Hua Ji was waved like a windmill.

Puff puff puff!

One by one, the Huns were killed by Lu Bu while they were confused.

Mohami saw this and was furious: "Surround them!"

Before he finished speaking,

Mohami waved his scimitar and pounced on Lu Bu like a tiger.

At this time,

Under the leadership of Lu Bu, the 800 Beiliang soldiers had completed a charge and rushed out of the encirclement of 5,000 Xiongnu soldiers.


Lu Bu turned his horse around, and the rest of the Beiliang soldiers also turned their horses around.


Lu Bu raised his Fang Tian Hua Ji, as mighty as a god of war.

At this time,

Mohami rushed towards Lu Bu like a hungry wolf.

"Qin people, die!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Mohami's scimitar made a sharp whistling sound in the wind.

The next moment!



Following a crisp collision, there was a sound of metal breaking.


The Fang Tian Hua Ji chopped down like lightning, and Mohami's head flew in the air like a kite with a broken string.


Lu Bu was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep,

Puff puff puff!

Wherever he passed, blood flowed like a river!

In just a quarter of an hour,

the Xiongnu soldiers were completely stunned by the Northern Liang army.

Lu Bu originally wanted to charge back and forth once and then withdraw, but he was overjoyed to see this situation.

"Soldiers, kill!"

He roared, and the sound shook the sky.

Whoosh whoosh!

The Fang Tian Hua Ji flew up and down, killing the enemy like chopping melons and vegetables, and blood fell in the sky like a torrential rain, and the Xiongnu soldiers fell one after another like harvested crops.

Seeing this, the rest of the Xiongnu soldiers fled everywhere.



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