The enemy was exhausted.

"Aren't the Qin people tired?"

"They have been fighting for such a long time, and they are attacking again."

King Huyue thought to himself!

But he didn't say it.

"Prepare for battle!"

King Huyue prepared to make a final struggle!

He didn't want to give up Huashi City unless it was absolutely necessary!

At this moment!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The dense arrows flew towards Huashi City like locusts.

On the walls of Huashi City, the soldiers screamed in fear. They tried to block them with shields, but the arrows were like rain and impenetrable. The fortifications on the city wall were destroyed in an instant, and the soldiers fell one after another, and the defense line of Huashi City began to collapse.

King Huyue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He looked at the Qin army that was surging like a tide outside the city, and his heart was full of despair.

He knew that this time, Huashi City really couldn't be defended.


King Huyue ordered loudly, but his voice seemed so weak in the chaos.

However, the Qin army's attack did not stop because of this. They were like hungry beasts, smelling the smell of blood, and rushed forward more frantically.

The gate of Huashi City was shaky under the fierce impact of the Qin army. Finally, the gate was knocked open and the Qin army poured in like a flood.

King Huyue looked at the fallen soldiers around him, and his heart was broken.

He knew that this war had doomed his and Huashi City's fate.

King Huyue's eyes turned cold, and he was ready to go down and kill the Qin army's main general before leaving!

At this moment,

A figure suddenly appeared in front of him. It was a middle-aged man holding a snake-head cane, with a firm light in his eyes.

"King Huyue, your resistance is meaningless, surrender!"

Who else could it be if it wasn't Ouyang Feng!

King Huyue was shocked!

But he was still not ready to give up!

"Who are you? Judging from your clothes, you should be from the Western Regions. Why do you want to help the Qin people?"

"Do you know that the Qin people are destroying the Western Regions?"

Ouyang Feng sneered when he heard this: "What do the Western Regions have to do with me?"

"Now you just need to tell me your choice."

"Surrender or not!"

King Huyue was furious!

"Damn it! You must have been brainwashed by the Qin people!"

"It is said that the Qin people are best at brainwashing people. Now it seems that their reputation is well-deserved."

Ouyang Feng has lost his patience.


The figure flashed and appeared in front of King Huyue!

He stretched out a palm and gently pressed it on the chest of the Moon Guardian King. The Moon Guardian King's face turned pale instantly, as if a huge mountain was pressing on him, making him unable to move at all.

Ouyang Feng's eyes were as cold as a star, and his voice was low and majestic: "What is your choice?"

The Moon Guardian King struggled to raise his head, his eyes full of struggle and unwillingness: "I... I can't surrender!"

Ouyang Feng smiled slightly, as if he had already expected this result.

As soon as he loosened his palm, the Moon Guardian King retreated suddenly like a released spring and hit the wall behind him.

Ouyang Feng's figure disappeared again,

The next moment,

He was already standing behind the Moon Guardian King, his voice was still calm and indifferent: "Since you have made a choice, don't regret it."

As soon as the voice fell,

He slapped out with a palm, and a sharp palm wind swept out instantly, covering the entire Moon Guardian King.

The Moon Guardian King only had time to let out a scream before he was blown back by the palm wind and hit the wall in the distance.

Ouyang Feng's figure reappeared in the original place. He glanced coldly at the Moon Guardian King who was lying on the ground.



Ouyang Feng jumped down from the city wall and disappeared!

The Moon Guardian King struggled to sit up. He gasped for breath, his eyes full of fear and despair.

He knew that he had completely lost this time.

The power of the Qin people had become so strong that even the strong men in the Western Regions were willing to work for them.

The Moon Guardian King's heart was filled with regret and unwillingness.



A mouthful of blood gushed out of the Moon Guardian King's mouth!

"This is the strange poisonous Gu La Tiao from the Western Regions!"

After saying that!

The Moon Guardian King died of suffocation!

"The king is dead!"

"The king is dead!"

A soldier of the Maurya Dynasty saw this and cried out in shock!


All the soldiers on the wall knew that King Huyue was dead!

Hula la!

All the soldiers began to flee!

At this time,

Wei Wuzu pushed the siege vehicle and hit it violently.

The city gate.

Because there were no soldiers from the Maurya Dynasty to stop them!


A loud bang sounded.

The gate of the city of Pataliputra collapsed.

The soldiers who had fled couldn't help but roared when they saw this.

"It's over! The city gate is broken!"

The next moment!

The densely packed Wei Wuzu soldiers waved their spears and entered in a line!


With the order of the general, the Wei Wuzu poured into the city like a tide.

The soldiers of the Maurya Dynasty had already been defeated and fled in all directions, and the city was in chaos.

The Wei Wuzu waved their weapons and chased the fleeing enemy.

At this moment!

Ashoka, the prince of the Maurya Dynasty, had received the news!

He made a prompt decision and quickly left the palace with a few imperial guards!

As soon as Ashoka left, the entire palace fell into panic.

The maids screamed and fled everywhere, while the eunuchs were busy packing up their valuables and preparing to flee.

"Defend the palace!"

A loyal guard captain waved his sword and led a team of guards to resist the Wei Wuzu.

However, under the fierce attack of the Wei Wuzu, they were quickly dispersed.

The guard captain fought hard, but eventually fell in a pool of blood.

The Wei Wuzu rushed into the palace,

The treasures and luxurious furnishings in the palace were in full view before their eyes.

But at this moment,

The eyes of these Wei Wuzu were only killing and conquering. They were like tigers descending from the mountains, and nothing could stop them.

The queens and princesses of the Maurya Dynasty, as well as the royal nobles, gathered in a hall deep in the palace in fear.

They knew that the iron hoofs of the Wei Wuzu were close at hand, but they had nowhere to escape, and could only hope that the loyal guards could delay for some time.


The Wei Wuzu's offensive was as fierce as a storm, and they quickly broke through the guards' defense line and entered the hall.

The queen and princesses screamed, trying to find a glimmer of hope in the chaos.

But in this battlefield of blood and fire, their fate had already been determined.

Wu Qi walked into the hall, his eyes swept over the terrified royal family.

He waved his hand, signaling his men to stop killing.


He walked up to the queen and said in a cold voice: "The Maurya Dynasty has perished, and you will disappear with it."

The queen closed her eyes in despair, she knew that the fate of herself and her daughters could not be changed.

But she still held on to a glimmer of hope and pleaded with Wu Qi: "Please let my daughters go, they are innocent."

Wu Qi snorted coldly: "If you don't cut the grass at the root, it will grow again in the spring breeze!"


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