"What's going on?" Ying Zheng stared at Zhao Gao.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I and General Zhao Honghai searched the Sixth Young Master's house but couldn't find the jade pendant, so I went back to interrogate the servant who had been there before."

"I told him that there was no jade pendant in the Sixth Young Master's house. The servant was startled at first, and I immediately I decided that this person was lying. After repeated interrogation by the servants, he finally confessed. "

"It turned out that this person was a remnant of the Mohist school. He had been hiding in the palace for many years. He just happened to pass by the imperial study and found that there was no one in the imperial study. He quietly stole the jade pendant and buried it under a big tree outside the imperial study."

As he spoke, Zhao Gao took out the jade pendant and presented it to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng looked at the jade pendant and waved his hand, saying, "Put this back. Let him be executed by slow slicing!"



In the study room in the backyard of the county governor's mansion.

Wang Jian, Wei Liao, Feng Quji, and Li Si sat in front of the tea table with worried brows.

Although Wei Liao had decided to report the matter to Ying Zheng, they happened to meet Wang Jian when they were about to leave the prefectural governor's mansion. After knowing the matter, Wang Jian stopped them.

"General Wang, why are you ? "

Wei Liao couldn't figure it out. Although Wang Jian and Zhao Gao were not enemies, everyone in the court knew that Wang Jian didn't like Zhao Gao.

Now the assassin who assassinated Hu Hai said that this matter was related to Zhao Gao, but Wang Jian actually stopped him.

Wang Jian sighed: "I just saw your Majesty and found that your Majesty looked pale. The incident with Master Hu Hai was a great blow to your Majesty. If I report this to your Majesty at this time, I am afraid that your Majesty will not be able to bear it."

As soon as these words came out, Wei Liao, Feng Quji, Li Si became serious.

They all knew very well that

Daqin looked stable, but that was because Ying Zheng was still alive. If Ying Zheng died, Daqin would be plagued by internal and external troubles.

At that time, there would be great suffering.

"Old General, what are you going to do?" Feng Quji asked. Wang Jian raised his hand and stroked his graying beard. "After all, this matter has not been confirmed yet, and it is very likely to sow discord. If Zhao I believe that Zhao Gao and the remnants of the six kingdoms joined forces to kill the six princes, but now it is Prince Hu Hai who is dead, and Zhao Gao will never kill Prince Hu Hai. "

"In my opinion, first save this person and release the news. If Zhao Gao really If he joins forces with the remnants of the six kingdoms and knows there are still survivors, he will definitely send someone to kill this person. "

Hearing Wang Jian's words, several people nodded.


Zhao Gao returned to the study room of the mansion and sat at the desk. Before.

He was pondering Ying Mo's words.

That's right!

Zhao Gao still didn't believe Ying Mo.

He was thinking about how to control Ying Mo.

Ying Mo is different from Hu Hai.

Hu Hai and him have a teacher-student relationship, and Hu Hai is very dependent on him.

Zhao Gao is not worried at all about Hu Hai's rise to power, but Ying Mo is different.

Ying Mo is powerless now. But some people become completely different once they are in power.

Zhao Gao knew very well that if Ying Mo became the king of Qin.

Wang Jian and the Wang family would definitely support him, and Li Si would also support him.

With the support of these two people, Ying Mo could have just abandoned him.

After thinking about it,

Zhao Gao thought of someone.


One of the three top assassins of Luowang, and the only one still alive.

"Ada, notify Nichang and ask her to return quickly Xianyang City, we have something for her to do."


As soon as Ada left, Aer hurried in.

"Master, I just got the news that there are survivors of the remnants of the Chu State."

Zhao Gao was stunned."Do you know who it is?"

A Er shook his head: "I don't know. Wang Jian and Wei Liao invited the best doctors in Xianyang City to treat him."

Zhao Gao half-closed his eyes, and it looked like he had his eyes closed. .

Through the tiny gap, Zhao Gao's eyes could be seen rolling again and again.

"A'er, this may be Wang Jian's strategy to lure the enemy. Wang Jian is an old fox who is well versed in the art of war. We must not act rashly." "Yes!"

Zhao Gao blinked.

"Send someone to keep a close eye on this matter, and report to our family immediately if there is any news."


After Ah Er left, Zhao Gao raised his hand and rubbed his temple. Zhao Gao was also troubled by so many things happening within a short period of time.

The only thing worth mentioning is that Ying Mo agreed to cooperate with him.

At the same time, Wang's army was marching into the city in a mighty manner.

As soon as they entered the city, they headed straight for the South City. The southern part of Xianyang City was where Ying Zheng was placed under house arrest.

The place where the nobles of the six countries lived.


screams and cries rang out,

scared passers-by away one after another,


Teams of nobles from the six countries were handcuffed and shackled and escorted out of the place where they had lived before,

the team was very long and continuous.

For a while,

the prison in Xianyang City was overcrowded.

Confucian Hall.

The old nest of Confucianism, the holy land of Confucian scholars.

At this moment!

In the study of Fu Niansheng in the backyard of the Confucian Hall.

The great Confucian scholar Chunyu Yue, the head of Confucianism Fu Niansheng, the second in command Yan Lu, and the third in command Zhang Liang were discussing matters.

"Head, what is the tyrant going to do? Is he going to kill all the nobles of the six countries?"

Chun Yuyue said angrily.

As a doctor of the Qin Dynasty, Chun Yuyue was qualified to participate in the morning court and often contradicted Ying Zheng at the morning court.

In particular, he encouraged Fusu to submit a petition for the feudal system, which completely angered Ying Zheng.

Not only did he banish Fusu to Longxi County to build the Great Wall, but he was also dismissed from his position as a doctor.


Chunyu Yue was particularly concerned about this matter.

Fu Niansheng frowned.

There were no less than 100,000 nobles from the six countries in Xianyang City. Could it be that Ying Zheng killed all 100,000 people just because the remnants of the six countries assassinated Ying Zheng in the royal hunting ground?

Fu Niansheng thought it was impossible.

Over the years, the remnants of the six countries have attempted to assassinate Ying Zheng many times, but Ying Zheng did not vent his anger on the nobles of the six countries who were under house arrest in Xianyang City. This time was too abnormal.

"Zifang, what do you think about this?"

Zhang Liang was also confused.

Although he hated Ying Zheng to the core, he knew Ying Zheng very well. He would never vent his anger on the nobles of the six countries because of the royal hunting ground, unless there was something they didn't know.

"Master, it's best for Confucianism not to participate in this matter. I feel that the tyrant must have a conspiracy."

As soon as the voice fell, Fu Niansheng nodded.

Last time, Ying Zheng wanted to drive Confucianism out of Xianyang City. It has only been more than a year. If Confucianism runs into Ying Zheng's gun again, Confucianism may really not be able to gain a foothold in Xianyang City.

"Zifang, when have you been so timid?"

"In such a good opportunity, if Confucianism does not speak for the people of the world, how can Confucianism lead the scholars of the world?"

Chun Yuyue said with great sorrow.

Zhang Liang raised his eyes slightly several times, but did not answer.


Yan Lu, who rarely spoke, spoke.

"Master, Mr. Chun, Zilu thinks we should not participate in this matter."

As soon as this was said,

Fu Niansheng, Chun Yuyue, and Zhang Liang all looked at Yan Lu.


Fu Niansheng asked.

"Over the years, your majesty has been very tolerant of Confucianism, even though Confucianism has repeatedly angered your majesty."

"Last time, your majesty wanted to drive Confucianism out of Xianyang City, but under pressure from students, your majesty endured it."

"This time, your majesty arrested all the nobles of the six countries because they killed Master Hu Hai."

"Think about it, Master Hu Hai is your majesty's successor. Although he is not the only one, Master Hu Hai is very likely to be the successor. This is equivalent to killing the heir of the Qin Dynasty. Anyone would be angry."

As soon as Yan Lu finished speaking, Fu Niansheng and others were silent.

After a long time, Chunyu Yue said unwillingly.

"Even so, do we have to kill 100,000 people?"

"The tyrant is incompetent. If he is a wise monarch, this matter will definitely be investigated and the relevant people will be killed."

Chunyu Yue said speciously.

Fu Niansheng pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps this is an opportunity for Confucianism."

When this was said, everyone was shocked.

The first person to react was Zhang Liang.

"The headmaster means that as long as we save these people, they will definitely be grateful to Confucianism. In this way, scholars all over the world will regard Confucianism as the top of all schools of thought."

Fu Niansheng nodded.

"This matter has been decided. Mr. Chun, you are responsible for contacting Confucian scholars."



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