Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

141: Ancestral Dragon's Map, Steam 8 Profits (crazy for subscription!)

141: Ancestral Dragon's Map, Steam Eight Profits (crazy for subscription!)

With the addition of several powerful mariners from the Daqin Building, the efficiency of the supervisor of the Ministry of Industry and the Shaofu has been greatly improved.

And Song Yingxing rushed to Shennong Valley with some of his men after drawing the design drawings. He had to mine some coal mines first, otherwise it would be useless.

Su Qing has been monitoring all of this remotely. The chemical reaction between Gong Shuqiu and Song Yingxing was beyond his expectations. He didn't expect them to cooperate so well.

As for the steam engine that Qin Huang spent a lot of energy points to exchange before, the exchange of these points is not a loss at all, because the steam engine will never be outdated.

His fuel has been escalating, but his principle application, - is always there.

Su Qing knew how lofty Zulong's ideal was, otherwise he would not have hollowed out the treasury for a steam engine.

The invention and application of the steam engine changed the whole world in a short period of time. Without the appearance of Su Qing, it is estimated that the feudal society would never have used the steam engine.

As the first emperor is now listed in the memorial, his national fortune is closely related to this small steam engine!

Learning and applying, Su Qing watched Zulong list them one by one.

1. Promote the innovation of the transportation industry. The application of steam power has fundamentally changed the face of transportation technology, which directly led to the invention of steam locomotives and ships, and led to the emergence of railways!

So Ying Zheng's idea should be to use iron ore to prepare a railway near Xianyang???

This is not impossible, the principle of the train is not too difficult.

The steamboat built by the American Fulton opened a new era in the history of world shipping. The steam locomotive made by Stephenson of the Y country opened a new era of land transportation.

After the 1840s, there was a boom in railway construction in country Y. The United States, France, Germany, Russia and other countries also started to build railways, and soon a national railway network was formed. It provided a faster and more convenient way for social production and people to communicate. condition.

Ying Zheng obviously took a fancy to this. Now that Xianyang is vast, if there are trains or cars, it will definitely be a good thing for transportation.

2. To drive the development of the industrial economy is simply to make money.

3. Promote the rise of the thirty-six counties, which is what will happen after the first two points are achieved.

History tells the First Emperor that the widespread use of steam engines led to the maturity of the machine technology system and the increase in the number of various industrial organizations. Industrial technology and machine production gathered in cities, absorbing a large number of agricultural population into cities, and urbanization in the modern sense began. process.

Since the 19th century, the number of cities and towns and the urban population in Y country have increased very rapidly. A large number of modern cities have sprung up, and the urbanization movement has accelerated, which has promoted the economic and cultural exchanges between urban and rural areas.

In the mid-19th century, the serfdom reform in Russia, the westward movement and civil war in M, and the destruction of the Wall of Will, all proved that the thirty-six counties would become the main source of productivity in the future.

After reading "Up and Down Five Thousand Years", the first emperor has long been no longer the thought of emphasizing agriculture and neglecting business. Agriculture is the foundation, and business is the capital for a strong country to rule hegemony. It is a powerful county for business, and the arrival of the steam era can achieve this purpose.

4. Promote the development of productive forces.

The application of the steam engine is a great breakthrough for human beings to understand and utilize the natural force, and it is the second revolution that conquered the natural force after the primitive society conquered the fire.

It has changed the history of human beings, animal power, and water power as the main power, made various machines have new powerful power, fundamentally changed the face of production, and improved labor efficiency.

At this point, the First Emperor needs to take it slow, otherwise the pressure on the Duke to lose revenge all of a sudden will be too much, and he will not be able to bear it.

5. Promote the progress of production methods.

6. It has caused a change in the social structure. The first emperor is not worried at all. In this era of centralization, as long as he has faith, he will not be defeated by the new class. He is Zulong!!

7. To speed up the process of world integration, for Shi Huangdi, it is to speed up the pace of unification of the world, this is his gluttonous grand plan. His goal has never been just the Western Regions, not just the Eastern Region... but everything that can be seen on the world map!

Eight, the world pattern will always be headed by the East, who will compete when the steam comes out!!!

Ying Zheng regarded these eight benefits as his future goals on the chopping board, always reminding himself what to do next with the steam engine, this is his grand ambition!

"System, what is listed here is feasible?"

Su Qing: "It's feasible, it's just a matter of time."

He deliberately clicked the time, because the first emperor's lifespan showed that there were still 310 days, and these great achievements required the time of the craftsman, and even the time of Ying Zheng!

··For flowers....

Not all emperors are as drastic as Ying Zheng. Ninety-nine percent of the emperors are content with the status quo and solve problems only when they have something to do. There are too few people like the first emperor who have nothing to do.

So, all this needs more life to support.

Sure enough, after being told this by the system, Ying Zheng quickly summoned Feng Quji and Wang Wan to inquire about the Daqin treasury.

Krypton gold can increase life expectancy, and he hopes his treasury will always be full!

It turned out that it was pitiful, and it was not as good as the value of my own Tai Ajian...

According to Feng Quji's statement, Zulong's previous practice of fighting to support war did fill a wave of the treasury, but then the Great Wall, Epang Palace, Qin Shi Huang's Mausoleum, and Xu Fu went out to sea to find the elixir of death...


As a result, the money in the national treasury disappeared like running water.

Of course, this was only the part he knew, and he only dared to say when he met Ying Zheng alone that it would be great to let the ministers know that the treasury of the thriving Daqin Empire was exhausted.

"Okay, I understand, as for Xu Fu's money, I will let him pay back double, oh no, ten times!

After hearing this, Ying Zheng was not in a hurry. What Wang Wan and Prime Minister Feng Quji could see was only part of it, and it was enough that they could control Daqin's business now.

However, after hearing Xu Fu, they roared in a cold voice, which made Wang Wan and the two feel that if Xu Fu dared to appear in front of His Majesty, that would be the real impossibility of dying.

It's just, it seems to see His Majesty's recent meaning, does he know where Xu Fu is?

Seems to be in the East?

Hearing from Meng Yi, His Majesty already knew where Xu Fu was, and he even printed out a world map. This is a treasure, and Feng Quji wanted to see it.

And now that His Majesty is building ships so frantically, is this the rhythm of taking the shipowner's tour?

But he didn't dare to ask more, and Ying Zheng gave him a task next.

That is, on the day when the seven-day pact with Song Yingxing was reached, they called the officials to go to the Shaofu to gather together, and then ordered the army to prepare shovels and baskets for them.

"Your Majesty?" After Wang Wan, Zulong asked his ministers to farm the land again, so he couldn't help laughing.

Ying Zheng: "I want them to witness a miracle. 99

(PS: The next one is coming!! Please subscribe!!) Work.

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