Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 1 - New Desire

Alexander rode his horse white lighting down the hills of his kingdom. He enjoyed the night breeze as it hits his skin as he rode like a cold kiss from the wind. He rode at a speed of lightning like the name of his horse. He felt a rush while riding which made him go even faster.

It was during the night that he could get the chance to go out and explore different places of his kingdom and he loved it. Due to the curse that was put on him as a child where he turns into a dragon during the day. He can't see his beautiful kingdom under the beauty of the sun. The King had built a castle for him with a big room that can hold his dragon self.

He has grown used to being a dragon but he sure wished he could watch his kingdom under the sun. The last time he went out during the day he almost burnt down the whole kingdom and hence the king had forbidden him from leaving the castle. He was always free to do as he pleased during the night.

To make life easier for his son the king made a rule that the people of Arimelari would do their work at night and sleep during the day. That way his son would not miss much of life. The people had no choice but to agree out of fear of the king and the dragon prince.

The people feared the dragon prince and stayed away from him. They were afraid that he might burn them to ashes if they wronged him so it was of at most importance that his wishes were met at all times.

Arimelari overtime was called the moonlight kingdom by outsiders who witnessed its change. The kingdom was more active at night than during the day. The market places were lively and full at night and sometimes empty during the day. It was difficult at first for the people to adjust to the changes but once they got used to it everything ran smoothly.

The night in the kingdom was so bright than the day, you could see everything and that was due to the fire crystals in the kingdom. The fire crystals are made by the prince's dragon fire. They not only provide light but also give warmth. They were mainly found in Arimelari and were sold to other kingdoms at very high prices.


The prince raced down the hill and stopped at the edge of the river. He got off the horse and walked while it followed behind him. He came here to find a rare plant that grew in that area for his research. He has been looking for ways to cure himself of the curse and each day he tries a different portion. He walked quietly as to not spook the creatures that lived in the forest. For some reason they never attack him, it is as if they can sense the dragon in him and stay away.

As a child, he once came face to face with a lion but instead of the lion attacking as he expected, it ran away from him. He left lightning behind knowing the horse will wait for him and went deep into the forest to find the plant. He looked around but could not seem to find it anywhere.

He kept going deeper and deeper into the forest but with no luck. He got thirsty and went by the river to have a drink of water. He got to the river and took a sip of water, he saw some clothes at the river bank not far away from him and went to take a look. He picked the clothes up and took in the scent of clothes. It smelled mostly like herbs and nature, the smell was nice and calming to him.

He kept the clothes back on top of the stone and went to find their owner. It was very rare that he met someone so deep in the forbidden forest. This place was full of magical creatures that would destroy a human in seconds and someone dared to take a bath in the forbidden river.

The river was poisonous and the only reason he drinks from it was that he was immune to poison. He walked at the river bank looking for the owner of the clothes. His sharp eyes caught some movements in the water and stopped. The person was swimming under the water so he could not tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

He watched the beautiful movements the person made. It was like a mermaid swimming in the water. He thought and sneered. The person emerged from the water and was visible to the prince. The boy stood in front of the prince and displayed his perfect features to him. He had no idea he was being watched and stood straight without any clothes. The prince couldn't take his eyes off the boy, his eyes traced every inch of him as he walked out of the water.

He got dressed and went away in the opposite direction. Alexander was left confused, he was married to seven women and enjoyed their company. But for the first time he found a new desire, he felt the need to possess that man and make him his.

He got back to lightning and mounted him and rode him home. He thought of the man all the way home. He cursed his stupidity for not following the man and knowing where he came from. He entered the palace and was welcomed with a lot of servants. They attended to him and helped him change out of his clothes. And gave him grapes which he ate as he went to his room.

"Your first wife wishes for an audience with the prince," informed one of the servants.

"Inform her that I am not in the mood for her company," he replied and with a wave of his hand, he dismissed the servant.

He lay on his bed and let his mind wander back to the man at the river. His beautiful slightly pink skin that looked soft with water dripping from him was so alluring. His blonde hair wet with water tempted him to rub his hand on them. The beautiful ocean blue eyes looked as though they could see through his soul. He thought of the man more than he had ever thought of anything in his life. He surprised himself at how he was able to ache the man's built to his memory after seeing him only once.

"I must have him," he repeated in his mind before drifting off to sleep.

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