Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 100 - I Miss You

The school was resuming, Avan who was now the crown prince of Arimelari had no choice but to pack his belongings to return to the place that he had avoided for months. With his best friend by his side, he chose to take it one step at a time.

Ella had convinced him to go back to school and go on with his life. For months he and the king have been looking all over the kingdom for any sign of the boy who stole his heart. The family's hope of Ander being alive was slowly fading.

Alexander and Francis ruled the kingdom together, they dared not repeat the same mistake as they did with Ander so they made sure to shower Avan with all the love in the world. Silvia had moved into the palace and lived together with them.

Sofia and Mordecai got married soon after Alex's wedding. It was their way of honoring Ander's last wishes. Malia and Mordecai were blessed with a bouncing baby girl.

Happiness just never stopped knocking on their doors. They received good news every other day excluding the news that they wanted to hear. One of Ander's returns.

It was only Ella who understood how much he had been suffering for the whole eight months. Being a good son like he was, he did his best to keep his pain from his family. He acted tough and happy but in reality, he was sad and lonely.

On some nights he would feel his dragon mark calling to him and in some, it would move around his chest. He felt Ander's presence in every part of his skin, which further made his yearning for the boy to grow.

"Snap out of your thoughts and concentrate," she said. Getting out of my thoughts my eyes and heart glanced up at the school right before us. "You might not have your powers as the chosen one but dark Melchior's powers are with you. We will not just study but we will go on adventures and maintain the balance of nature," she said to cheer me up.

Adventures might be exactly what I need, it is the perfect distraction from thinking of the dead/ undead prince of Arimelari.

Eight months of him supposedly being alive and not even a letter has been seen from him. It was either they were holding on to false hope or the prince hated them to the extent that he didn't want to return to them.

He thought that he of all people would get to hear from him but sadly even he was left in the dark by the dragon prince.

"Sorry," he apologized when he bumped into someone.

"No problem," a soft voice spoke. He glanced up at the boy that he had walked into and found himself dazed by the beauty of the boy. "Let me help you up," he offered.

"Avan," he said taking the boy's hand.

"Amaru," the boy replied gazing into Avan's eyes. He held Avan's gaze inhaling the negative energy around him.

'This is what you came back for,' a voice spoke inside Amaru's head. 'He is nothing but a waste of time an..'

'One more word from you and I will not hold back on you anymore,' a deeper scarier voice threatened.

Avan trembled at the sudden shoot in Amaru's aura. He was feeling the chills in his body. He didn't show it and pretended not to notice and what more, the dragon mark on his chest had a faint glow in his chest. He wasn't able to notice with his eyes on Amaru.

"Are you new to the school?" Avan asked him when it was too quiet for him to be comfortable.

"Yes, I could use your help," Amaru said to him.

"Need my help with what?" Avan inquired. He was happy to help. Codependency was what was keeping from going down the evil lane. He tried as much as possible to be there for others, he could see Ander in everyone who needed help and wanted for them to have a different ending.

"I need to find my dorm room," he said handing the room number to Avan.

"This is the same room as me. What a coincidence," Avan said excitedly.

'Yeah, a coincidence,' the voice in Amaru's head said sarcastically. 'Just like it's a 'coincidence' that you bumped into each other,' it added.

"By all means, lead the way," Amaru stated and followed behind Avan with his luggage. They walked down the corridors with Avan explaining which door leads to what and letting him know of the dos and the don'ts.

Avan was unaware of the reason he was so comfortable with Amaru. It felt to him like some piece of his life was finally put back in the place where it belonged but what piece, confused him.

But one thing he was sure of was that he might not be as lonely as he thought he would be. With Ella and Amaru they would have the best adventures in the world, he would then dedicate all of it to Ander.

They reached the room after a few turns. He pushed open the door and halted. It was the same room he shared with Ander, though the time together was short. He had a few too many memories of the boy in the room.

"Is there a problem?" Amaru asked him concerned.

"N..none," he said his voice breaking. He took a step into the room seeing Ander running around the room. How angry he got when his things were touched or when he 'accidentally' put on the latter's sweater.

He smiled watching the prince's classic angry face that he liked to wear all the time. The only times he didn't wear the face was when he slept. Either way, he looked handsome and he loved him all the way. He loved all of him, the angry mostly because it showed how much he cared.

"You are crying," Amaru pointed out to him. Before he realized it, a warm hand was on his cheek wiping the tears away.

"Someone I loved dearly used to live here with me," he said admitting his feelings out loud. He had not dared to about his heart for months in fear that he will love Ander less if he expressed his love to him or spoke of it.

"She must have been lucky," Amaru stated.

"It was a he," Avan corrected and walked over to Ander's bed. He set his bag down on it, the image of Ander laying in bed with a book in his hand flashed before his eyes. More tears threatened to fall. "I miss you," he whispered.

"Interesting. I'm sure wherever he is, he missed you too," Amaru said, with a soft facial expression. He gazed out the window to the trees down below. He brought his hand to his lips and traced his as though recalling a distant memory.

The same room, same school, and same roommate. He didn't know how to react to all of it, he thought he had everything sorted out but the pain in his heart was still there.

Averting his gaze from the tree, he looked over to the lake. There were so many resentments in his heart attached not just to the school but the people in.

"It's beautiful right?" Avan asked him joining him and stood beside him by the window. "We have the best view from up here," he added.

"It depends on how you look at it. What might be beautiful for you might not be so for others," Amaru said to him. The sight was pointing to his eyes. He turned away from the window and went to unpack.

'Walk away. It won't hurt if you just walk away,' the voice in his head advised.

"You'll get to it," Avan said. His eyes landed on the trees. The same place he shared his first kiss with Ander and also the first time he offended the male. He almost died too. The fire was Ander's favorite element and now it was his too.

The male knew all the fire spells in the world and he wasn't scared to use them. "You were one feisty male," Avan whispered a smile blooming in his face. He was too dazed to notice the look on Amaru's face.

Amaru shook their head and unpacked his bag. He had a complicated look on his face like he was undecided about something. He tried not to think about it but memories were hard to let go of.

"Do you know that there is a fire called hellfire," Avan told him excitedly. "It can't be extinguished, only the one who starts it can put it out."

"I had no idea," Amaru replied with a weak smile.

"I did, good news" Ella spoke entering the room. She froze seeing Amaru, she was awed by how gorgeous he looked. She even forgot what she had come to tell Avan and started at Amaru like a lovesick puppy who has a stop button clicked in her mind.

"What's the good news?" Avan asked her. She was too distracted to hear him or reply to him.

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