Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 102 - Revenge Or Desire

"I need to cut my wrist," Sofia said with a knife in her hand. She placed the knife on her wrist and bit her tongue before she slit her wrist.

She sat on the floor and watched her hand bleeding out. Ander was the only thing in her mind. The guilt was too much for her.


Amaru listened to the musical instruments play music in the room. He had cast a spell on them to play by themselves. He had his eyes closed on the bed but he could see the condition that Sofia was in.

It pleased him to see her pushed off the edge of no return. The whole week he had driven her mad with guilt that she had tried to kill herself more than fifty times. All of which the meddling family managed to save her but not this time.

This time they won't be able to stop her or save her from death that awaited her with open arms. She had locked herself away in the storeroom away from everyone, she was all alone and even if she screamed for help their will be no one around to help her. Not that she would when she wished for it to end.

What she didn't know was the fact that death was just the beginning of her suffering. The King of hell had a few surprises for her after she dies.

'Are you happy?' the voice asked him.

"Very. One of many enemies of mine will die today. Happy is the emotion in my heart," he replied.

'There is still time to stop this. She doesn't deserve this,' the voice said.

Amaru smirked and got up from the bed. He walked over to the mirror and stared at his reflection daringly.

"Did I hear it right, is the frameless god getting a heart?" he asked his smirk increasing.

'You have lost it,' his reflection replied him.

"So what you are trying to say is that I doing a good job being you?" he asked irritating his reflection in the mirror. "Look, I will do whatever I want and you will be quiet. You won't like what I do you if you upset me, after all, I black blood dragon. The great prince of Arimelari," he said and let off an evil laugh.

'She is your mother, even you aren't that heartless...'

"Be quiet Amaru, you shouldn't underestimate the lengths of my hatred and anger. You used to be the faceless god now that's me," he spoke angrily. " Don't you dare remind that it your selfish motive that drove me to my death bed or hell will get worse for you," he warned.

'And here I thought that the dragon prince was only a misunderstood little boy. You are a monster,' Amaru said to Ander.

"Whatever you say, darling. I could care less what you think of me, I stopped caring a long time ago," Ander said coldly.

'You will burn in hell,' Amaru cursed.

"I am the master of hell sweetheart, I decide who burns and who doesn't," he said and raised his hand to the sky. "Patience, soon the whole world will burn. After I raise my demon army from hell," he added.

'This is the home you are talking of.'

"What good has that ever done for me. All I did was beg for love from it but all it gave me a hatred now let's see how it handles the same treatment. Which reminds me who should next after mother dies, the king, Francis or queen grandmother?" he asked him.

'How about Avan,' Amaru suggested and Ander frowned.

"You know I can't kill him, he is still useful to me. At least his body is, the only is how to convince him to lay with me," he said with a pout on his face. "He is always running around playing hero to Sofia and when he is not doing that then he is thinking of the person I used to be. So frustrating," he said annoyed. He had never thought he would see the day that he hates when someone thinks of him and gives him so much attention.

Avan loved him that he had established but he had no use for love in his life anymore, he much rather preferred to be feared and hated. It was so frustrating to feel such positive energy directed at him.

'His love will defeat you. Have you not heard the saying, love conquers all,' Amaru said to him.

"I will kill him if that ever happens. I wish for pleasure not emotions and if I can't get what I want from him then he will lose his value and I will send him to you," he said with a wicked smile on his face. "That reminds me, how is Kazar doing?"

Before Amaru could reply there was a knock at the door, the doorknob was being twisted but he had locked the room earlier so it wasn't working.

"Amaru, are you in there?" he heard Avan's sweet little voice coming from the door.

"My lover has returned and he looks worried. I wonder why?" he spoke to Amaru in the mirror with a satisfied smile on his face. He opened the door and Avan into the room. "Are you okay," was the first thing he asked the male.

"Aunt Sofia is missing. We are going to go look for her, are you coming?"

"Sure," he replied him."But what are you going to do if we don't find her or if she is dead when we do?"

"I will die," Avan replied with no hesitation. His answer made Amaru's hand twitch.

"Aren't you exaggerating," he said to him letting out a desperate laugh.

"No, I don't think that I will be able to handle it if she died. I have already lost someone I love to death and I am not walking down that path again. I will save my family from the danger that looms above us and if I fail then I shall die with them," Avan said like a hero.

Amaru's massaged his forehead feeling a headache coming on. This playing the hero thing was getting on his nerves. He heard Sofia's breath getting shorter and shorter.

He stared at Avan and Sofia, the woman deserved to die in his eyes but he had this desire for Avan that made him hesitate.

'Revenge or desire? Choose one because you can't have both,' Amaru spoke quite interested in which choice the dragon prince would make. 'He will never touch a person who hurts the one dear to him,' he added to tense him.

"Shut up," the male shouted.

'One more breath and she will be history,' he sang in his mind.

"She is the old storeroom," Ander found himself yelling. "Hurry if you want to have her," he added.

"How did y.."

"Which part of hurry didn't you hear?" he asked him. Avan dashed out of the room to go check on his aunt. Andre remained in hating himself for what he has just done.

'Nice pick and here I thought you had destroyed your humanity. Looks to me like you still care, you do have a heart after all,' he said teasingly.

Ander shook his head. He went to the window and jumped off turning into a big black fog and rushed off towards the forest. The students froze on seeing the fog, the chills the fog gave them made them tremble in freight.

The fog moved in the forest scaring away all the animals in the forest, it crossed the lake and the river. Up the mountain, it went until it reached the top of mount Arimelari. The fog turned back into the boy, he walked over to the stones arranged together ins the circle and stood in the middle of the circle.

The stones lit up sensing his presence and opened the door underneath his feet. He walked down the stairs on the underground fire palace that has been his home for eight months. Once inside he stood at the edge of the floor and stared down below.

Numerous souls laid in their cages locked away while others were in the fire burning slowly by slowly. The screams from below were music to his ears that made his heart happy. He looked at the list of dead people, scrolling to the bottom he saw Sofia's name being erased from the list.

"You get a few more days or weeks depending on how things work out for me but soon I will have you here with the rest of the family," he said sadly.

He let go and strode away. He climbed the stairs to the upper floor, there was a friend he wished to see. Sauntering to the end of the hallway, he unlocked the door that was locked with magical runes and went inside.

He lit the torch to get a clear view inside. A black fog was in the room floating around the room.

"Greetings Amaru," he greeted the owner of the body he had taken for himself. "I see that despite all the restrictions, you are still strong enough to torment me. Let's fix that," he said to the fog.

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