Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 111 - I Only Love You

Ander sat up on the bed feeling a massive headache coming along. He held his head confused by the weird environment he was in.

He looked around the room and froze seeing a man on the bed with him. The man laid on his stomach so it is a little difficult to make out his face.

He held his breath and tried to get up without waking the man, he needed to get home. Stepping down from the bed, his legs gave out and he dropped to the floor. The sound from his fall woke the man. He started moving around on the bed.

Ander closed his eyes afraid to face the man. "Ander," a deep voice sounded from the bed. "What are you doing?"

He slowly opened his eyes, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Francis on the bed with no shirt on. His muscular and perfectly shaped abs were visible for him to see.

He averted his eyes and shook his head, there was no way that Francis would ever spend the night on his bed like that. Or even be by his side, the man had made it very clear that he was not interested in him.

He looked to the bed again and sure enough, Francis was on the bed with a devilish grin on his face. He looked alluring to the eye and Ander found himself mesmerized.

"Did you stay with me the whole night?" he asked.

"Where else would I have been if not by your side silly," his words shocked Ander to the bones. The way he spoke was light and a little intimate. They weren't that close and the last he checked Francis was angry with him.

"Don't you hate me?" he questioned not understanding a thing of what was going on.

"No, why would I ever hate the person I love so much?" he answered with a question of his own.

His reply made the boy even more unconvinced that the scene before him was real. He tried to jog his memory to see if he could find a clue of what led to that moment but nothing came to him.

All he remembered was his birthday and Kazar showing up and ruining everything for him. He recalled Francis and his mother had gone after him to take care of him before his memory went blank.

"Did my birthday end?" he asked out loud. "I didn't even get any gifts," he added.

Francis had moved from the bed and now was standing before him with a worried look on his face. "Miyale, Zorra, and Nayla," he called out.

Before Ander could ask him who those people were, the witches appeared before him. They had their heads bowed to him, his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked, man.

"What did you do wrong in the spell, he doesn't seem to be fine?" he questioned them.

Ander was not just confused by the scene before his eyes but he was also scared. The Francis in front of him was so different from the one he knew, from his aura to the way he handled himself everything was different.

"We did nothing wrong," the sisters said in unison. "We only did as you asked, we placed him back in his original body with the powers of the faceless god as you had requested," they explained terrified.

"Then why is he acting weird?"

"That might be due to the transfer in the body. His soul will take some time to rest, he will return to normal soon," the sisters said.

Francis dismissed them understanding what has happened, he bent down to Ander's level and met his eyes. "Are you hungry?" he asked him softly.

"A little. Who were those people and where is my mother?"

"They are my helpers and as for your mother, we will see her soon," he told to him. He picked Ander up bridal style from the floor. Ander blushed, it was weird to be carried like that by him but he didn't mind it. "Let's eat," Francis offered and walked out of the room with him in his hand.

They walked down the stairs to the dining room. The house they stayed in was cold and it made Ander be filled with worry especially when his eyes saw the numerous demons floating around the room. He held on to Francis tightly and swallowed the lump in his throat. His body was trembling from the negative aura the demons were emitting in the room.

"Don't be scared my dear," Francis spoke. "They won't ever dare to harm you," he added.

'They are your slaves, they are more afraid of you than you are of them,' he thought in his mind but didn't voice it out.

Seeing as Ander was not the evil dragon who wants to take over the world but an innocent boy who seemed lost. It was best he does not mention the demons, he placed the boy down on his seat and served him his food.

"Why aren't you with the king?" Ander asked playing with his food.

"But I am with the king," Francis replied dishing his food.

"Oh," Ander said with a frown. He felt foolish for assuming that it was just the two of them. Even if the man would never love himself would have been nice to think he did for just a while.

Francis noticed the frown on Ander's face. He didn't understand why the boy was frowning, it made his heartache to see him so sad. He placed his hand on top of Ander's hand.

"Don't you like the food or my company? he asked him.

"Neither," Ander replied in a low almost unheard voice.

"Then why are you sad? Don't you want to eat?"

"I want my mother," Ander said to him. Only his mother cared about him, her hug would make him feel better, he thought.

"I see," Francis uttered coldly. "Here I thought we could spend some time alone," he muttered under his breath.

The dragon king heard him. His words cheered Ander up in no time, it was having his wish granted.

"Alone? But you said the king was here?" Ander asked to confirm.

Francis raised his eyebrows at his behavior change. He realized the mistake that he had made, it wasn't that that boy didn't want to spend time with him but he was of the impression that Francis was with another. It was cute how his dragon king's face lit up at his words.

Being that Ander and his soul were like two different people it occurred to him that whatever his soul did, the boy was unaware of. Or else the boy would know that he was the king of the dragon clan and Arimelari.

"When I said king I was referring to you. Or do you not want me to call you my king?" he asked.

Ander was rendered speechless, he couldn't control his beating heart. His lips curled up into a smile, it felt like a dream one which he never wanted to wake up from.

He wished that they should stay like that forever just the two of them with Francis showering him with love.

"What about Alex, isn't he your king?" Ander asked faced down. He drew the ground with his feet anxiously awaiting to hear the answer that Francis would give him.

Francis wrecked his brain for anyone named Alex but he couldn't find anyone. Whoever it was he didn't know him or know why Ander would ask him about the person. But one was clear this Alex made Ander feel insecure and he didn't like that. He wanted the boy to know and understand that all of him belonged to the black moon dragon.

He strode over to Ander's seat, went down on one knee, and with his hand he lifted Ander's face to look at him.

"You are the only one who matters to me. Your happiness, your desires, and everything that comes with you is what I treasure the most in the world. Don't ever feel that someone else might take your place because I only love you," he confessed.

The sincerity in his eyes, the honesty in his words melted Ander's heart. His eyes teared up, tears of joy threatened to flow from his eyes.

"If you love me then why did you reject me so many times? Why did you go to Alex when you knew how much it hurt me to see you with him?"

Ander's questions puzzled him. He didn't know any Alex in his life but apparently, he seems to share some history with him. He had no words to answer the boy.

"Why did you say such hurtful things to me?" he asked but being that Francis had forgotten everything about Alex he didn't remember anything of what Answer was saying since it was related to Alex. Francis doesn't remember anything of Ander since Alex returned into their lives. He only had memories of the time Ander was growing up but with him except for missing Alex.

"You can't answer me because your love for me isn't real. You are only saying this because it's what I want from him..."

Before he could finish his words Francis interrupted him by kissing his lips to stop him from talking of this he was unaware of.

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