Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 137 - You Killed Me?

The Royal family had all settled into the outhouse provided for them by Royan. The servants were very happy with their arrival that they didn't mind teaching them about the world.

they taught them how to use a phone and that a car was used for transport and it was a weapon.

Malia got to go to the hospital to receive the treatments that she required to successfully deliver the child. She found modern technology to be quite fascinating.

Sofia and Silvia became close friends again with each of them taking care of their sons. Each wanted what was best for the boys and there was no denying the bond between them.

A sad fact was that Royan rarely came to see them. His room was empty and he was no where to be seen since he helped them move in.

The children got registered at school which was a tough call of Francis, Alex and Mordecai with the town being on lockdown and the barrier wall that separated them from the rest of the world.

The government had tracked the irrelevant activities to the town and gotten scientists inside before shutting the town down. Until they found the magical creatures, no one was allowed to leave or come into town.

They had all been warned that magic was off limits and that they should not so much as use it to avoid being experimented on.

The agents went from house to house asking them what they knew but no could tell them where the creature came from or where it disappeared to.

"What do you think happened to Royan?" Avan asked throwing the ball at Amaru.

"How should i know?" the god asked him and passed the ball back to him.

"Don't you find it weird that one minute he was here and the next he just disappeared?" he inquired because he sure found it weird.

"It isn't because you have no idea what his schedule is. This could be what he is used to," Amaru said. His explanation made sense to Avan so he let the matter go and continued to play with Amaru.

Inside the house, Ella was helping Ander with his breathing exercises. The make wanted to learn how to stay in control of his anger and avoid lashing out on people.

He wanted to improve on himself not just for himself but for those around him too. He laid on the bed with his hands on his stomach and his eyes closed.

Taking deep breaths and letting them out as Ella instructed. The exercise was going fine until he felt a pull on his soul. Something was pulling him out of his body.

His body trembled on the bed as he soul was being forcefully removed from his body. On seeing this Ella ran to him and caught his palm to check his pulse. Sensing his death on the near way she used magic to call the others.

The magic made her simple call heard by the whole family. They rushed into the house to see what the problem was.

Ella was a responsible girl so for her to use magic when they had forbidden it was not of her unless it was an emergency.

"What happened," Annak asked appearing beside her on the bed.

"Ander is dying," she informed her. She moved over to let Annak take a look at Ander since she had practise in healing and could save Ander.

Annak held Ander's hand and checked his pulse. It was getting weaker by the minute and his soul was leaving his body to go to go to the spirit world.

She tried to stop the process by sealing Ander's body to prevent his soul from fully leaving his body. Her spell worked only for a few minute, a rip came from the seal and his soul slipped through leaving his body behind.

She raised her gaze to Ella and shook her head. Ella's heart dropped knowing how heartbroken Avan will be when he will receive the news.

They had gotten really close of late, they were practically inseparable. She was happy for them but the curse that was their fate intervened again and took that happiness away from then. She was getting tired of being the bearer of bad news.

She knew that she would have to tell them what happened but she didn't know what happened. No one has ever died from breathing so how could she explain to everyone the cause of death.

The rest of the family arrived in the room. "Ella what is wrong?" Sofia asked getting to her.

She looked to Ella to give her answers of what was wrong. She saw the look on her face and started to worry. She averted her gaze to Annak who had her face on the bed.

Her eyes trailed up to Ander, something was wrong. She couldn't place her hand on what the problem was exactly until she looked carefully and saw her son's chest laying flat in the room.

There was no movement what so ever from Ander. Just then Olivia walked inside the room, she had gone out to look for the Phoenix but she couldn't find him.

She was wondering what the new drama was about that they all gathered in the room. "An..Ander," Sofia called out directing everyone's attention to the dragon king on the bed.

"Ander," a scream came from outside the room as the dragon mark on Avan's chest was breaking apart. The process was painful for the man as it meant that Ander was no more.

The feeling was not new to him. He dropped to the ground clutching his chest as the massive pain threatened to take his beloved away from him for good.

Amaru was stuck on what to do, his heart wanted to run over to Ander's side and look after him but he couldn't leave Avan alone so he stayed with him. He placed his hand on the male and absorbed some of the pain that he was feeling.

The feeling was similar to the time that Ander had done from them the first time. Just like then, it didn't come with a warning not could they do anything to save him.

Cries came from the room as the fact of Ander's death was sinking in to them. It was a bitter pill to swallow that they were forced to take many a times but each time it hurt more than the last.

"What happened?" Alexander questioned.

No one in the room could answer him as they had no idea what was going on.


Ander opened his eyes, he stood on top of a mountain with the clouds right at an arms reach. He raised his hands and played around d with the clouds.

"Where am I?" he asked not able to feel anything. He was not in pain not was he fine, something felt amiss in the while situation.

"The other side," he heard a familiar voice say behind him and turned around.


"In the flesh," the male replied.

"What are you doing on the other side and why am I here. Are we both dead? How did you die and how did I die?" he went on to ask a lot of questions try g to make sense if what was going on.

"First of all we are both dead, secondly I brought you here and thirdly. I don't remember what your third was or your fourth,"he explained.

" You killed me?" Ander asked not liking the sound of it. He was only now learning to control his anger but he felt the need to get even. "Why would you do that?" he inquired bitterly.

"To save you and secondly, I didn't kill you to be exact. You are just stuck between life and the afterlife which is the spirit world," he said. "Can you stop asking too many questions at a time you are making it hard for me to keep up with you and me.

" What do you mean by that. You killed me and brought me here and you are saying that you haven't killed me, you claim it was to save my life and...."

"Shhhh," the Phoenix shushed him as he watched the wall closely.

Ander angrily matched to him. He didn't like being shushed by the male who just killed him. All the nice feelings he felt for him were flying off the window at his behaviour.

When he got to the wall he gazed at the wall to check what was so interesting that the male was so occupied with.

"I am working on killing the black moon dragon and how to bring you back. Be patient," he saw Royan in the land of the living inside Royan's room speaking to a snake in the mirror.

He look back and forth from the two Royan's seeing the difference being the snake The Royan on the other side of the wall had a snake tattoo on his hand while the one with him didn't.

"What is going on?" he questioned.

"I am trying to save you because I want you dead."

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