Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 139 - Being A Girl

Ander could never have imagined how hard it was to be a girl. In order to avoid suspicion he tried to act normal but it was quite as easy as he had expected.

Taking a bath was a major problem, it wasnt his body and he didn't want to violate Natalia's privacy so he went into the shower blindfolded. He tried to bath but sadly he could bring himself to touch her body.

He simply stayed under the running water for a while and left. He dried his body with a towel and tried to get dressed.

Getting into a dress with his eyes closed proved even more difficult. That whole morning he struggled to get dressed and even then he failed to get it right. At the end he settled for a buggy T-shirt and a pair of jeans.

Going out for breakfast he took a seat next to aunt Zorra where Natalia normally seats and had his meal. Olivia was at the table having her meal while silently mourning Ander's death..

She took comfort in the king and Alex was glad to help her. He didn't like her much but their child had died and it wasn't the time to express his dislike but rather show support.

Ander almost puked at her acting, it was disgusting how she took advantage of his death to get her way. The worst thing was that he was helpless to help.

With the attacks he received, his dragon was weak and almost dying while his magic was with Olivia. He couldnt get out of Natalia's body without magic and couldn't fight off the two that tried to kill him.

He tried to think of whom to ask for help without alerting his mother and whatever was possible as Royal but all were useless.

Ella was being watched by them so she couldn't help. Annak, the triplets, Amaru and Alex were the most dangerous and posed and interest to the two so that were useless too.

Malia was pregnant so she couldn't help, Mordecai, Sofia, Silvia and Malcolm were human and no match for magic. That left him with Francis. He was a great wizard and hated by Olivia so he happened to be the best option but in some cases not so much.

He was close to Alex and Annak with whom he never kept any secrets. He would tell the whole family the moment he told him the truth.

"I'm goimg for a walk,"he announced after having his food.

"Are you okay sweety, you look like a mess?" Nayla asked her noticing he uncombed hair and no makeup. Tge choice of dress she chose was somthing that the girl thry knew would never put on if she had another option not.

"Yeah, I am good. I need to clear my mind," he said and rushed out before they could press him with anymore questions.

"What am i going to now?" he asked himself while taking slow steps. He wasnt in a hurry to reach anywhere and was good with a long walk.

He cursed himself for letting his guard down and letting his mother and the imposter play him from right under his nose. If he hadn't been keen to tell the difference between Royan and the imposter then he would have truly been dead.

He couldn't help but wonder where the real Royan was and what the imposter had done woth him. It was all his fault. He had brought nothing but trouble to someone who showed him kindness and love.

He noticed a vehicle in the distance, according to the head maid. The property was private and outsiders weren't allowed to come inside so he got cautious.

He moved close to take a closer look at the people assembled behind the car. All he could see from behind the bush was their hair. Most of them looked old from the grey hair that he could spot and other than that, there was nothing more that he could see.

He lifted his head higher to get a better look but they were too sheltered. Being curious of what they were doing he decided to climb up the tree to see.

"This is the lowest point you can reach. How undignified for a lady," he scolded himself before he froze.

He shook his head fiercely to get rid of the mentality that was getting to him. He had referred to himself as a lady when he wished to say that it was undignified for a prince.

"You are male Ander, don't you forget that," he said to himself as he continued to climb.

With no magic and losing his dragon being weak he wasn't sure how long he would be stuck in a female body and it worried him.

He had no wish of being a woman for the rest of his life. That would be an even bigger punishment that being human. He had no idea how women survived in their bodies.

His hands were so gently that he feared slipping and falling to his death. Another thing he wondered about. How did humans not die so easily when even the task of climbing a tree can endanger their lives.

Having magic made him invincible and carefree at times. With magic he wouldn't be scared of falling as he could break his fall with a spell or teleport to places.

But in the human body he had to move his body to get things done. By the time he got up to the top of the tree, he was feeling very tired and all his joints hurt from the climbing. He was not used to using so much energy in doing one activity.

"I need to find a solution to this soon. I will die in a day or two if I keep working," he said.

From where he was, he could see the people clearly but was unable to hear what they discussed. He looked for a branch that he could sit on to hear them below him and froze.

Without his protective shield and magic he found that he was scared of heights. He climbed so high that he could climb back down. Just the thought of getting down terrified his existence.

"So this is what people call fear," he uttered in a trembling voice.His hands clutched the beach next to him tightly to prevent him from falling.

"Help me," he let out in a soft almost non-existent voice. His palms were sweating from seeing death right in the face.

He had never been so terrified in his life before. He realized that his identity lied in his magic. Without it he was nothing special, and without it he was a coward.

He looked up to stop staring death in the eye. He soon regretted his mistake because as soon as his eyes looked up. He came face to face with a big caterpillar.

His breath caught looking at the creature. It was the limit of what he could take. "Ahhh," he screamed and let go of the branches and dropped from the tree.

Seeing the ground he was going to hit soon, had closed his eyes and blocked his face with Natalia's hands. He kept screaming waiting for death to come his way.

Due to his previous calculations of how far he was from the group, he found that he should have hit the ground already but nothing of such happened.

He opened his eyes slowly to confirm if he was in the afterlife to meet the ground so close to his face.He was floating in the air.

"Did my magic come back?" he asked himself softly. The thought put a smile on his face.

His smile didn't last long. As soon as he lifted his head he saw the old men he was spying on eyeing him with one of them holding him up woth his staff.

His smile fell turning to a frown as he watched the old men. "Will you get down?" the old man holding him asked.

He set his foot down and stood up. "She doesn't seem surprised by your magic," one of the old men uttered.

"Hey," Ander yelled pointing his finger at him. "I am male," he said to him.

The old men all looked at him up and down and then at each other and back at him.

"Are you sure?" they asked him in unison.

Ander released his breath. It was pointless to argue with old men about his gender when he was stuck in a woman's body.

"What are you doing up here?" the old man who saved him asked him.

"I should be the one asking you that. I live here, so what are you old men doing here?" he questioned to them.

The old men eyed him once again and them each other and stared at him like he had lost his mind. The way they watched it was as though he had lost his mind.

"She doesn't seem to be in her senses. We should think of how to save Royan and ignore her," the old man who saved him said.

"Wait," he called to them. "I want to help," he offered.

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