Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 14 - Royal Wedding (4)

The kingdom of Arimelari was decorated with beautiful lights everywhere. The whole kingdom was shining brighter than ever and the festival began. Entertainers we're expressing themselves in the streets and entertained the people. Music and dancing were done from sunset and the subjects cheered for the prince and his new bride.

As part of the custom, Francis was dressed in pure white from head to toe and had a headdress on. He looked stunning that Alexander was not able to look away from him. He kept his eyes on Francis watching his every movement.

All his wives wore blue dresses similar color to the one Alexander was wearing to show their identity. They all followed behind Alexander and Francis in a straight and organized manner. Olivia wore a blue gown with silver and gold embroidery. She took elegant strides alongside Alexander as his special wife and princess.

The King and queen walked in the front and guided the entourage. They were to go to the square to meet with the people of Arimelari for the wedding to take place. Francis had sent a message to his family to invite them to the wedding. He was not sure whether they would come or not but he hoped they would.

Taking nervous steps down the stairs he slipped, but luckily someone caught him before he could fall. "Thank you," he said making eye contact with the person.

He stared into her eyes and had a feeling of familiarity. Looking into her eyes he felt at peace and safe. "Nayla," he whispered.

Nayla let him go and went back to her place. She had come to the palace disguised as a maid to take better care of her Lord. Francis got his composure back and kept walking. His mind was constantly thinking about Nayla and why she looked so familiar to him. He found it difficult to pinpoint the exact place he had seen her but he was sure that he knew her.

He kept her in his sight at all times and tried to see if he could remember her. Alexander who had his eyes on Francis the whole time noticed their interaction. He could not help but feel jealous of the fact that Francis was staring at Nayla for so long.

"Attention to all the subjects of Arimerali. The royal family has arrived," announced one of the guards keeping watch at the square. The people of Arimelari got to their feet in respect to the royal family's arrival.

"All hail the king and queen."

"All hail," the subjects replied in unison.

The King led the members of the royal family to seat in the tent reserved for the royal family. They all took their seat and the wedding festival began.

"As per the custom. The prince's wives shall put up a task or a performance for the prince and his to-be husband. The play or task that shall interest the prince will receive a reward as high as the person demands it. Beware that the prince's to-be bride will also participate in this custom," he announced drawing Francis's attention. Francis felt very anxious, he hoped that no princess would involve him in their act to impress the prince.

"The first wife to present to the prince is princess Silvia."

Princess Silvia got up from her seat and her servants followed her. She stood in front of the prince with her head held high with pride. She raised her to the sky and clapped them together twice. Her servants came forth and brought with them trays that were covered with a gold cloth.

"I do not have a task for you my husband but rather a riddle," she said and the prince lifted his hand to permit her to continue.

"A seed with three letters in my name. Take away two letters and I still sound the same. What am I?" she asked him. The whole square went silent, some tried to find the answer to the riddle while others watched and waited for the prince to reply.

"The prince doesn't know anything about riddles. Princess Silvia has cheated and now the prince will have to pay her," complained her co-wives.

Olivia smiled in amusement. For the first time, one of Alexander's wives showed some potential of being worthy of the title they hold. She thought about the riddle but failed to find the answer herself. Alexander too could not figure out what the answer to the riddle was. He was stuck and knew that he was done for.

"I will give his highness three chances to guess. If he is unable to answer correctly then I am to ask anything of him and he shall agree to my demands," she said proudly.

"First chance, your answer my prince?" she asked but he remained silent. "One, two, and three. You have missed your first chance," she said with joy. "Second chance. One, two, and three," I am afraid that the prince has missed the second chance. Last and final chance. One, two and th...,"

"I will answer," announced Francis before Silvia could finish her count down.

"A seed with three letters in my name. Take away two letters and I still sound the same. What am I?" he repeated the riddle to the people. Then he paused and looked at the prince. "What will you offer me for answering this riddle for you?" he asked shocking the whole gathering.

It was unheard of that the bride or husband in this case request anything in return for assisting the groom. It was considered his/her duty to it with honor and pride. Olivia smirked at Francis's stupidity, she could not wait for him to be embarrassed in front of everyone by Alexander when he scolds him and reprimands him for his behavior.

"Whatever your heart desires will be yours," he answered further shocking everyone including Olivia.

"When it comes to Francis he won't mind bending the rules. That is the power of love," whispered the Queen to Olivia. She for one was enjoying the wedding more than everyone else.

"Then I want to be the head of the women's quarters and in charge of all your wives. None excluded," he demanded and the whole crowd went dead silent. Olivia couldn't believe her ears.

Alexander stared at Francis for a while trying to figure out the reason for his request but he failed. He glanced at his first wife who seemed furious and looked back at Francis.

"I Alexander of Arimelari would like to announce that from now on going forward Francis my would-be husband shall be in charge of my palace and all my wives."

The people of Arimelari could not believe their eyes. According to the prince's decree, princess Olivia has just been stripped of all her special rights by the prince. She was reduced to nothing but an ordinary wife of the prince.

"The answer to your riddle is a pea. If you remove the first and last letter it sounds the same."

"Did he get the answer right?" asked the king and Princess Silvia nodded her head.

"Congratulations to you your highness," said a disappointed Silvia.

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