Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 149 - The Bureau Of Supernatural Things

Royan gave him his kind smile, he had already known that he and Ander were fated but he didn't know that Francis was the reason they never met. He wasn't mad at him.

He had a policy that he lived by, as long as a person realized their mistake and apologised then they deserved to be forgiven.

"You are forgiven," he said to him.

His reply shocked both Ander and Francis. They didn't expect him to be so forgiving, if it was either of them in his position. They would have gone for revenge than to forgive him.

"Don't be surprised, this is how I live my life. I forgive those who are sorry and get even with those who don't repent," he said getting up from the ground.

He walked a few feet from Francis and spoke, "I can't see you but I know you are here Ander," he spoke up.. "Forgiving Francis is not easy for you and I know that you probably want to get even with him," he added.

'You got that right,' Ander thought bitterly.

Royan listened to the silence. He wasn't sure if Ander will be able to respond to him now that he was a ghost but he hoped.

"But I have a question for you. Where will revenge get you?" he asked to him?

Ander shot his angry gaze at Royan. The boy had no idea what he had been through and the terrible life that he had lived because of Francis.It was easy for him to act like a saint because he has not been through half the things that he had seen in life.

He wanted to say all this things to the boy but he held himself back. Royan had nothing to do with what happened to him.

"I know what it won't get you. It won't get you the relief that you need, you will feel good for a while after getting revenge but it won't last," he said to him.

'I dont care if it lasts. I will be happy no matter how long it takes,' he thought.

"I want to give you a choice, a chance to be free and happy," Royan stated earning a scoff from Ander.

He had heard such promises before and each time it ended up with him being hurt and broken, while those who lied to him got their happy ending. He was not foolish enough to believe such promises.

"You dont have to decide right now. Just see what I promise first before you decide," he let out.

Royan asked Francis and Ander to follow him. He led them back to his room where he changed into proper clothes. The clothes he wore had a symbol of the Phoenix and a dragon on it's badge.

When he was dressed he reached for a key that laid back behind his study table. Hidden behind a photo of Royan and his grandfather.

"Let's go," he uttered. "Hold on to me, it is a terrifying trip," he said to them.

Ander held his right hand while Francis held his left. "Is Ander here?" he asked Francis to be sure before he opened the door.

"Yes, he is holding your right hand," Francis told him.

He reached to the wall of his room and placed the tip of the key to the wall. A door formed in the wall with the symbol of the Phoenix and dragon on it just like the one on his cloth.

Phoenix's and dragons were known to be mortal enemies so the symbol surprised Ander and Francis. They held and waited to see the freedom that the boy spoke about.

Royan twisted the key clockwise direction and the door swung open. They were sucked into the door by an invisible wind.

The door opened in the clouds dropping them. Ander was a ghost and even he got scared of the fall. He and Francis screamed loud enough to awaken the dead.

Francis tried to use magic to float but he found that his magic didn't work there. Ander tried his soul magic. It was a magic that was grounded and could work anywhere except for where they were.

They both panicked when they couldn't use their magic to break their fall. The distance between the sky and the ground also seemed to increase with the more they fell.

They increased their scream forcing Royan to hold his ears. He placed his hands on his ears to prevent his ear drums from being broken by their screams.

"Is your freedom death?" Ander asked to him in a harsh harshly voice.

"Relax, we are almost at the pick up point," Royan replied calmly. He seemed unfazed by the fact that they were falling from the sky. He was falling with no worries.

"You are maa..." Francis started to scream when a dragon appeared in the skies and grabbed all of them including Ander.

With all of them at it's back it flew down. "See, I told we were close to being picked up," Royan stated.

Ander felt like giving Royan's neck a tight squeeze but he was too busy relaxing his nerves. He had a foothold on the human realm so he was startled just like a normal human.

Francis panted for breath on the dragon. He was curious about where they were and why his magic didn't work there.

The dragon kept flying down and he could see what looked like a city down below.

"Where are we?" he questioned.

"The Bureau Of Supernatural Things," he informed them feeling so excited to be back here. The BOST had position him back home to protect the human world from supernatural things their. But finally he got a reason to come home.

He couldn't wait to meet his mother and father, everyone thought that they had gone on a world trip but that was just a cover story. The truth was that they lived in the BOST and had very important positions here.

"The what?!" Ander and Francis asked in unison. They had never heard anything of that sort in all their lives.

They were soon able to see the city clearly. At the heart of the city the symbol of the Phoenix of the dragon and Phoenix laid similar to the on Royan's clothes and the door.

The dragon landed on the symbol letting them down. Once he was certain that they were all down it transformer before their eyes into a person.

She was dressed in the same clothes as Royan and had her brown hair braided at the back. She had a sword with a dragon emblem on it strapped to her waist. Her silver eyes made her look intimidating.

"Roy, how are you?" she greeted embracing Royan into a hug.

"I'm good Rochelle," Royan said to her.

"Who is the man and the ghost dude?" she asked him.

"Friends," Royan replied. They walked into the building. The girl left them at the door saying something about hurrying for a test.

Ander was speechless. No one could see him as a ghost but the girl knew that he was there. That explained to him how the dragon managed to pick him too when he was not with them while they were falling.

Royan opened the main door and walked inside. Inside the building their were being of all supernatural creatures that existed in the world. Dragons, Phoenix, gargoyle, necromancer, syromancer, ghosts, whispers, walkers, etc.

Ander and Francis were awed at the creatures that were in the building. They all had their luggage like they were moving but unlike what people would expect.Despite being enemies and being in the same room together they didn't hurt each other.

They went about their business like the other was not around.

"Hands," they heard and looked ahead. A young female dressed in the same uniform as Royan stood before them with some king of stamp.

"Just to be safe, the Bureau can't let you be violent in here. If you break any rule in here, the mark will let them know," Royan explained to them.

Francis reached his hand forward. The woman stamped his hand with the symbol of the dragon and Phoenix.

"The ghost too," the woman spoke.

Ander reached his hand forward. The woman marked him and moved along to the next group that had arrived.

"How can they see Ander?" Francis questioned unable to contain his curiosity.

"Everyone who works in the bureau has the true eye. They can see anything and everything. That way they can't be caught off guard by the supernatural creatures that come to seek help here," he explained calmly as they walked ahead.

They got to the elevator, Royan pushed the door open and invited them in. He pressed the level they needed to go to and waited.

"What happens here?"

"A lot of things. Sups with no place to go, whose homes have either been destroyed, is in danger or unsuitable to live in come here to find a home. Others come here to find a job that doesn't include hiding who you are. Others come here to find peace and be purified," he explained. "The place does a lot of thing for supernaturals," he added.

"We are here for the peace and purification which happened on the twentieth floor," he said to them.

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