Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 151 - Being Purified

Ander and Francis followed Royan who followed behind Zazel. They all ended up in a big hall freezing cold, the hall was made of ice.

Ice sculptures of dragons were everywhere in the room. It didn't come as a surprise to them, the woman and her son were both icy. Not to mention that his body was shivering from the cold that was generating from his body.

He had to admit that it wouldn't be a bad thing if he were to have his sculpture in the hall. He was amazed by the person who had made the sculptures. He/she had great talent.

"Where is my apology," Razaan demanded to Zazel. The woman rolled her eyes to him and sat at the tea table by the window.

"Royan, dont you feel that she should apologise to me?" Razaan asked to her..

Royan nodded his head to him, "Zazi, just apologise to him. He won't let this go so easily," Royan told to her.

"Why should I? Is it my fault that he has a twin brother?" Zazel asked.

"You gave birth to him so yes, it is your fault," Razzan let out.

Zazel grabbed Ander's hand and made him seat beside her. She held his hands and looked into his eyes.

"He might be born from me but I had no idea that he even existed and you dont see him throwing a fit over it," she said uncaringly. "I am not apologising for all the emotion ride that you put me through," she fired back.

Ander sat with her unsure of what was happening. Not the scene he had expected for people who had just discovered that they had a lost family member.

Not that he had accepted being a part of their family. He was stunned when Royan said that he was related to Razaan but their reaction to it was more confusing.

"That wasn't me, I always told you that I had no idea why I was angry all the time. Why I loved fire so mad and why I was so bratty and I was right," Razaan spoke.

He took Ander by the hand and pulled him up from the seat. He glared at his mother while his hold on Ander didn't lessen.

"Everything I felt was all because of him. He must the damaged version of the both us and his broken traits mirrored on me," He stated. "And each time you punished me when my only mistake was that I am his twin," he added furiously.

"He doesn't seem angry right now so why are fuming?"

"Arghhh," Razzan groaned.

"If you are throwing a tantrum. Go and fetch the seers. I want to know how it is that I, Zazeliana Sivan Kerthylon have a son that I have never met until today," she said to him.

Razaan settled on the seat opposite his mother. He didn't seem like he was going to do as he was told.

"Why don't you ask your lost son to do it. Until I get an apology from you, I am not going to do anything you ask," he said stubbornly.

Zazel gleamed at his words, the situation was a scene that could only make her happy.

"You can do as you wish. I wasn't asking you, I was talking to my favorite son. My future son in law and your fiancee," she stated.

Razaan's rage flared up when she spoke. He furiously got up from the chair, the temperature in the room decreased quite a lot.

He wasn't glaring at his mother bit rather at Ander. His eyes pierced through Ander's skin making him shudder.

Ander hid behind Francis to hide from the ice dragon. He was very terrified of the boy, him and his mother had very strong aura's that made his body feel cold.

Of all the people he had faced, these two were the only one's who had ever been able to actually terrify him.

"Everything wrong that has happened in my life up until today is your fault," he uttered coldly.

In a blink of an eye, he had moved from where he stood and got Francis out of the way by throwing him to the chair next to them. Ander gasped scared of facing his supposed brother.

"You deserve to pay," he said.

He raised his hand to Ander but Royan caught it. His hand was covered with a flame to prevent Razaan from freezing him to death. As a Phoenix he would come back from death even if he was killed by him. But he shared dying so he took precaution against it.

"How dare you?" Razaan asked Royan in anger. "How dare you hold my hand to save him?"

Royan didn't back down from the ice dragon. He had a soft spot in his heart for Ander and wanted what was best for him. Not to mention the fact that they were fated, he wouldn't dare to tell that to Razaan or Zazel.

The two of them might always act like they don't care and are unaffected by many things but they were very possessive.

Ander might be his twin and the seers will help to prove how this happened but he had not grown up with the royal family of Azabia. It would take time for him to earn his place among them.

Until then him being at odds with Razaan would be bad for him. If anyone ever found out that the two of them were made for each other them it would cost Ander his life.

"I wasn't saving him and challenging you," he spoke to him. "But think of what it would look like if you killed your own blood. The bureau will..." he didn't finish his sentence.

The consequences of his actions was well known to the ice dragon.

"You shouldn't let anger blind you and get the best of you," Royan said with a kind smile. "Let's go and get the seer. You will get to release some of that anger on our way there," he advised.

He pulled Razaan away from Ander and took him away to go and find the seer that Zazel had asked for.

"Forgive his manners, he is normally well behaved when he is not reflecting your anger issues," Zazel informed Ander.

"I d...dont understand what is happening. I only came here because Royan said that I could get purified," Ander stated nervously to the ice dragon queen.

"Then lets get to it. The seers will take a while to come," she said to him.

She motioned for the two of them to follow her, they walked to the next room. The room was a glass room that let in the rays of the sun into the room.

There was a big pool of water in the room, the water was filled with blue petals on them. The water was the pure blue colours of the sky, it had the same sense of serenity as the clouds.

"This is how the purification happens. You enter the pool and lay on your back, don't swim and don't fight it. The water is pure and it will eliminate all the impurities in your body. The process won't take long but it might be painful," the Queen informed to them.

"How will this water purify me?" Ander asked her not trusting that water to be as powerful as she said.

He was not sure if he should trust the woman and do as she says. But there was no harm in trying the method, perhaps he could find the peace that lacked in his life.

"It will and I can't go into details. The history of this water is very long and very tiring. I don't have all day and I feel sleepy," she let out with a yawn. "Now, which one of you is going first?"

Ander volunteered, he made the first move. He removed his shoes and coat and set them aside. Afterwards he stepped into the water, the water was warm as compared to the other room.

He could see flickers of lightning in the water, the places that he stepped turned black. The peaceful water was disturbed, it started moving around him in a circle as the water was completely turning black.

"You need to lay on your back and remain calm at all times," the queen instructed to him.

Ander released the breath that he was holding before he took a leap of faith and did as he was told. He laid on his back and floated on top of the pool. The water made his way to his face and whole body.

He was forced to close his eyes. His body started sinking into the water, while this happened in his mind all the events in his life that had left a mark on his heart started playing in his mind.

His body released all the locks that had held him down and made him bitter. Memories that made him angry.

Strings formed in the water and attacked to his body from his hands to his legs. The strings had bells attacked to them and every time that Ander moved the bells rang and the strings attached to him tightly.

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