Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 157 - Chasing Dreams

Ander watched as the queen helped his family. Annak was reunited with other whispers in another faraway kingdom.

The triplet witches and Natalia joined the order of witches to help keep a track of how magic is used in the world. It was what they wanted so the Queen made it happen.

The queen of Azabia promised that she was going to rebuild Arimelari from scratch and make a refugee kingdom where creatures from around the world can find refuge when their homes are no longer an option.

Francis and Alex were tasked with the responsibility of the new Arimelari but they have to report to BOST to ensure problems don't affect the kingdom.

And Ander couldn't be more impressed by them. Dragons were fast builders. The palace of Arimelari was rebuilt bigger and better in less than a week.

Ander said his goodbyes to the two of them and promised to visit them as soon as possible.. They might not be one blood but Alex and Francis will always be a part of his life and that was something he would never change.

His mother was given the option of going with Alex and Francis but she refused. She and Malcolm decided to adopt a baby dragon and live in Azabia so they can be close to Ander and learn more about dragons.

Seeing as there was an opening at the orphanage, the Queen offered them a job there which they happily accepted. They did not just get to take of young dragons but they get paid to do it. It was a win-win situation for both of them.

Silvia chose to become a train in BOST to become a keeper of the freedom fighters. She wanted to play her part in making the world a better place for supernatural things.

The Queen granted her wish and got her enrolled in the training center.

Amaru after getting purified was no longer faceless, he had returned to being just a normal wizard. It turned out they it was his obsession with becoming the most powerful warlock that led him to become the faceless god.

He wasn't unhappy with the change, it made him feel good not having to deal with negative emotions from everyone around him.

He decided that a grounded life wasn't for him. He and Ella decided to go around the world to discover what was out there. The queen made part of the help and rescue team, as part of the team they get to travel the world and help save people who are in need.

They accepted the offer. Amaru and Ella left immediately as the help and rescue team were going on a mission.

His aunt Malia and his uncle Mordecai both decided that they wanted to live a normal life where their child doesn't have to worry about magical things.

On that note the queen had them trained on how to live in the modern world. The terms and the modern technology were the basics of the lesson they were to learn.

Until they learned how to live in the modern world arrangements were made for them to live in the bureau.

Ander watched all of his friends and family get a chance to live their dream lives. They all went their separate ways to live the lives of their dreams. As for him, he was left in the BOST where his training was to take place.

He was happy for his family but sad for his luck. He was just not meant for happiness, this morning he had found out about Royan and Razaan being wedded and becoming one.

It was not a shock as he was already aware that his real family was unreasonable. He hasn't seen Royan since morning so he had not gotten the opportunity to apologize to him.

"What would you like Ander," Zazel asked him.

"Not to be related to you but can't change that can I?" he let out.

"I know we started on the wrong foot but there is room for improvement," she spoke.

"For someone who has always struggled to find where I belong. I know that I am not that desperate to be a part of your family," Ander let out and left.

Parents are supposed to listen to their children, why bother becoming a parent when you only care about forcing your opinion on your children.

Children had the right to have their dreams and parents don't have the right to dream for them. They are children to a younger version of yourself to shape into the dreams that you couldn't fulfill.

As he walked down the glass corridors he saw Royan giving a speech in one of the rooms. Apologizing was the most important thing that he had to do.

His life was ruined thanks to the words that he dared to utter to a king with no heart or a concerned mind. He opened the door to the room and walked in.

His eyes were only on the Phoenix so he didn't bother to check who it was that the male was talking to.

"Roy," he said to get the Phoenix's attention. "I need to talk to you," he stated.

Royan let out a nervous laugh. He was giving a speech to his father, the King, and other important people in their world. That was the worst time to talk.

"Can it wait, I will be free in the next hour," he told to give Ander the hint that it was a bad time to talk.

Just then the queen walked through the door and walked to her seat. Royan swallowed hard.

"It can't, I feel that if I don't let it out then I will worry about it for the rest of my life," Ander spoke. "The thing is today I watched everyone I care about chase after their dreams. They knew what they wanted in life and it got me thinking about my future."

"You don't have to decide in one go, to know where you want to be tomorrow. You must first know where you are today," Royan said to him. "You should go everywhere and anywhere that life takes you to find yourself only then can you know what future you want for yourself," he advised.

He etched closer to the dragon and placed his hand on Ander's shoulder. He gave him a kind smile that made him relax.

"You have spent a long time trying to find yourself in your many identities. A son, a friend, a lover, and a nephew but not once have you tried to find yourself as just Ander," Royan let out.

"Ask yourself what will you be if all those relationships weren't there. If you can answer that question then you can decide your future easily," he informed.

Ander got emotional hearing his words. It was weird how a boy so young was so smart, kind, and wise. It was strange that the boy always knew what to say to make him feel better. He had thought that Royan hated him after the wedding and all.

"Aren't you angry because of me you had to marry Razaan against your will?" he asked wondering what was in the male's chest.

A normal heart got angry and hateful but no matter what he did the kind smile on the male's lips was always directed at him.

"To be honest I was a little angry but anger only ever makes things worse so I make it a goal of mine, to not let the sunrise with anger in my heart," he told to him. "And about the wedding, don't blame yourself. Life happens."

Ander embraced Royan in a tight hug. The truth was that he was the only one that the dragon had ever met that didn't try to change him. He didn't have to work hard to impress him, only being himself and the male accepted him.

"I have spent my life asking for love and acceptance from everyone. I had to change myself to try and make them like me. I plotted and planned so many things to get the love I thought I deserved but now I realize that I was wrong," Ander let out.

Tears were flowing down his eyes when he realized how stupid he had been all his life.

"Love is given from the heart and you can't force it," he let out breaking the hug to look at the male in the eyes. "You taught me what love is and you did without expecting anything in return and for that, I will never stop being grateful to you," he added.

"Wow, that was corny," Royan said while letting out a small life.

"I don't want to be the prince Azabia. I won't be able to live with a king who doesn't listen to his son, I can imagine the kind of King he must be. The queen is a mother but she understands nothing about motherhood. I think that all I am trying to say is, I am not going to let myself beg from people who deserve my time," Ander said.

He had never felt so free like at that moment. He was himself and speaking just for him and he was proud of him.

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