Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 160 - To Dare To Love A Dragon (End)

5 years Later

Ander finally found himself after searching for so long. He didn't rush into a relationship with Royan, he had learnt that in order to love and accept Royan as a part of his life them he would have to love himself first.

For year's he got to know more of his brother and the Phoenix. Every now and then he would secretly meet his family and spend some time with them.

He and Alex had completely resolved their differences, the couple had adopted a young dragon baby to raise as their own in Arimelari. The kingdom couldn't have found better rulers.

Ella and Amaru had fallen in love with each other during their adventures. They officially announced their relationship to everyone two years back and had been going strong since.

Razaan and Royan had ended their relationship and each went separate ways. Razaan was forced to return to Azabia to become king after his father's terrible passing.

His mother Zazel stood beside him to help him run things. The woman's attitude had taken a three hundred degree turn, she had changed a lot and had earned Ander's love and respect.

Royan was now the head of the Bureau Of Supernatural Things. His act of playing dead had gotten his father's heart to melt. He had opened himself to be able to listen to his children and hence his daughter Manuela was crown as the next ruler of Aetha.

Things had fallen into place for everyone, as for Ander. He had decided to become a farmer. He owned massive hectares of land where he grew crops and reared animals. He and Royan were taking it slow, as love shouldn't be rushed.

The peaceful life of giving to his animals and plants brought him a lot of satisfaction and peace.


Present day

Francis held the hand of his five year old child and let her to the garden. The other children had arrived with their parents for play time.

His daughter joined the other kids to play in the garden while he sat to have his tea as he watched her.

Life had changed quite a lot for the male who had dared to love a dragon.All the adventures that he had gone through in his life had made him wiser.

He had made a vow to himself that his daughter will not get to live the life that he had watched Ander live. His daughter will not lack as long as he was alive, whether it was materialistic things or love.

"Your highness," a servant called to him.

He looked away from his daughter for a moment and gave his attention to the female who had called him.

"The king has asked me to hand you this," the female said handing a piece of paper to him.

Francis picked the note, he read from it and smiled with joy. He set the note on the table and asked the female servant to call all the servants of the palace to the garden.

As he requested in the next few minutes all the servants stood by his side and waited for his instructions.

"Listen," he spoke softly. "The king has informed me that the whole family is going to meet for a meal by the lake. Make all the arrangements needed and after that, you all can have a feast here in the garden," he informed to them.

The servants held back their happiness, they wanted to jump with joy from the news. Francis was very generous to them, everytime that he and the king had guests. He would allow them their own party as long as they weren't too loud or fail in their work.

He would let them take food and drinks from the store for their families and for the party. That is why the palace had many staff, not only was the pay good but they were treated like family.

"Make certain that all of the families favourite food is prepared and let the queen grandmother know about this as soon as possible," he added.

He gave the key to the store to the head butler and dismissed them. Although he had his back turned to them, he could hear their squeaks and jumps.

"Andrea baby," he called out to his daughter. The red haired girl in the crowd turned her head and looked at him. She gave him a smile before continuing to play with her friends.

Food was brought by the servants and taken to the shade where the parents of the other children sat. It was a feasts of the best dishes in the kingdom, it was a treat that they looked forward to everytime that they had to come to the palace with their children.

Having to eat like royals is something that they couldn't turn down. After all the children who played with the princess were commoners.

"Why do you let such people into the palace, they will corrupt the princess of Arimelari," the duchess said talking a seat opposite from Francis.

She had her son by her side, Francis smiled and gazed in her direction. "Years have passed but you won't change your ways Willow," Francis said to his sister.

Apparently, the BOST had rescued some of the subjects of Arimelari before the black moon curse had consumed them. They had come back after peace had return to their home. Among the people that were saved were his mother and sister.

"Why should I change when I like the way i am," Willow told to him.

"They are commoners but don't you forget that once we used to be one of them," Francis said calmly to her. "Mother is inside if you wish to meet her, their will be a feast be the lake later too," he added.

"Alright, I will go inside. Come Felix, lets go meet your grandmother," she spoke and left with her child.

Francis couldn't understand her but he loved her nonetheless. Everyone might forget their past and where they came from but he could never forget how he got to where he was today and the things that made him the man that he was today.

An hour had passed and Andrea had gotten tired of playing. She ran back to Francis's side looking so dirty everywhere. Her hair was a mess and she was covered in dirt.

"Let us get you cleaned up," he uttered to her.

"Yes daddy," Andrea replied to him.

He reached out to her and carried her in his arms. He didn't mind how dirty she was, he thanked the parents of rhe children that had come to keep Andrea company and made his way to the palace.

The maids took the girl from him to get her ready for the feast that was set up by the lake. The King and his mother were the first ones at the lake.

They made sure that everything was fine for the family. The gathering was one that made their hearts fill with joy.

Francis joined them a while later with Andrea in his hands, his mother and sister followed behind him.

"How is my princess?" Alex asked sweetly to Andrea.

"Tired and sleepy," the girl replied in a soft almost non existence voice.

Alex took her off of Francis, he landed a kiss to her cheek and helped to her chair. "Once you've had your meal then you can go ahead and sleep," he told to her.

"Willow," he let out happy to see her. He greeted Francis, Willow and his mother in law in a hug.

"It's been a long time," he told to his sister.

The guests had one by one made their way to the lake, filling the chairs as their numbers increased.

Sofia had arrived with Malcolm and their two children, Marco and Margaux. The two were the same age as Andrea and were dragons like her too. So they loved and bonded easily over the years.

Andrea and her cousins left the table and rushed to play near the water. Silvia arrived at the lake, she had remarried and she was three months long. Her husband couldn't make it to the feast but promised to be their next time.

Francis and Alex teased her about him every time that they met as a family. And now they had more reasons to tease her as she was expectant.

Ella and Amaru arrived with a fruit basket, they had just come from their trip to belly of the beast, a place in the ocean that was feared for the beasts that reside there.

Razaan, Zazel, Manuela and Royan came together. They had brought wine for the get together, their arrival made the family almost complete with Malcolm, Malia and Ander running late.

They waited for the rest of the family while making small talks here and there. They talked and laughed with each other, they all were not connected by blood. But the things they had experienced together over the years made them a family.

And they wouldn't want it any other way. "Where is Ander, he is never late," Francis asked worried.

"Right here," Ander let out embracing him into a hug from the back. "I was testing out this device that makes people invincible, it works," he let out.

He went around the table greeting everyone before talking his seat.

"Smells good, shall we?" he asked feeling hungry from the sweet aroma of the food.

"Your uncle and aunt aren't here yet," Sofia told to him.

"Then they aren't hungry ao let's eat," he let out while licking his lips. The others only laughed, there wasn't a bigger foodie in the family than him.

Right on time Malcolm and Malia arrived with their son Arran, they apologised for being late and joined the table. The children were called back to the table.

Opening with a prayer, they dug into their food feeling immense happiness from being all together for a meal.

"Cheers to all that are here today and to the one's who couldn't make it," Alex let thinking of his father. Annak was busy so she sent her apologise, the triplets and Natalia were also busy to make it.

"Cheers," the others let out in unison.

"To be daring enough to love a dragon," Francis made a toast.

"To dare to love a dragon," they replied in unison.

Everyone raised their glasses once more and cheered to that.. The feast continued on a happy tone and the family celebrated their bond that was sure to last for a long time.

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