Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 20 - By His Hands

"Speak," Alexander ordered when they arrived in Nayla's room. He was impatient to learn what she had to say.

"I don't feel like it," Nayla replied.

Alexander looked at her surprised, he didn't think that he heard what she said. "What!" he groaned in his dragon voice. The whole room trembled as he spoke but Nayla was unfazed. She looked at Alexander and smiled.

"Is that all you got. Oh! great dragon prince?" she mocked.

Alexander got angry and upset by what she said and grabbed her by the neck and tightened his grip. He was checking her and she still looked at him like she was looking at the biggest fool in the word.

"Insendia," she said and set the prince on fire. Alexander let her go and attempted to put out the fire on him. The fire burned at his skin, he screamed in pain. His dragon side awakened, before he could turn into a dragon Nayla tapped his shoulder and the fire disappeared.

"I am going to have your head off that," he threatened.

"How you felt when I burned you, that is how Francis feels everytime you get close to him. You felt the pain but more than anything the need to kill me for setting you on fire. You have set a fire inside Francis' heart that he won't stop until he kills you," she said. Alexander frowned not able to understand her.

"But what have I done to Francis to lit this fire you speak of?"

"Perhaps the fault lies not with you but the witch who cursed you. Francis is mostly known my his destiny as the Eno nesohc. If you reverse the words it spells chosen one. The chosen one's destiny began a thousand years..."

"Wait, what does all that have to do with me and Francis?" Alexander asked not sure he was being given a thousand year old history that he had no interest of knowing.

"Patience is a virtue that all rulers should have your highness. But since you are not interested in hearing my story I won't tell it, you can leave," she said and pointed the door for Alexander to get out.

"You have yet to answer me," he pointed out.

"I said that I would give you an answer when you are ready to listen. You can return when that happens and maybe I will talk depending on my mood," she said and laid on the bed and closed her eyes.

"I think that you are lying to me. It is true that you somehow found out that Francis was my bane but I don't that there is any truth to what you are saying. You know nothing about Francis and I," he told. Nayla ignored him and continued to sleep. She had no idea why destiny had paired her lord with such an idiot.

Alexander stood there waiting for her to talk but she just continued to sleep and treated him like air. Getting infuriated for being disrespected by a servant for the first time in his life. Alexander walked to her bed and sat down with his hands on both her sides trapping her underneath him. This act got Nayla to open her eyes and stare at Alexander. Her eyes held a lot of questions for him.

"What are you doing?" she asked him trying to break away from him.

"I think you asked me to your room to get me to pay attention to you. I have to say that I am not impressed at all because it is in your nature as a witch to lure and deceive. But I will entertain you for a while," he said and leaned in to kiss her. He didn't want to touch her or go anywhere near her as he only longed for Francis and wanted him but he needed a few answers and his instincts told him that she knew something.

He knew that she didn't desire him or wanted anything to do with him. Because earlier when he held her in his arms she reacted the exact same way that Francis did when he hugged him.

"If you dare I will bury you alive dragon king," she screamed pushing him away with all her energy. Alexander didn't move at all from his position because she was not that strong. He stopped his movements and stared at her stunned by the name she used to refer to him.

"Dragon king?" he questioned. "What do you mean dragon king?"

"What do I mean? Are you a fool? That us like asking me why people call you prince," she said in irritation. She was reaching her last nerve with this prince. She wished that she had never showed herself to him. Then she wouldn't have to deal with this madness.

When she wanted to tell him the history of the situation that he and Francis were caught in. He was acting arrogant and was calling her a liar and now he was resorting to cheap tricks to get her to talk. "Disgusting," she said subconsciously.

"I didn't mean to ask that. What I meant to ask is how can I be the dragon king when my being a dragon is due to a curse?"

"The curse the witch performed transformed you into the dragon king. The dragon king's soul was drawn to your body when the spell was cast. Every time you transform into your vampire side the curse grows stronger and you become more of the dragon as it merges with your human side. The chosen one was born to kill the dragon king so as long as you are a dragon he won't ever stop until he kills you," she explained.

"But the witch said that Francis is the answer to breaking my curse."

"Yes, he can only break your curse with a true love kiss from him. His love can save you from the curse but his hatred will kill you."

"Francis does not hate me, he is uncomfortable around me but he doesn't hate me," Alexander said confused as to why Francis keeps trying to kill when he doesn't hate him.

"Like I said the story began a thousand years ago and the hatred is also that old. He himself doesn't remember what happened or his haters for you but his soul does.. And so it is up to whether you die by his hands or get saved."

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