Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 26 - Princess Silvia

"Today is my birthday, how dare he leave my side for that man," Olivia shouted in her room. She destroying anything that she could lay her hands on. She was not just angry but she was furious. She blamed Francis for all the pain in her life, if it wasn't for him then she wouldn't have shed a single tear on her birthday.

"Before you came into my life everything was perfect. I had the perfect husband and everything that I could ever want in life. But now I dont even matter to the one who treated me like his whole world," she said bitterly. She fell to the ground and clutched the corners of her dress and broke down in tears.

"I hate you Francis. I hate you with all of my breath," she shouted as her tears flowed down her eyes.

"It isn't his fault but mine," she heard from behind and stopped. She wiped her tears and got up from the floor. She walked away and went to stand by the window.

"Leave," she instructed but Alexander didn't leave. He came closer to her and stood next to her.

"I understand that I have been unfair to you of late. And I also know that you have been hurting because of the distance between us. I can't apologise for the pain but I can make it up to you. I will give you the best birthday. I promise," he spoke and let her know of his feelings.

"How do you plan to do that when you can't even see me. Your eyes only look for him," she inquired.

"In the next four days I am all yours. Tell me what you need and I will get it done. Let's begin with your birthday wish," he said in a cheerful mood knowing fully well that she won't resist the chance to demand what her heart desired from him.

"My birthday wish is," she said and paused turning to face Alexander. She made sure that she got her full attention before she continued. "I want Francis out of our lives for good," she stated, Alexander stared at her in shock. He had not expected her to make such a crazy demand.

"You know the birthday rule right. You can't deny me my wish, I want Francis out of our lives. So annul your marriage to him and send him away from this kingdom. Only then will the celebrations for my birthday continue," she explained and walked out of the room, her servants followed behind her.

Alexander was left in the room with a lot to think about. He was being made to choose between the love of his life and his friend and companion. He couldn't hurt her as it was her birthday and he also couldn't hurt him as it would hurt him to see Francis in pain. And there was also the curse that he had to consider.

He recalled what happens when he chased after Francis earlier and felt even more lost. Francis too had made a demand to him.

"If you really love me and only me then why do I have to share your attention and anything of yours with someone else. Why should I share you with so many people. If your love is true then prove it and get rid of all those other women from your life. Why do you need so many of them anyway?" Francis asked in anger.

Francis' words ran through his mind. He felt helpless on what to do. He left Olivia's room and went to his women's quarters.

"Your highness," princess Silvia greeted. "This that you have personally come to the women's quarters yourself and not sent a servant. I hope all is well?"

"Nothing is well," he replied feeling the last bit of energy drain from his body.

"Come with me," she said and helped him to her room. She let him lie on the bed and gave him a head massage and sang him a song to calm him. "Tell me my dear. What is the matter?" he asked in a gentle voice and spoke as though addressing a child.

"I am lost on what to do. I am forced to choose between two very important people in my life and I don't want to hurt either of them," he explained.

"Then don't choose."

"Me not making a choice would create an even bigger problem."

"I have an idea. Why not choose both. There must be a way to convince Francis if Olivia's importance in your life and vice-versa," she suggested. Alexander say up and looked at her.

"How did you know that I was speaking about the two of them?" he asked.

"I am your wife. I understand you more than you understand yourself and I know who is important to you and who isn't. I also know of the war that has been going on between Olivia and Francis so to say I am not surprised that they asked you to pick," she replied.

"If only the choice was an easy one to make."

"You know your highness. Two kings can't rule one kingdom and that is why the sun rules during the day and the moon during the night. But one should forget that once in a while they both come together as one in the same sky for a day. In the same way Olivia and Francis can coexist with each other," she said confusing the prince.

"But how?"

"Francis can't bear to see you with someone else right? Then get rid of your other wives to satisfy him. Olivia wants Francis gone, then tell her the reason it is important yo have Francis around. The truth is all you need to fix this, Francis can never give you an heir as he is male so you'll need Olivia for that and if you leave Francis then your life will be in danger as he is your bane. Give them these reasons and they are sure to give in and take back there demands," she advised. Alexander felt relieved and at ease after finding the answer to the problem.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you know that Francis is my bane?"

"The mark of the sun and moon behind his ear told me. And like I said I pay attention to my husband to understand him," she said and escorted him out.

"I won't forget what you have done for me today," he vowed to her and left the room.

"And I will never forget how you saved my life," princess Silvia whispered and returned to her room.

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