Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 34 - Tired

Alexander left the palace without letting anyone know and rode to the place where he first met Francis, he had a lot on his mind. His father's death was something that he had not anticipated happening at all.

The poisoned water couldn't have been a coincidence after his fight with Olivia, as much as he didn't want to believe it. He was very sure that she was responsible for everything that was happening. He had always had a soft spot for her that he overlooked the small things she did but her wings were growing a lot. She was getting more dangerous with every day.

It hurt him that the girl he considered his best friend would go as far as this just to get even. She is so greedy for power that she sacrificed his father in the process of it all. He regretted never listening to his mother and leaving Olivia. She was a human but had a heart of a wicked witch.

He thought about what to do with her now that she had succeeded in ruining everything for him. But what troubled him the most was how his father the king got to drink the poisoned water, the water was poisoned after he had left the palace and the king's drinking water is usually drawn in the morning. Enough to last him the whole day, so if the kings water was safe to drink them how was it that he drank the poisoned water.

He asked himself many questions and even came to a decision that someone had deliberately given the king the poisoned water. A conspiracy was being hatched for the throne and whoever it is knew too well how Olivia's mind works and used her to his advantage. But who could it have been, was another question that bothered him.

He sat on the stone by the bank and watched the water, on normal occasions he would have been calm after watching the water but today it only made worry. His head was so full of questions with no way to get the answers and worse of all he was in no condition to think about how to solve the poison water problem.

He thought through his options, he couldn't punish her but he couldn't keep with him anymore. After everything she had done it was enough for him. He had enough of everyone taking advantage of his kindness and getting away with it.

"People fear the dragon prince so much yet I don't do anything bad. But from now on they will see a different prince. I will give them a reason to fear me," he said his eyes red from crying so much. His temperament changed from the normal cheerful nature to cold. The life that used to live in his eyes completely disappeared.

He found no beauty in the trees and flowers around him as he had done in the past, everything was plain to him. The colour around him was becoming meaningless. He had always wanted to see the beauty of the sun in his land but today he had that the privilege to do that he couldn't even cherish the moment. Not feel the warmth of the sun from how his body was cold. His heart too was freezing cold.


"We have searched everywhere but their is nothing on here about how to save Zorra," Miyale said sadly.

"There is a way for us to save her. But it will require a lot of work and sacrifice," Nayla informed her sister after being left with no other option.

"How? I am willing to do anything it takes to save her."

"We have to get a human who has the exact same qualities as Zorra and have her take Zorra's place. Then we will transfer Zorra's essence into her body. That is the only way to get her back," she said.

"How do we find this girl you mention who's body is like Zorra's?" Miyale inquired.

"We first have to gather Zorra's essence then we have to find the black spider to make us a black thread that we can use to get the two to become one," she said .

"That doesn't sound hard," she commented.

"Are you serious. Do you know where we can find a mythical black spider and without the power of three do you know how hard it will be for us to get it to make a thread for us. And merging two people together requires the power of three as well but we are only two. So why don't you tell me how you plan to achieve this east task with just the two of us?" She questioned knocking some sense into her sister.

Miyale swallowed hard at everything Nayla mentioned, indeed it wasn't going to be easy to get their sister back but she was not going to give up just because the road got difficult.

"We have seen worse over the years right? So we are sure to get through this and emerge victorious like always," she said confidently to cheer them on.

"Enough chat, let's go. We have a lot of work to do," she said and took her away. They travelled across the forest on their way to the isle of the lost to find a witch that would know the whereabouts of the black spider.

As they walked passed the lake the two of them felt the dark energy radiating from the water. Out of curiosity they checked the water and noticed the poison flowing through the water.

"A dondoyle," they said together in unison.

"We should go to Arimelari and see if Francis is okay," Nayla said and got to her feet to run back to check on the love of her life.

Miyale watched her run away, her heart breaking from seeing with her very eyes her sister chosing Francis over them again. She dropped to the ground In despair.

"It was difficult to save you before with just the two of us. Now it is going to be close to impossible to do it alone," she cried out.

Mayla rushed back to Arimelari to find Francis, she searched around for him, her heart feeling restless. She looked for the prince when she couldn't find him but even he was no where to be found. She asked around if anyone had seen them but no one knew where they were.

"What right does a servant have to ask around for the prince?" Olivia asked her.

"I am in no mood to talk to you," she replied and tried to walk away but Olivia stopped her by grabbing her hand. She pulled her back and slapped her so hard that she fell to the ground. 

"A servant should know their place in front of a royal. I am a princess so show me some respect," she scolded.

"How dare you hit me. How dare you raise your hand to me?" Nayla asked emitting a dark aura around her.

"I am not afraid of you. You are nothing but a pathetic servant," she uttered bitterly.

Nayla smiled at her. "Your future is not so bright little princess. From what I see in your destiny, your future is dark. You won't be in the palace for much longer and this right that permits you to look down on people will soon be stripped away from you. You should cherish being a princess while you still can because you won't have that right for much longer," she said to her.

"It seems that you have quite a long tongue don't you? I will have it cut off," Olivia threatened.

"That is something that I would like to see happen," she said and vanished before Olivia's eyes. "I'm sorry," she apologized to her sister. "Worrying about Francis is an old habit and it will take time to grow out of it. Let's go before the sun sets or we might lose the witch."

"Aren't you going to find the dondoyle and save the kingdom?" She questioned not sure if she was speaking to her sister or a stranger.

"Francis can handle it, I can't keep solving all his problems for him. You were right I do need a life far away from Francis, maybe a boyfriend would be the best way to start," she said shocking the life out of her sister.

"What happened in the palace and what have you done to my sister?"

"I am still here, just tired of this one sided love. Enough talk about me and let's go."

"Wait until Zorra hears this she will go crazy. She tried so hard to get you to move on but failed miserably and now this," Miyale said and she pulledd her sister away and they got back on their journey to find the witch in the isle.


"Just hold on a little, he is coming," Alexander heard the dragon voice say in his head. For some reason he felt a little peace hearing his voice, it gave a feeling that he was not alone and that there was someone there always watching over him and protecting him.. One who won't take advantage of him or ever leave him.

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