Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 4 - New Desire (4)

The sunset in the kingdom of Arimelari and the people woke from their sleep and started the night. The crystals were lit all over the kingdom by the guards making the moonlight kingdom very bright.

The prince shifted back to his human form before getting up to go about his day just like everyone else. He had plans to go back to the forbidden forest to look for the man who had stolen his heart. He had about the man the whole and with the night here he could find him. He got back to his room in a hurry surprising Arnie who had brought his food.

He was given a bath by his awaiting servants and dressed up nicely. He was eager to go out and meet that young, tonight he was not going to let him get away like last night. He left his room and walked out with elegance down the halls.

"Alexander," he heard a sweet voice call to him from behind. He stopped in his tracks but did not bother to turn around. He waited for the person who called him to come to him. "Are you avoiding me?" she asked sweety wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Not now Olivia, I have somewhere to be," he said removing her hands from him. "I will talk to you when I get back."

He left her standing in place out of shock. This was new to her, the prince saying no to her was something she was not used to. She was confused about what happened and remained frozen on the spot.

"You should get used to this, times are changing and your reign over my son is coming to an end," said the queen who had witnessed everything. She could not begin to describe in words how happy she was to see princess Olivia's humiliation. Her downfall had begun.

"What are you going on about now, don't forget that I rule the prince's mind. He will do anything for me and I will be the one to decide when my reign ends," she threatened.

"That is true but there is a power that can break the shackles of the mind. That is the power of love that rules the heart. You rule my son's mind but someone else has come into his life that rules his heart and did you see. For the first time my son didn't have time for you," she pointed out to Olivia.

"Nothing can take Alexander away from me," Olivia declared.

"We will see," said the queen. Olivia stormed off in fury. She was not just angry at Alexander for leaving her but the queen's words hurt her more than she would ever care to admit. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if she lost Alexander's support, she was his first wife and the future Queen of Arimelari but without Alexander, she would be just a queen.

She needed Alexander to back her up and remain powerful. His other wives would stop respecting her if she didn't have Alexander's favor. She walked to the balcony of the palace and sat down to have her tea. The moon was full this night and it lit the sky making everything seem bright.

"Today is the day that all the ladies and men of Arimelari will set up their stall to impress their lovers and attract suitors. All the wives will surely participate in this to win over the prince. My stall will be the best tonight, I will give my all to get your attention back to me," she whispered and asked her servants to follow her.

They walked out of the palace to get to the chariot to head to the open market. "Look, princess Olivia is going to participate in the stall festival this year," princess Silvia pointed out and the other princesses looked.

They were filled with shock because Olivia was always too proud to do the festival. She always claimed that it was beneath her to do such useless things to impress someone who already belonged to her.

"I heard that the prince refused to see her in the day yesterday and tonight he also didn't pay her any attention at all," added princess Sofia.

"She must be doing this to try and appease the prince," said Silvia and they all agreed. They got in their chariot and the horses pulled them away to the market.

The market was full as people had set up their stalls quite early and sales had already begun. The princesses had their area reserved for them so they didn't need to come early and book the best spot. They set up their stall z d decorated it so beautifully with the help of their servants. They got their work done in no time and opened their stall for sale. The best-looking stall in the whole market was Olivia's stall and it had the prettiest and most expensive things.

The stall to her right was princess Sofia's and then Francis's. He had gotten up so early that night and got the best spot next to the royal family. That way more people will buy from him and he would be able to raise money for his mother. His mother had fallen I'll and with each passing day her condition gets worse. He has been working extra hard to earn and get her the medication she needs but it isn't enough. He needed more money to get her checked by a more experienced and known physician.

His stall wasn't decorated much because he couldn't afford to waste money on that and he was selling medicines and herbs. His sister helped him to set up the stall and left to go take care of their mother. People walked in different stalls to see what could catch their eyes and bought what they needed. The market became lively and business started.

Alexander after searching for hours with no luck decided to attend the festival and find the man some other night. He came to the market and everyone tried to get him to buy things from their stall. They presented their best item to him but he didn't pay them any attention. He went straight to Olivia's stall.

"What do you have for me, today princess. To have taken the trouble to open a stall, you must have brought the best for me," he said taking a seat next to her.

"I have this for you, it is an infinity ring. They say that if you give this to the one you care about then they will love you forever. Their love will be never-ending," she said and handed the ring to him.

"Interesting, I expected nothing less from you. How much for the ring?"

"Ten thousand gold coins," she announced. Shocking everyone including the prince.

"Isn't that a bit too much?"

"Anything that catches your eyes is priceless, this is just my reward money for finding you a priceless gift," she said and Alexander paid her the money and took the ring. His other wives burned with envy and jealousy but it couldn't be helped.

Alexander walked to Sofia's stall and bought a scarf from her. While talking to Sofia he spotted the plant that he had gone in search of at the stall next to her. He excused himself and went into Francis's stall. The people-watching was surprised that he even took an interest in such a place.

"How much for the blue plant outside?" he asked making Francis turn around and look at him. He stopped in his tracks and stared into those beautiful blue eyes. He couldn't help getting the feeling that the plant and the hot were connected. When he went in search of the plant he met the boy and now that he came for the plant he found the boy as well.

"Sir," said Francis shaking Alexander to wake him from his thoughts. The place where he touched felt like he had a fire in his hands that sent shocks at the prince.

"I said the plant costs ten silvers," he repeated knowing that Alexander didn't hear him the first time.

"What is your name," Alexander inquired.

"I am here to sell herbs and medicines, not myself so there is no need for you to know my name," Francis replied.

"And if you were to sell yourself how much would you cost," he asked getting close to Francis. Francis backed away from him until he hit the wall. "Answer my question," he said close to his ear.

"I am not for sell," Francis repeated feeling trapped by the weird man.

"Too bad, I would have paid a fortune for you. I will take the plant for today but next time I will come for you," he said and kissed Francis on the neck. He didn't stop there but kept sucking on that spot until he was sure he left a mark on him.

He had read in his research books how a dragon can mark someone as their mate in their human form. Once he marks the boy he would be able to find anywhere the boy went. Francis was about to hit Alexander for taking advantage of him but stopped himself from seeing his clothes. They were clothes simple people would not afford to wear and he would be in big trouble if he hit the man.

He had his family to think about and couldn't help them if he went to jail so he stopped himself from saying anything to the man. He wrapped the plant nicely and gave it to the man. Alexander held the bag together with Francis's hand and just looked at the boy who has stolen his heart. Francis yanked his hand off and stepped away from Alexander before he was tempted to change his mind about hitting him.

"Here, you can give this to any guard in the palace if you ever change your mind about my offer. They will bring you to me," he said and left the stall.

Francis kept the ring in his pocket hoping he would never need to use it but his mother's condition gets worse he was afraid he might consider selling himself to the man.

After the prince left his stall more and more people came to his stall to buy things. He made enough money to buy the medicine the physician has prescribed for his mother. But it was only enough for one dose but at least it was something. He packed up his stall and went home after the long day. He bought a scarf and tied it around his neck to hide the bite mark on his neck.

He didn't want to worry his mother and sister. He picked the medicine and rushed home to give it to his mother.. He could just imagine how happy she would be to receive the medication.

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