Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 46 - The Queen Mother's Wrath

The palace was quiet, everyone in the palace felt the pain of Francis's departure. The queen and the prince could not come to terms with all that Alexander was telling them.

They couldn't believe that he had removed Francis from his life forever and that too without consulting them. They sat together in the queen's room quietly.

"Mother we can't let this happen. We have to find a way to get Francis back, that girl can't win," Mordecai said.

"But how my dear, Francis is already married to someone else and they have left not just the palace but Arimelari as a whole," she told feeling helpless of the situation.

"There must be something that we can do. I am not going to give up and let that Olivia have her way," he stated. "I had a lot of plans for brother and Francis and I am sure that Olivia is the reason they separated," he added.

"I won't keep quiet anymore, it has gone on long enough," the queen said and got up from the chair. She went to her study table and took a piece of paper and a feather. She dipped the feather in ink and wrote on the paper.

When she was done, she gave the paper to the prince. "Sign it and give everyone listed on there to sign it too," she instructed.

"You will feel my wrath, Olivia," she whispered.

Mordecai read the content of the letter and signed it. He left his mother's room and went in search of the people the queen has listed on the list. He took his horse and rode out of the palace in a hurry.


Olivia danced around in her room with joy, once again she was back where she belonged and she couldn't be happier. She took her time to enjoy the feeling of being the only wife of the king and queen of Arimelari. Everything in the world seemed to fall to the right place.

"Many greetings to you my queen," the servant greeted coming into the room. "Your mother is here to meet you," she informed.

"Let her in at once," she said her smile broadening in her lips. The servant went out and returned with a woman in her early forties dressed in a red gown.

"Hello mother," she greeted.


"I am glad that you came to see me. I have plenty of good news for you, your plan worked and I am now the only reigning queen in the palace."

"I told you right? The only way to get what you want is to carry the heir to the throne. Now you have it all, the king all to yourself and the kingdom. It was sad to hear that the king left his precious husband and married him off but it benefits us a lot," she said.

"Yes mother, you have no idea how happy I was when Alexander told me that he had sent Francis away. Good job on getting the seer to say all those things, they scared him so much that he gave everything I ever dreamt of," she said and kissed her mother on the cheek.

"What seer are you talking about?" her mother asked confused.

"Balizaar, the seer who predicted my son's future," the told.

"I didn't send the seer and even if I wanted to, there is no way that I could convince Balizaar to lie on my behalf. He is a man who can see the future and has a reputation of being honest," she said to her daughter.

"Wait, you didn't send him?" she asked and her mother nodded. "Then everything he said about the child is true?"

" I couldn't know since I wasn't there but for all I know, it's that Balizaar's prediction always comes true. But what did Balizaar predict of the child?"

"He said that the boy will be a dragon and he is destined to kill Francis," she said.

She sat down having a bad feeling in her heart. The prince's attitude had changed ever since the king died, she had felt it herself. It couldn't have been possible for him to have just forgotten everything and accepted her again in his life. That too when she had tried to kill Francis right before his eyes, and the child growing inside her is also destined to kill Francis.

She was sure that Alexander would never tolerate something like that sitting down. He would never let any harm come to his loved ones and won't spare those who were responsible for it.

Her grip on the bedsheets tightened, she was so excited about getting back everything that she had lost that she failed to see that it was all fake. Alexander didn't mean anything he said, he only reacted like that to keep her distracted while Francis and Silvia left the kingdom.

Everything was beginning to make sense to her now, Alexander had given Francis away to protect him but his feelings towards her are still the same as always. She recalled their talk earlier paying close attention to Alexander's reactions and she saw it.

The thing that she was too blinded by happiness to see, his hatred. It was very clear in his eyes even though his face was saying something else. She saw it all, the evil intentions behind those eyes. She could never have been wrong about her victory, she didn't win she lost. And something told her that it was only the beginning of her end.

"How could I have been so stupid?" she asked.

"What happened my dear?" his mother asked worried about the long face she was wearing.

"Mother, Alexander played me. He didn't give me back anything, all he has done is lie to my face. He is not mine, he belongs to Francis. Now and forever and he blames me and my child for separating them. Mother, I have a feeling that my life here in the palace is going to get worse," she cried to her mother.

"No dear, you are carrying his son and the heir to his throne he wouldn't dare hurt you," she said to comfort and assure her.

"I am carrying the child he despises mom, he wouldn't hesitate to hurt either of us now that Francis is gone from his life. I didn't realize it before because of how angry I was but he was the only thing that was keeping him sane and stable after the king's death. Now nothing will hold him back," she explained to her mother.

Her mother's eyes went wide when the realization hit her. She too saw sense in what her daughter was saying.

"We have to do.." she started to say when they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Olivia instructed. The servant came into the room and bowed her head to the queen.

"My queen, the king has called for an emergency meeting in the throne room and you are summoned to join," she informed her and left the room.

"What do you think this is about?" her mother asked her.

"Nothing good," she said and bid her mother goodbye. She left the room, her servants followed behind her as she went over to the throne room. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she stepped into the room to find all the ministers standing in the room.

She walked up to the king and sat on her throne beside the king, she glanced at him and offered him a smile but the king ignored her and didn't spare her a glance.

"Now that the queen has arrived, tell me the reason for this meeting," he said to the group of a hundred ministers standing before him.

The minister closest to the throne walked to the kind and handed him a scroll. The King took the scroll and opened it, he read the content of the scroll with shock in his eyes.

His eyes went down the scrolls to see that all the powers of Arimelari had signed in favor of the request.

"According to this, you all are requesting for the queen to be dethroned," he said out loud.

Olivia stared up at him and then at the scroll, she snatched the scroll from his hand and read from it. She read the request to dethrone her that had all the signatures from all the powerhouse of Arimelari starting with the queen and the prince.

"Yes, your highness. We understand that she is pregnant and carrying the child of the throne but we have come together and decided it best for her not to sit on the throne. The King will remarry and his new bride will be queen and she can just be kept in the palace as a royal concubine until she gives birth then she must be sent away from Arimelari, banished never to return," the minister who handed him the scroll said.

"What reasons do you have to request this?" the king asked.

"We have reasons to believe that she is responsible for the poisoned water that took many lives of the subjects, our king included. How can we allow a woman like her to be our ruler," he said.

The King stared at his queen, he could see the anger in her eyes. He turned back to the ministers.

"Since you, all have come to this decision. As you king I have no choice but to agree to your request," he said.. He took the scroll from Olivia's hand and placed his royal seal on it and approved of the request.

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