Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 70 - The Fire Maiden

Francis led Ander to the principal's office were one of the doors was. The only problem being that he had no idea what kind of door it was or where it was opened from. They searched everywhere in the room for anything out of the ordinary that could be used to open the door but nothing stood out.

Ander sat at his uncle's chair contemplating what to do next when suddenly he felt the same negative energy from before in the room. He got up from the chair and got ready with spells on his hands in case the person attacks him.

"I know you are here," he said in a deep threatening voice imitating Malcolm as he had heard him use the same voice while training soldiers in the palace.

"Good saves me the trouble of surprise attack. I prefer when my enemies know that I'm attacking them," he had a girlish voice say.

"Then show yourself," he said listening to the sound of her voice to get the exact location where she was standing to attack her.

"I'm right here," she said appearing behind him and pinning him to the principal's desk. "Surprise," she yelled with glee.

Ander did a black flip on the air, his movement so swift, precise, and fast that he caught her by surprise changing their position and holding her down. The girl tried to move but before she could do anything Ander spoke. "Don't even think about it," he said waving his left hand that was glowing with golden energy in front of her eyes.

"Any wrong move and I eliminate you," he warned and she stayed still.

"Who are you?" the girl asked surprised.

"Someone who doesn't play around and who might you be?" he questioned to her.

"Someone who hates you," she replied before opening her mouth and firing fire breath at him. Ander withdrew his hands and blocked his eyes from the fire. He cast a protective shield around his body protecting his skim from the fire. This temporarily gave the girl a chance to vanish and ran away.

When the danger was averted the shield lowered, Ander cursed under his breath for letting his guard down. "She is so dead," he thought and turned around to go find her and found Francis staring at him with disappointment in his eyes.

"Did we just not talk about this," he said to him. "Death is not the answer to everything," he added.

"True, but the law of nature kills or be killed and I doubt fire-breathing girl over there is here for tea time," he said and walked out of the office. He went down on his knees and placed his hand on the ground and closed his eyes. He was able to see the girl's footsteps and the direction that she went to.

"You could consider the possibility that she is a lost soul that could use some guidance and save her from her path of destruction," Francis said to him.

"No, she is my enemy and I am going to finish her, and just to be clear I won't stop even if you intervene. So it will be good if you stay out of it," he said and walked away to find the girl.

'Your opinion and feelings of me won't change whether I am good or bad,' he thought bitterly.

He had been frustrated for the past few days and it seemed to him that the universe wanted him to release some of his frustrations and that is why they sent this girl to attack the school.

"You are the prince of all dragons. Your first and foremost duty is to serve the people and maintain balance in the world. This girl, whoever she may be needs your help. Just don't let your anger blind you from seeing that," he advised understanding why the male was being stubborn. He was the one Ander was angry at and he wished that he won't take his anger out on the poor girl.

"Why do you assume that I do.." he tried to say but had to squat when a fireball was thrown at him. He hissed in irritation and fired back. Only his fire was hellfire, the most dangerous fire in existence besides the dragon flame and many other flames. He loved the hellfire as it got rid of his problem with a guarantee of it never coming back again. He kept throwing the fire at her repeatedly not giving her time to relax or fire at him.

The girl ran, jumped, and ducked. Anything to avoid the flame that was being thrown at her, she was no fool on flames and knew exactly the kind of flame Ander was using. She understood that if that flame touched her, she was done for. She ran away heading higher and higher up the floors of the building doing her best to evade Ander's fierce attacks.

'Who the hell is this, 'she thought as she ran. She was not told that there was someone so powerful when she was sent to the school.

Her mission was simple, go in use the sleeping spell to make everyone unconscious and then find the secret vault and get the Zorak and get out of there. Nothing in the plan said anything about a boy who wasn't affected by the sleeping spell or one that was very good with dangerous spells.

"You are going to kill her," Francis shouted to him but Ander ignored him. He imagined the girl being Avan and thought of all the things that Ander had taken away from him and that fueled his anger and got him on the killing node. He shook his right hand while the left kept the girl on her feet. The left hand began creating walls in all the hallways trying to close all her existing exits so she had nowhere to run. Only one thought ran through his mind. "Kill."

"Ander stop," Francis pleaded but his voice died with the explosions that were caused by his fire. The fire that the girl dodged caught the things in the building and soon the school started burning down. The oath that Ander had followed was only filled with fire one that neither he nor the girl had time to pay attention to.

The girl got to the rooftop of the school and stared down. She had to jump before Ander caught up, she tapped the necklace on her neck and prepared to jump. With Ander at her back, his eyes had long changed color to golden. He had built up the biggest fire yet and was ready to fire.

"Ander, stop it. You can't harm her as she is.." Francis tried to say when the girl jumped off followed by the fire that Ander had released." She is an Erarke," he shouted.

"What is that?" Ander asked him.

"The fire maiden, right hand to the royal family of dragons. Their family has served your family for centuries," he informed her. "Save her," he yelled.

Ander sighed before running off the building transforming into his dragon form while in the air and flying after the girl. He sped up following the heat of the fire that he had made to follow the girl until she is burned to ashes.

When he got to her, she was panting trying to keep herself from the fire, he stretched his hand towards the fire and stopped it. He snapped his fingers and the fire disappeared.

The girl turned around to look at him with her eyes wide open, she couldn't believe that she was seeing a royal dragon, with the royal emblem on his forehead. She bowed her head to him to show respect.

"I hate not being able to kill something," he said turning around. That is when he noticed the school was on fire, his heart almost stopped beating. His aunt was still in the school, he raced back to the school at the speed of lighting wrecking his brain for a fix-it spell that could return things to the way they were before the fire started.

"I set the school on fire as I am a fool, so fix my mistake to its previous condition return the school," he said, the fire stopped with everything fixing itself to the way it was before. Even the things that had already burned to ashes restored themselves.

He rushed into the school changing back to his human form and was relieved to see the students still alive just sleeping. He ran over to his Aunt and embraced her.

"This is what I mean by death not bring the answer to every problem. Today you were able to save the innocent but what of tomorrow when you try to kill someone again," Francis said to him.

"I get it now can you stop," Ander yelled feeling more irritated by his voice. Francis acted like he knew everything but yet he was overlooking just how he was hurting by his rejection.

"Your highness," he heard the girl call out and turned his head to the door to see her head. "I can help," she informed.

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