Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 77 - First Encounter

The fire maiden led Ander and Avan to her village, they sneaked in not wanting to draw attention to themselves. The plan was to get to Leafspear and attack him directly.

The village was deserted as the villagers were held captive by Onilen. The only people they saw are Onilen's men scouting the area. Avoiding their eyes they ran around the huts in the village to the main house of the village head.

The house was huge with very tight security around it, the house had only two entrances. One to the back and the other on the front, both having four guards each. The windows of the house were sealed shut with no way to go in.

"What now?" Ella asked Ander who had made himself the team leader.

"We have to find a way to get in," he said and turned his attention away from the house to her. "Sorry," he added.

"For what?" she asked getting a bad feeling about the prince's apology.

Before she could question him more her mouth got sealed with magic before Ander attacked her. He hit her repeatedly, on the face and in her stomach. Before Avan could stop him he went ahead and did the same thing to him. After beating them up he conjured a sword and used it to cut his arm and more other parts of his body.

"We are not the enemy, they are," Ella said angrily to the dragon prince not appreciating.

"And if you were feeling like self-inflicting harm on yourself. Why beat us up?" Avan questioned.

"Here," Ander said handing a rope to Ella. "Tie the two of us up," he instructed.

"What game are you playing Ander?"

"You are going to walk us through that door. It's simple, you went to the school stole the orb, and came here. That when you discovered we were following you and after a fierce fight between us you were able to emerge victoriously and brought us along as your prisoners, a gift for the almighty Onilen," he told putting his hand behind his back to be tied.

"That isn't a bad idea," the two of them said in unison.

"I know, I came up with it. Now hurry up, I need to seal my wounds soon they are beginning to hurt," he said.

Ella tied the two of them up as Ander instructed and took the empty orb and placed it in her pocket. She held the end of the rope and made them walk towards the door. The guards noticed her and approached her with their weapons being alert.

"I am Ellandra, the fire maiden and I have returned with what your master wanted," she told to them.

"And them?" the guards asked.

"They followed me back from Arimelari and so I caught them. They would be a good collection for your master as one is the son of the dragon king," she explained.

The guards searched them to make sure that weren't carrying any weapons before he opened the door for her to enter, Ella pushed Ander and Avan to move inside. One of the guards led them to where Onilen and his closest confidants were.

With every step Ella was getting nervous, her family was in danger and she was about to deceive the man who was holding them captive.

"Ella, welcome back," Onilen said to her happily. "Tell me, my dear friend. Do you have that which I asked you for?" he questioned.

"It's right here," she said raising the orb for him to see it. Onilen waved his hand in the air and his servant went to fetch the orb for him. "We had a deal. Release me, family," she added.

"Not so fast, let's see if this is truly that which I had asked you to bring," he informed and took the orb in his hand. He inspected it before opening the orb. He closed his eyes to await the beautiful moment where Dark Melchior's powers would enter his body.

After waiting for a few seconds without anything happening he got up from his seat angrily. "What game do you think you are playing with me?" he asked her.

"What is the matter?" she asked feigning ignorance.

"The orb is empty," he said to her.

"What?" she asked. She turned around and glared at the two kneeling on the ground.

"What have you done?" she questioned summoning her fire.

"We destroyed the chance for you to destroy the world by handing such dangerous power to an evil man like him," Avan said acting.

"You will pay," She said and raised her hand to attack them.

"Stop," Onilen said. Ella released a sigh of relief for not having to attack her friends." Stop this pretense, you knew from the beginning that the orb was empty," he declared.

"What? I would never..."

"Save it, you expect me to believe that you fought the chosen one and the black moon dragon by yourself and won. Ella, my dear, you give yourself way too much credit," he said and raised his hand to the sky.

"I thought you loved your family but it seems that I will have to teach you the meaning of family. They say that you only realize how much something meant to you when you lose it," he said a trident appearing on his raised hand.

Ella's eyes widen with shock when she saw what he was holding. "Athea's trident," she whispered in terror.

"Do you like my new gift," he said and pointed the trident to the ground. "Say goodbye to your family forever," he added.

"Nooo," Ella screamed when the trident released its power of lightning to the ground.

She heard screams coming from the ground before it went quiet. "That should teach you how to follow instructions."

"You will regret that," she said and let her fire out towards him. Onilen and his men easily dodged her fire. They moved away from her and teleported out of the house using his trident.

"Cut," Ander said, his eyes glowed before the ropes in his hands came loose. He untied Avan and instructed him to keep Ella company and to help her free her family.

"How can we, they are dead. They were struck by Athea's lightning. It might have seemed weak and small but that alone was enough to kill everyone below the ground," she said regretting trying to be a hero.

"Then it's a good thing that the lighting hit me instead of them," Ander said showing her his burned hand. "I promised you your family would be safe. I never break my promises," he added.

"But how?"

"I redirected the lighting to hit me before it touched the ground. Go save your family and I will deal with this Onilen. He owes me a pretty hand," he said and jumped in the air and created a portal that led outside, he got his spells ready to fight. But before that, he healed his cuts and made sure he was a hundred percent before appearing before Leafspear.

"Where do you think you are going?" he asked and threw a fireball on the chariot that they were loaded with things.

"You shouldn't have done that," Onilen said gripping his trident tightly. He summoned big lightning in the sky and directed it at Ander.

"Zapus," Ander said and the lighting changed direction and traveled back to the sender. Onilen was not expecting it and got to dodge it when he was close to getting hit.

Ander smirked as the lighting burned the soldiers to ashes. "Crystal spears," he said and conjured spears made of crystals and sent them to the sky. He named his enemy under his breath. The spears multiplied one by one and they flew towards Onilen and his men.

The men took their swords and blocked as many spears as they could and tried to stop them from killing them. Some were able to avoid the spears while others got his and bled out that second and died.

Onilen seeing that he was standing on a losing battle and the fact that he had only mastered how to throw lighting with the trident he chooses to retreat. The dragon prince was too strong for him at the moment.

"Moka, the sand monster. Now," he ordered."See you soon dragon prince," he added.

His right-hand man knelt to the ground and summoned the sand monster while he created a portal for them to leave the village. The sand around the village began to rise slowly forming the sand monster they spoke of.

Ander massaged his templates at how tiring it was going to be to fight sand. He just hoped that him playing a hero and fighting someone else's battle is worth it.

He closed his eyes and let himself transform into his dragon form. Once he had transformed he moved his wings around to stretch them out for flying when the sand monster hit him with his fist sending him flying to the other side of the village.

Getting back up from the ground he lifted off to the sky and reigned his fire down on the sand creature.

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