Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 81 - Nicer Side Of Ander

Ander, Avan, and Ella went for a walk. They were tired of sitting around in the village. Ella was walking next to Avan while Ander walked in front of them. He didn't bother to make talks with them.

"How long is he going to be like that?" Ella asked Avan concerning Ander's eyes.

"I don't know but I like him like this. He is nice," Avan said to her.

"But he is better when he is normal. We need to get him to return to normal," she told I'm serious tone. She couldn't stand the darkness she saw in those eyes and not the negative energy that she was giving out to him.

"But when he is normal he is rude and can't say anything nice about anyone?" Avan said tired of trying to change her mind about the male.

"He is not nice either Avan. Have you seen the darkness in his eyes, you don't get that kind of eyes when you are nice," Ella said.

"I agree but he.."

"He is sweet to you when he is like this and says the worse of things about you when he is awake," she said knowing well what his thoughts were.


"But Avan, all that glitters is not gold. Just because he is nice to you doesn't mean that he is a good person. You have no idea what Ander's subconscious is capable of doing," she warned getting worried about her friend and the way that he is thinking.

"We shouldn't judge him when he has done nothing wrong," Avan defended. He felt annoyed the way that Ella was making Ander's subconscious a villain when he had nothing to anyone.

"I am not saying this because I don't like him and for your information, he had hurt someone," Ella explained to him.


"I believe the man's name was Francis," she said. ", I'm sure you've heard the name. Ander himself keeps singing it all the time."

"The invincible man he is in love with?"

"The reason he is invincible is that he is a ghost and he is just not the man that Ander is in love with. He also happens to be someone you would call. Father," She said making Avan halt on his steps. "Your so-called nice friend splintered your father. If he is as nice as you say he is then why don't you ask him to bring Francis back," she said and pushed him forward.

Avan landed on Ander's back causing the male to stop. Ander held him preventing him from falling and gave a cheeky smile.

"Couldn't stay away from me for long," he said pulling him up.

"I needed to talk to you," Avan said nervously.

"Anything for you. What would you wish to discuss?" Ander asked him letting him down gently so that he could walk on his own. They strolled down the roadside by side with Avan thinking of how to start the conversation about his father. "I thought you wished to talk but you have barely said a word to me," Ander commented.

"I wish to ask you about my father?" he asked him.

"What of him?" Ander asked confused.

"Why did you hurt him?" he questions gathering the strength to confront Ander.

Ander raised his eyebrows to him in the question of what he was going on about. "Sweetheart, I have only just met you again recently. Where in the world would I have found your father and hurt him?" he matter-of-factly asked him.

"Are you saying you are innocent? I knew it, you wouldn't hurt anyone let alone my father," he said to him.

Ander and Avan continued their walk with Avan glad that Ander was not the one responsible for harming his father, he couldn't imagine the boy he had grown to like so much being the reason for his pain.

"I have always had only one goal in my life. Get my father back and reunite my family," he said tired of the silence between them. Ander listened to him and smiled sadly.

If only he could have a family and be happy. His father would never want that and he didn't even know who his mother is to even think of having a complete family and the woman who raised him told him nothing but lies for so long he didn't think that he could ever trust her.

"That's nice," he said in return.

"Then the love story of Silvia and Francis would be complete," he said. Ander's eyes went wide with the realization from what he heard the male say. From that he could make out the father he was asking him about, he faces palmed himself for being so stupid. The boy was the chosen one so he must have been born of the chosen one.

"Is Francis your father?" he asked just to be sure even though his gut told him he was. He could already see how bad the situation was going to get when the male realized that he was indeed the one who shattered his father into pieces and planned to do the same to him but couldn't.

"Yes, all I want is to find his remains and put him back together. When he comes back he will fill my mother's world with lots of love and I will be happy," he stated happily.

"That isn't possible. He was shattered with wish magic and unless the one who shattered him takes his wish back he will forever be a prisoner. He will return but can never leave the side of his wisher," Ander explained.

"My father is stuck by your side so that means that you are the one who hurt him," Avan said realizing that Ella was right. All along the one who destroyed his family was right before his eyes and he could never see it. The man blames him for taking everything of his when he was the one who snatched his life away.

He glared at Ander, Dark Melchior's powers that were inside him getting out of control. The trees and branches around his started reacting to the magic that was oozing out of him. The wind was blowing widely to match his deadly mood that was shooting daggers at Ander.

"Where is the rest of the splinters of my father?" she asked angrily. Ander just stared at him not reacting at all to the change in his mood and the environment. "Bring my father back or else."

"You will what? kill me?" Ander asked him with a bit of sarcasm in his voice. "Many have tried and failed miserably. Don't make the same mistake," Ander advised.

"Get me, my father, back," he demanded of the dragon prince. Ander smirked at his scary appearance.

"You shouldn't let your emotions get out of hand. They can prove to be your weakness," he said observing the male with no change in his aura. He was in the least scared of the man, he was sure that he could take him no problem. He was curious to see how far his anger would get and if he can put up a fight like he did the first time they met.

"Don't tell me what to do and give me my father," he said and zapped Ander with his magic. Ander easily blocked the attack with his hand. "You missed," he mocked.

Avan's blood boiled to the fullest. He began to chant a forbidden spell that his aunt Zorra had taught him. He didn't want to resort to anything dangerous but he felt like Ander left him no choice. He raised his hand and released his magic and just when the spell was about to hit him. Ander gathered all the splinters before him into a shield.

Avan withdrew his spell when he saw the remains of his father on the way. "I have a few tricks up my sleeve Avan dear," he heard Ander's mocking voice say. "Any wrong move and these splinters won't exist anymore," he said his voice getting cold. He lifted the splinters separating them into pieces.

"Say the word my love and I will gladly destroy them all. Let's see how you get your father back then," he said in his threatening voice.

The aura in his body got very thick weakening Avan's strength. The male fell to his knees when he was overpowered. "I like you so I will forgive your small act of heroism but don't you dare try that again with me," He added calming down.

The splinters disappeared into thin air except for one. He took the splinter and went down on his knees to meet with Avan. "Consider this a gift for the previous night. Make me happy and each time I will return a piece of your father. Make me angry and I will break a splinter," he said handing the splinter to the boy.

He pulled Avan up from the ground and gave him a peck on his cheeks before he walked away leaving Avan shocked at what just happened.

"Still think that he is the nicer side of Ander?" Ella asked him.

"No and I think we should find a way to get rid of him," Avan said his heart boiling with rage.

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