Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 90 - Faceless God

The party ended, everyone returned to their homes and called it a night. The dragon prince went to sleep with a smile on his face. It had been the best night he had in a while.

In the dark forest of Arimelari, a shadow walked with his hood covering his head. He moved slowly in the darkness as the silence of the forest kept him company. There were no sounds in the forest, all the animals had gone into hiding feeling his presence in the forest.

The person was in no hurry, he took his time to reach the village and slowly made his way to the palace. When he arrived he walked past the guards without being seen and went inside.

He sped up his movements once inside the palace grounds until he arrived at the prince's room. The door to the room opened without him touching it making way for him to enter.

He walked inside the room and went over to the bedside and glanced down on Ander who was fast asleep.

"Beautiful," he muttered in a whisper. He tapped Ander's forehead lightly not to wake him but the mare touch made Ander come to his senses and become alert. "Can anyone be more beautiful than you," he said tracing a line down Ander's cheek?

Ander got hold of his hand and forcefully pulled him, caught by surprise, and pinned him below him on the bed. Reaching out to the spelled knife under his pillow that is coated with dragon breath he kept the knife at the person's neck before lighting the candles in the room with magic.

"Who are you?" he asked using his free hand to remove the hood from the person's face to have a look at his face.

"Who I am is not important but you are," the person said. Ander was shocked when the hood came off. Only a dark mist was under the hood.

"What in the world are you?" he asked getting away from the creature on his bed that lacked a head and a face.

"They call me the faceless god," he replied his question getting up in the bed. He floated over to Ander who was too shocked to move. "You need not fear me after all you are just like me," he told to him.

"I a..am n..nothing like you," he said nervously backing away from the faceless monster. He had never been so nervous in his life nor had he ever found anything that would scare him until date. He was always the one causing people to tremble and now he was trembling.

"You are just like me. I have been watching you for quite a while and I must say that I admire what I saw a lot," the faceless god stated.

Ander sprinted out of the room and ran for his dear life. It had not even occurred to him once to use his magic to attack the faceless beast that was following him. He could only think of one thing. Getting help.

He ran to his father's room and knocked on the door repeatedly as it was locked, with his eyes watching out for the faceless monster. He saw the creature at the corner and panicked. His hand kept knocking on the door even after it was opened.

When he realized that the door was opened he ran inside and hugged the king. "Help me," he said with his eyes closed. His hands wrapped tightly around his father not wishing to let go.

"What is wrong Ander?" Francis asked him. He didn't dare respond nor did he bulge when Alex was trying to remove him from himself.

"What are you doing?" he asked angrily before he lowered his voice recalling his conversation with Sofia. He stopped trying to push him away and exhaled to rid himself of the anger he was feeling. "It's alright. I am here nothing will happen," he said taking the boy to the bed not letting go of him.

"What do you think scared him," Francis questioned Alex. They tucked Ander in bed and brushed his head repeatedly to calm him. Ander held his father's hand not letting go and closed his eyes to sleep when he was asked to.

"Hey," he had a whisper in the dark and opened his eyes. "It's rude to run away from your guest like that," the faceless god said. Ander's hand that held his father tightened.

"Wh..what do you want from me?"

"I should ask you that. You are the one that summoned me here," he said.

"I did not," Ander said and shifted on the bed to hug the king's hand for protection when he started falling into the darkness before he found himself in his room on the bed.

"Now we can talk in private," the faceless god said with the hood back on. "You caught me off guard before. I didn't mean to scare you," he said reaching his hand to remove the hood on his head.

Ander wanted to look away but he was too scared to. The person before him had a cold aura, it was a feeling similar to what he expected death to feel like. He couldn't tell why he felt so scared of the faceless god but his instincts told him that he wasn't to be messed with.

When the hood came off the faceless god had a beautiful face with fine features in his face. Beautiful blue eyes, a sharp straight nose. Pink thin lips that wore a sweet smile on it and black long hair that went down his back.

"Is this better," the god asked in a sweet seductive voice.

Ander was stunned at the beauty that stood before him. For a minute he forgot about his fear and watched him in awe.

"I thought you said you have no face," Ander stated confused and thinking the god to be a liar.

"I did and it is true. I have no face of my own, I get a face depending on the person I face. The face changes but the heart remain the same," he explained to him.

The prince was still hesitant to speak to the god but his fear lessened a little bit the pretty face he wore. He put up a brave face and pushed his fear of the male to the back of his mind.

"What can I do for you?" he asked the god.

"You look beautiful when you are acting brave. I love it," he said and made Ander's face turn red from his compliment. "But I should warn you that I feed off negative energy so I can still feel your fear oozing out of you," he added.

"I'll remember that but what did you mean when you say that I summoned you?"

"Your fire beacon of massive negative energy drew me to you. It was a call that I couldn't refuse," he said. "It is very late, you should get some sleep and we can catch up in the morning."

"Ido not see." he began to say but laid back on the bed and fell asleep.

"I will see you in the morning," The faceless god said and covered his head with a hood again. He walked out of the room, the palace was filled with darkness. All the candles going off with his presence. A cool breeze was passing through the halls announcing his arrival to everyone in the palace.

The night was cold for everyone. It was freezing with every person in the palace being haunted by their worse fears. The fear they felt in their nightmares fed the faceless monster who enjoyed the meal while gazing at the stars.

"I can't wait for the beautiful time that I will spend with you my dear Delemare," he whispered to the stars that watched back at him. "Too bright," he said.

The dark clouds darkened even more covering the moon in the sky and the stars. The night sky was completely dark with no light whatsoever.

'Much better," he said and smiled. He leaned back on his seat enjoying the cold of the night. Closing his eyes he watched all the dreams of the people in the palace get stronger and stronger.

The one that interested him the most was that of the prince's dream. It was so negative that it pleased him, the anger and hatred in the young prince's heart were so much that it burned like the fire of hell. But unlike the fire of hell, something was extinguishing the fire slowly. He wasn't able to see the face of the person who walked into the prince's dream making his nightmares go away.

"We can have you around, now can I?" he said furiously at the thing that disrupted his feast of food.

He opened his eyes and they were as dark as the surrounding around him. He was engulfed in the darkness that it was difficult to make out that he was standing right there.

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