Dare To Love A Dragon

Chapter 95 - Kazar

"Who are the last couple that will get married?" the king asked causing everyone to turn to Ander.

"That..," the prince began nervously. His eyes landed on Avan. He gulped and averted his eyes immediately. "I was thinking.."

'Suggest my name and you will regret it,' he heard in his mind. The voice sent chills to his body.

"Cake," the prince let out. "Let's have cake," he added.

"It's your day so let's do that if that is what you want," the queen's mother said.

The cake was brought by the cooks. It was a seven-tier cake with a dragon on the top. The candle was kept inside the dragon's mouth to make the fire from the candle look like a dragon's breath.

He released a breath he didn't know he was holding from that close call. He stalked to the cake with the family. The guests got up from their seats ready to sing a birthday song.

He got to stand next to the king and his mother, his mother lit the candle and asked him to make a wish, he looked around the room but Avan had moved from the place that he stood. He was nowhere for the find.

'I wish that love should always be with my family,' he said. He drew a deep breath to now out the candle.

'I would have thought that you would wish for another passionate time with me.'

He stopped with flashes of the time in the bathroom in his mind. His body was in so much pain after it happened. He was forced to use magic and thank goodness for the super healing that comes with being a dragon or he wouldn't be able to stand there with everyone.

'Won't you change your wish?' Avan asked him. 'Change it now,' he demanded.

Ander felt an immense urge to obey the orders he received from the male. He found himself wishing for what Avan wanted before he blew out the candle.

"Congratulations," the crowd cheered. He received hugs from everyone around him one by one. He embraced his father and for the first time, there was no negative energy between them. It was the best feeling in the world.

He turned around to hug his grandmother but someone pulled him away from her and hugged him tightly.

"How could you forget me on your birthday?" he heard next to his ear and his eyes glowed. His anger shot up immediately, his mother pulled him away from the boy and stood in front of Ander to shield him from looking at the male before them.

"It's time to cut the cake," his mother said nervously pushing Ander towards the cake.

Francis got scared seeing who it was that had come. Growing up with Ander he came to know everything about him so he didn't need an introduction to know who the boy was. He also knew how Ander felt about the boy.

Noticing the rising anger in Ander's eyes he left Alex's side and went by Ander. He placed his hand on Ander's shoulder and squeezed it lightly to prevent him from thinking too much.

"Cut the cake," he told the boy. He handed the knife to Ander and held it with him. He didn't trust the prince not to throw the knife at the boy.

They cut the cake with the crowd singing for the birthday boy. He on the other hand was fuming with Anger, his mood was ruined. The only thing that he wanted was to go far away from the palace right at that moment or better yet kill the boy.

The piece of cake he cut was divided into many small pieces which he was supposed to feed to the family before the guests can get to eat the cake.

He picked up the first piece and fed it to his mother. He received a hug and her wishes for him in return. The second cake he fed to the king then to Francis. He fed everyone until he reached Avan.

His heart skipped a beat seeing that familiar face. He picked a piece of cake from the plate, nervously he reached out his hand to feed him. Just as Avan was about to eat the cake, he was pushed out of the way and someone else ate the cake from his hand.

The boy held his hand and licked it after eating the cake, all the while maintaining eye contact.

"What?" he asked Ander feigning ignorance to what the problem was. Ander gritted his teeth in anger, he felt disgusted with his hand after the boy licked it. If he didn't need his hand, he would have chopped it off.

He turned away from the boy and returned the plate to his mother. "I am tired, can I be excused?" he asked trying his best to mask the flame of anger that was growing in his heart.

"Sure," Francis and Sofia said in unison.

Ander walked past them, the temperature around him getting hot complimenting his feelings.

"Wait son," he heard his father call out to him. He halted in his steps and turned his head back to face him. He was too angry to be happy about the fact that he called him a son. He gazed at him with a blank face.

"I would like to give you your gift," he said to him. Ander turned back. "I would like to announce that Ander and Natalia's engagement to the world. Which will take place with the other two engagements in two days," the king announced happily.

Ander's self-control went out the window on hearing the announcement. The shock in his eyes froze him momentarily.

"Since that is what you want.."

"No," Francis interrupted him and replied to the king. "Ander won't get married to Natalia," he said surprising everyone with his refusal.

"What are you doing Francis, this is what we all decided," the king asked him disturbed with his interference.

"Nothing, I'm just telling you that Ander won't be marrying Natalia," he said sternly.

"You.." Alex let out in anger. He was mad, Francis knew the reason they were doing what they were doing and why and yet he was still choosing to go against him.

"I agree with the man. Ander should not be married off to this Natalia after all, he is not even attracted to girls," the boy from earlier said. "Am I right dragon prince?"

Ander remained quiet, he refused to open his mouth in fear. Afraid of what he will do to everyone present in the room if he accidentally let out the spell that was at the tip of his tongue.

"Ander here has a flare for people of the same gender as himself. He fancies men and can't bear the sight of women," the boy added.

"And what is wrong with that?" Francis asked standing in front of the boy to block him from Ander's view. The look on the dragon prince's face didn't look too good and the link they shared was sending him dangerous signals of how dangerous his magic was becoming. He was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.

"Not saying that it is wrong but how he..." the boy said and paused. He looked past Francis to see that the prince still had a calm appearance to himself. But he was no fool he understood how the prince functioned, he was calm when he was angry beyond words. He smirked in satisfaction.

"Such feelings aren't something new in Arimelari, I see no reason why this is such a big deal," Sofia spoke up.

"But surely you want to let his future bride know of the things that he..." he paused once again. Sofia and Francis were worried that he might finish his statement in front of everyone. Only they knew what was going on and they wished to keep it that way.

"Enough," the king screamed. He silenced the whole room. "Ander and Natalia will marry and that is final. The prince himself had accepted the alliance himself," he added in a matter-of-fact tone.

The whole room went silent for a few minutes. "My king, I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but....you can get the prince married to the girl but you won't be able to change his preferences," the boy said. "I mean he will still go out of his way to..."

"Kazar," Sofia yelled stopping from finishing his sentence. "You have spoken enough now leave from here," she ordered.

"That is a problem, you aren't queen anymore since the king has divorced you. What right do you have to command me?" Kazar asked her.

"But I have the right to throw you out of here," Francis said.

"Fine, since you all insist then I will leave," he said sweetly and walked past them. He stopped before the prince and gave him a wink before going out.

Francis ran to Ander and hugged him. Sofia joined the two of them and embraced him too.

"It will be fine, I am here," they both said in unison.

The whole of Arimelari was confused. Even the king and the rest of the royal family were not sure of what just happened or why Francis and Sofia were reacting the way he did.

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