Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1009: Who instigated it?

Chapter 1009 Who Instructed?

Seven-turn fourth-grade elixir?

What a joke!

He is a member of an unknown family, let alone refining the seventh-rank fourth-rank elixir, but you can't see the seventh-rank fourth-rank elixir!

The Shaohua saint is about to laugh, how can there be such a brazen man in the world? She is really knowledgeable.

"Sister, is it a 7th Rank 4th Grade Immortal Pill? You can tell at a glance. Although Zhang Gongzi is handsome, but if his character is not good, my sister still has to stay away!"

She doesn't want to match Xia Ling with this Zhang Ye anymore. Today she must expose Zhang Ye's hypocrisy, and see if he has the face to speak big words in the future! Is Master Canglei someone he can insult at will?

Don't look at what you have!

Princess Xia Ling squeezed the jade bottle in her hand, and no longer hesitated in her heart. She was going to leave ahead of time. Zhang Ye’s smile just made her sway her, but she thought for a while, she couldn’t be deceived by this man’s appearance. Confused, the man in Jin Yu's defeat is not worthy of her.

She is a princess of the Great Xia Dynasty, aloft, a man who is used to lying, she doesn't care.

The Saintess of Shaohua said before that the emperor Lingtian of the Heavenly Palace would also participate in her invitational meeting, and she obviously could choose a better one.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhang Ye and said:

"Master Zhang, I hate cheating the most. Do you know what it means to open this bottle?"

Wushuang pretended not to know, "Oh? What does it mean?"

"It means that you will lose an important qualification." Princess Xia Ling said pointedly.

"Qualification? Fairy Ling'er's words are too esoteric, Zhang cannot understand."

The Saintess of Shaohua sneered. Of course you don’t understand. You don’t know that the person in front of you is the princess Xia Ling you want to marry. Now you lie and speak big words. What you lose is your qualification to participate in the invitational meeting. After a few days, You know what the painful price you paid.

Princess Xia Ling shook her head disappointedly. She gave him a chance. If he had just admitted that he was lying, she would have looked at him high, but he was stubborn.

She stood up directly, ready to leave after opening the pill bottle.

With a soft "pop" sound, the cork was pulled out, and after a while, a strong smell of medicine came and filled the VIP room.

At the same time, the people in the hall looked here in surprise.

On the field, the three sixth-revolution fourth-rank elixir of Master Cang Lei had been uncovered, and a strong medicinal fragrance was also heard, but as soon as the fragrance of the VIP room of the Tianzi brand came out, it immediately suppressed the fragrance in the field. Up.

The old man on the court also looked surprised.

The six-turn four-grade elixir has pure medicinal power, and its scent is so strong that ordinary pill can't be compared with it, but why does the fragrance from the VIP room of Tianzi brand exceed the elixir of Master Cang Lei!

Could it be that the elixir that the name of Tianzi took out was of higher grade than Master Canglei's elixir?

He subconsciously glanced at the VIP room with the yellow font.

"this is……"

Princess Xia Ling's eyes widened in shock, looking at the elixir that fell on her palm, she covered her mouth in disbelief.

This elixir is indeed a fourth-rank elixir. She wouldn't even be able to see it, and there are seven golden moires on it. Isn't this the sign of the seventh-revolution elixir?

This is really an elixir of Rank 7 and Rank 4!

What Zhang Ye gave to her turned out to be a real seventh-rank fourth-rank elixir, a little higher than the sixth-rank fourth-rank elixir of Master Cang Lei!

"How is this possible!"

Shaohua saint shook her head suddenly: "This must be a fake elixir!"

"Fake? Girl Hua made a fake look for my son."

Zhang Ye leaned lazily on the back of the seat, with a slight ridicule at the corner of his mouth: "Ms. Hua kept saying that my son is boasting and cheating, Fairy Ling'er, it seems that your sister has a big opinion on this son, otherwise My son will go now."

"No! Don't go!" Princess Xia Ling said quickly: "Master Zhang, this is a misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding!"

Zhang Ye is definitely not a liar to give her such a good medicine. She feels guilty in her heart because she treats a gentleman like a villain.

"Sister, take a look for yourself, this is the Seventh Rank and Fourth Grade Immortal Pill given to me by Zhang Gongzi. It is genuine and has pure medicine. If you slander Zhang Gongzi, you can go out." She said coldly to the Shaohua Saintess.

"Sister, I..." Shaohua Saintess frowned fiercely, "Sister, Master Cang Lei has only refined the Rank 4 elixir of Rank 6, I also do it for your own good, I don't want you to be deceived."

She firmly didn't believe that this was a real 7th Rank 4th Grade Immortal Pill. Zhang Ye must have done it more genuinely, and it was impossible to have the effect of a real Immortal Pill.

At this moment, in the VIP room of the yellow font, a lean old man with a childlike face suddenly snorted and said loudly:

"The little friend in the VIP room of Tianzi, did you deliberately smash this place?"

The pill in the hands of Princess Xia Ling has not been put back into the jade bottle, and the fragrance of the medicine has spread throughout the auction house. Many people no longer look at the elixir at the auction, but are full of curiosity at the elixir in the VIP room of the Tian brand.

Therefore, the old man in the VIP room with the yellow font finally couldn't help being angry.

"Master Canglei!"

The Saintess of Shaohua screamed in exclamation.

She could hear Master Canglei's voice. She didn't expect Master Canglei to participate in this auction, and it was in the VIP room not far away.

"What? Master Canglei?"

"Master Cang Lei also came personally?"

"Unexpectedly, Master Cang Lei, who saw the dragon and missed the end, would appear at the auction. I am so lucky for Sansheng!"

"Master Cang Lei's meaning is that the elixir grade in the VIP room of the Tianzi brand is higher than his grade, so he is not happy?"

The Saintess of Shaohua thought the same way, even Master Canglei spoke out. Does it mean that Zhang Ye's elixir indeed surpasses Master Canglei's elixir?

She couldn't believe that a person she despised could get an elixir of higher rank than Master Canglei's elixir?

But the truth seems to be true, she seemed to have been slapped in the face just now.

She looked at Zhang Ye, this enchanting man, with dark phoenix eyes glanced at her like a smile but a sneer at the corner of her mouth. She was so handsome, she seemed to be mocking her as a frog at the bottom of the well, I don’t know. How high and thick the sky is.

Her face was burning like fire, her fingers were tightly clenched, what right do you have to look at me with such a look? You are just a member of a small family. You can't even match the fingers of this saint. Who knows where your pill came from?

"It turns out that the VIP guest of the yellow font is Master Cang Lei, I really admire my name for a long time!"

Shaking the folding fan, Zhang Ye said slowly. His lazy and magnetic voice made many women's eyes bright.

"Who is the little friend, why did he deliberately take out the elixir when he auctioned this elixir! Who instructed you to do this!" Master Cang Lei snorted coldly, his face full of arrogance and dissatisfaction.

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