Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1021: Apologize

Chapter 1021

"Yo! Master Canglei, how did you shrink into the corner? If you lose, you lose, but I didn't expect that Grand Four-Rank Immortal Pill Master Canglei could not afford to lose."

Wushuang naturally felt the hatred look in Master Canglei's eyes, if that was the case, then she would let him make a fool of himself in public.

"I never said I couldn't afford to lose!"

Master Cang Lei said angrily.

"Really? Then since you have lost, you should apologize to this son. The emperor Xia Wen said that he didn't know that there was a heaven outside, so he apologized to this son. Why, you think you are better than the son of Xia Wen. Still high, don't want to apologize?"

Zhang Ye hooked his lips and said, with a wicked smile on Jun Lang's face, it made the countless women present to fall for him.

"You!" Master Cang Lei snorted coldly: "Young man, don't deceive others too much!"

"Too much deception? To make you apologize is to deceive others too much? Alas, the world is really going down and people's hearts are not old. Everyone tells me, I asked Master Cang Lei to apologize for his ignorance. Is there a problem?"

"no problem!"

The three little guys were the first to join in.

The veteran Fu Yao also spoke very loudly.

Su Yi slapped, "Of course it's okay! This old guy said before that he wants to teach Brother Zhang to be a man, now let's slap him!"

He felt that today was extremely exciting. He was not familiar with Zhang Ye and only met today, but it was also the friendship that had drunk at a table. He had thought that Zhang Ye was not the kind of person who said nothing, and had been looking forward to Zhang Ye. Can win.

He couldn't understand the old thing Cang Lei, because a few years ago, he went to Cang Lei to buy the elixir, but the people in Cang Lei said that he had to be sincere to see Cang Lei. He asked how to be sincere. The other party said that Master Canglei was in a bad mood today, and he had to kneel down and climb the mountain three times before he could see Master Canglei.

He cursed at that time, go to your mother's three knees and nine knocks, really regard himself as a god!

Now that Zhang Ye has won completely, he feels excited. Today's reversal is too big, and few people dare to believe it!

Seeing that grandmaster Canglei was scorched black and his eyes were vicious. If the people present had not witnessed the moment he was frying, I am afraid that no one would have recognized him as Master Canglei. Su Yi looked at him with a sense of joy. Feeling dripping.

The people in the front row all said "No problem", and many people behind them also loudly agreed.

As the saying goes, winners and losers will bring their own aura if they win. If they lose, their reputation will not only decline, but they will also be despised by these lively people.

Master Cang Lei's face had turned into a pig liver color, and his whole body was trembling with anger, but he was not pitiful at all, because his eyes were too sulky, and he probably hated all these people.

Such a narrow-minded person can hardly achieve high achievements in any industry.

Wushuang laughed lightly:

"Master Canglei, have you heard? Everyone thinks you should apologize to this young man. You can go back and forth wherever you go."

Master Cang Lei didn't expect him to experience the way he is today. People have always asked him to respect him. He has been famous for so many years, and he is a respected existence wherever he goes!

"Okay! Okay! Today's humiliation, this seat has written down! All of you present, don't want to come here to buy an elixir!"

Wushuang sneered:

"Oh, most of your elixir are inferior products, and there are side effects. Who dares to buy your elixir? You have all these hateful skills. It's better to study how to refine high-quality pill."

Her words were already admonishing Master Cang Lei.

But Master Cang Lei couldn't listen to her, thinking she was discrediting him, and he didn't believe that his pill was inferior.

"If you don't apologize, you will stay here forever. You don't have to go."

At this moment, the indifferent Emperor Ling Tian suddenly whispered, those deep eyes were like the abyss of hell.

Master Cang Lei shuddered, and Emperor Ling Tian had disappeared for too long, causing him to almost forget that Emperor Ling Tian was never a good-tempered person.

He clenched his fists and turned his head to look at Zhang Ye and said, "Today, this person has no eye on Mount Tai, which offends Zhang Xiaoyou."

After speaking, he immediately took Cang Wei and left.

Everyone sighed for a while, Master Cang Lei, there is a day to bow their heads and admit their mistakes like today!

Wushuang put away the alchemy furnace, there were six pills inside, and the other one was still in the hands of Emperor Xia Wen.

She took the pill and said:

"These six fourth-ranks will be given to you after returning the Shen Dan."

After speaking, he threw it out.

But she didn't give it to everyone, and she also held grudges. Those who had insulted her before, how could she give me the pill without beating him.

She also threw one to Wu Su and Song Yiyang.

Those who received the pill were overjoyed and thanked them loudly. Those who did not get the elixir naturally regretted it. If they had known before, they should have said good things to Zhang Ye. Maybe they could get a priceless fourth-grade elixir. !

"Master Zhang, come to our Liu's family to take a seat when you have time. We are the top three families in the top ten cities. If you want to go, you must sweep the couch to welcome you!"

"Master Zhang! I don't know how to sell your elixir?"

"Master Zhang..."

Everyone wants to make a good relationship with Zhang Ye, and maybe they can find him to buy a pill next time. You know that the fourth-grade elixir is not something you can buy with money.

In the front row, Song Yiyang and Wu Yan looked at the pill in their hands, not knowing what they were thinking, their heads down and their expressions could not be clearly seen.

"This princess knows that Young Master Zhang is different!"

Princess Xia Ling looked at Zhang Ye who was pleased by others like the stars holding the moon, and she only felt that he was extremely dazzling.

She couldn't think that Zhang Ye was really a Fourth-Rank Immortal Alchemy Master and defeated Master Cang Lei!

If it wasn't for the emperor's brother below, she would definitely go down and talk to Zhang Ye.

The Saintess of Shaohua looked at Zhang Ye with resentment, why did the young master treat him so well? Why can he win? He shouldn't have won!

After thousands of times in her heart, she finally suppressed the hatred in her heart, smiled and took Princess Xia Ling's hand:

"Sister, my elder sister really didn’t expect Young Master Zhang to be so powerful. It’s too incredible. He is indeed the dragon among people. My elder sister is ashamed of those ignorant remarks before. My sister, if you can get rid of the enchanting maid beside him , He is the best candidate for your sister-in-law!"

She wanted to understand that it was impossible for Cang Wei to be liked by Princess Xia Ling. From the way Xia Ling looked at Zhang Ye now, she knew that Xia Ling was extremely satisfied with Zhang Ye.

That being the case, she followed Xia Ling's heart to slowly achieve her final goal!

After hearing her words, Princess Xia Ling subconsciously looked at the maid in the front row.

The maid had a fascination in every move and every move, the infatuation came from the bones, Zhang Ye is good everywhere, but there should be no such beautiful and enchanting maid.

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