Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1024: Throw out

Chapter 1024

"You are sick! What's the matter with Young Master Zhang!"

Princess Xia Ling raised her volume and looked at the young lady in disgust.

Funny, how could Zhang Gongzi poison her?

"Do you know Zhang Ye?"

Emperor Xia Wen squinted his eyes and looked at Xia Ling.

Xia Ling knew that he couldn't keep it, so he nodded and said, "Last night, the Xuanyue Auction House held an auction. I invited Master Zhang to participate. But the emperor, don't worry. I don’t know who I am."

"Naughty, you are the most noble princess of the dignified Xia Dynasty, how can you go to see a man at will, and you will not be afraid of others' jokes!"

Emperor Xia Wen said coldly, with a severe tone.

"Brother Emperor, I know I was wrong, but it is also thanks to Young Master Zhang, otherwise Ling'er's face will be as shameless as her, this hatred, I must repay!"

Princess Xia Ling pointed to the young lady and said.

The sage of Shaohua covered her face and said with a look of resentment: "It was Zhang Ye who deliberately poisoned me in order to get close to you to please you! Master Cang Lei's Yi Rong Dan is absolutely no problem! How could I harm you! In this way, you still frame me!"

"Zhang Ye doesn't know my identity at all, how could he approach me! Shaohua saintess, you don't need to argue or deliberately discredit Young Master Zhang, even if your face is rotten, this princess will not sympathize with you!"

When Princess Xia Ling thought that her face almost turned into such a ghost, she tickled her teeth with hatred. Even if the Saintess of Shaohua didn't intend to harm her, she would not be able to get rid of her relationship. If it weren't for Zhang Ye to remind her, she might It's also bad face!

The recruitment meeting is about to begin soon, if her face is rotten, everyone in the fairy world will know this!

She felt that Master Cang Lei also had a problem, maybe she deliberately encouraged the Sage Sage to bring Yi Rong Dan to eat for her to make her embarrassed.

The young lady is definitely not innocent!

"It must be Zhang Ye who poisoned it! It must be him! You are bewildered by his beauty!" Shaohua sage shook her head. She had long thought Zhang Ye was not a good person.

"Come here, throw the Shaohua Saintess out, and she won't be allowed to take another step in the palace in the future!"

Emperor Xia Wen frowned and said.

In the blink of an eye, two black shadow-like men appeared, holding the Shaohua Saintess from left to right.

"Let go of me! I am the saint of heaven! How can you treat this saint like this!"

The Saintess of Shaohua shouted, she struggled still, the cultivation of these two men were above her.

She yelled, and the two of them lifted up with backhands, flew out, and were thrown on the street like a torn sacks.

"Holy Maiden of Shaohua, your Royal Highness confessed that from now on, you will not be allowed to enter the Youluan Palace one step further. Violators will be killed without pardon!

The two said blankly, and then disappeared.

"What! This woman is the young lady of the heavenly palace?"

"My God! How did the Saintess of Shaohua become like this?"

People gathered around and pointed at the young lady who was thrown on the ground.

"Oh! Ugly! I'm going to throw up!"

"Dignified Heavenly Palace Saint, how could the face be so bad?"

"It makes me sick at a glance! What is this!"

"Didn't you hear from the people of His Royal Highness just now, that Saint Shaohua is not allowed to enter the Youluan Palace again. It must be that Saint Shaohua did something shameful inside and was driven out!"

"Yeah! Maybe he seduce His Royal Highness, but the result is that he steals the chicken and loses the rice!"

"Tsk tusk! I didn't expect the Shaohua Saintess to be such a person!"

"Knowing people, knowing the face, and not knowing the heart, I thought that the Princess Shaohua was a good sister of the princess, but I didn't expect to be a woman with a ghost."

Everyone said contemptuously, the eyes looking at the young lady was like looking at something disgusting.

Because most of the onlookers are barbarians, and there are too many women. In the hearts of barbarians, Emperor Xia Wen is everyone’s dream lover, the flower of Gaoling. They remember that the sage of Shaohua seduced His Royal Highness, so After being kicked out, she was very disgusted and contemptuous of her.

"I didn't seduce Emperor Xia Wen!"

The Saintess of Shaohua suddenly blocked her face, took out the other veil from the storage ring and put it on her face, "You have admitted the wrong person! Am I the Saint of Shaohua!"

Then he fled the scene in a panic.

"Master Canglei! I must look for Master Canglei to save my face!" she thought to her heart, her eyes resentful and vicious: "When my face gets better, I must all pay the price!"


"Brother Emperor, why did you throw her out like this? I haven't punished her yet!"

Princess Xia Ling said dissatisfied.

She touched her delicate cheeks, recalling the disgusting look of the Shaohua Saint, she felt scared.

"She is the saint of the heavenly palace, no matter how vicious, only the heavenly palace can punish her, not to mention that she has not done any substantial harm to you. We have no reason to go to the heavenly palace to seek justice for you."

Emperor Xia Wen said.

"Huh! It's really cheap for her!" Princess Xia Ling said.

"Is there any Yi Rongdan she gave you?"

"There is one more, I'm about to throw it away, what is the emperor's brother doing?"

Emperor Xia Wen said: "The face of the sage of Shaohua is so ulcerated, I will take it to Master Bailan for my brother."

"Brother Emperor! Do you also suspect that Young Master Zhang poisoned her? No, Young Master Zhang is not such a person. There must be a problem with the pill!"

"Brother Wei didn't say that it must be Zhang Ye's problem." Emperor Xia Wen frowned and looked at her: "You are not allowed to go to Zhang Ye anymore. His identity is unknown, and you are a boudoir girl who does not know how to be reserved. Go out and reflect on yourself!"

"Brother Emperor, Zhang Ye is a very good person, not a bad person, and at a young age, he is already a fourth-grade immortal alchemist, even more powerful than Master Canglei, he...he..."

"What is he? Do you think he is worthy of you? I don't know how to be ashamed! Linger, remember, you are a princess of the Great Xia Dynasty, and the man you want to marry must be someone who knows the roots and knows the truth, but such a man came out of thin air. People."

Emperor Xia Wen said blankly.

He looked for someone to investigate in the spirit world overnight, and there was no such person as Zhang Ye. He found countless people named "Zhang Ye", but he did not have such a handsome immortal who was also a fourth-grade elixir. king!

Especially Zhang Ye still has a relationship with Long Moshen, how could he ask his sister to have a relationship with such a person.

"I don't know how ashamed! I just want to find a man I like! I don't want my marriage to be fiddled with by you and my father, don't I have the right to pursue happiness?"

Princess Xia Ling roared with tears, and threw the Yi Rong Dan given to her by the young lady on the ground, and ran away without looking back.

Emperor Xia Wen looked at the pill covered with dust on the ground and looked at her angry and sad back, and sighed quietly.

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