Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1028: To ruin him

Chapter 1028

After two days, there were more people in Shijuecheng.

Barbarians, monsters, humans, and demons can be seen everywhere, and there are quarrels and fights in the city from time to time, and there is more chaos.

For this reason, Emperor Xiawen specially sent the guards of the Great Xia Dynasty to join the guards of Shijue City to maintain public order in the city. Any brawler will be expelled from the city. Disqualification of participation.

It's only three days since the invitational meeting, all for the excitement, and those who love troubles have to stay back, lest they be kicked out and make people laugh.

In the past two days, everyone knows about the disfigurement of the Saintess of Shaohua, and the more the version is spread, the more serious the version. Many people say that the disfigurement of the Saintess of Shaohua is because she failed to seduce the emperor Xia Wen, which is too shameful. So I ruined my face.

Others said that Emperor Xia Wen poisoned the Saintess Shaohua in his anger.

However, other versions came out later, from Master Canglei, saying that the Saintess of Shaohua asked Master Canglei to detoxify, and she told the master that her face was poisoned by Zhang Yexia.

Who is Zhang Ye? Maybe a lot of people who have just arrived in Shijuecheng don't know him.

But most people know his name and are very curious about it. Since the Xuanyue auction, he has become famous. At that time, many people participated in the auction. The process of comparing Zhang Ye with Master Cang Lei It was vivid and vivid, so that everyone who was not present would know the whole story.

Zhang Ye, a young man with a very young bone age, at first said that Master Canglei’s sixth-rank and fourth-grade elixir was inferior, causing dissatisfaction with Master Canglei. Master Canglei forced him to compete with him, but was finally Slap on the face.

No one thought that such a young and handsome man was really a fourth-rank elixir master, and it only took three hours to refine a furnace of fourth-rank elixir, which is still the most difficult fourth-rank elixir. Return the **** pill!

But Master Cang Lei, who thought he would win, fryed the furnace when Zhang Ye Dan became successful!

It is said that Master Cang Lei was extremely embarrassed at that time, his whole body was blown up to pitch black, the alchemy furnace splashed around, causing such a big mistake, it was really embarrassing.

Others said that Master Cang Lei's eyes were extremely resentful at the time, and they wanted to kill Zhang Ye.

Had Emperor Ling Tian and Emperor Xia Wen not been present, I am afraid Master Cang Lei would not apologize to Zhang Ye.

Unexpectedly, two days later, news came out that Zhang Ye had poisoned Shaohua Saintess!

Moreover, Master Cang Lei’s disciple Cang Wei personally said to people that the Saintess of Shaohua had eaten Master Cang Lei’s Yi Rong Dan, but Master Cang Lei’s Yi Rong Dan was okay. Zhang Ye wanted to blame Cang Lei and plant it. Master, he ruined his reputation, so she poured a lot of poison on the young lady, so she thought it was a problem with Yi Rongdan.

As soon as the news came out, many people were in an uproar. They didn't expect Zhang Ye to be such a person. He did not say that he became famous after stepping on Master Cang Lei, but he wanted to destroy Master Cang Lei's reputation.

But there are also many people who don’t believe that the fact that the Lady Shaohua was thrown out of the Youluan Palace was seen by many people, indicating that there is a big problem with the character of the Lady Shaohua. Maybe the Saintess Shaohua was deliberately framed Zhang Ye. .

Anyway, there are different opinions on this, and everyone has their own opinions. As for the truth, everyone feels that only the person concerned will know.

"What? Master Cang Lei said over there that I poisoned the Shaohua Saintess? This person is too shameless!"

After Wushuang heard the news, he silently rolled his eyes.

She also specially reminded Princess Xia Ling about Yi Rongdan's problem, and the sage of Shaohua was nearby. She told the poisonous thing about the shadowless lotus heart in Yi Rongdan. The sage of Shaohua still felt Yi Rongdan. no problem! Also a stupid thing!

Master Cang Lei also has no lower limit, and Yi Rong Dan had a problem, but he pushed it onto her, saying that she had poisoned the young lady.

Oh, if she wants to do it, there are countless ways to do it, do she need to poison? I underestimated her too.

"Old Dao thought that Master Cang Lei was a highly respected elixir of the elixir. Tsk tsk, I only knew that when I came into contact with it, some people just like to fish for fame, but they started to plant and blame when they didn't catch the reputation. The old Dao came out this time and it really opened his eyes! "

The old way said in amazement, his expression was full of disdain for Master Cang Lei.

In fact, Master Canglei is indeed very famous. Before he went to the underworld, Master Canglei was already famous in the immortal realm. At that time, he was already a third-rank immortal alchemist.

It’s just that Master Cang Lei was very noble at that time. Unless invited by a big family, he would never come to the door. If you want to buy an elixir from him, you have to go to him. It is said that you have to go through a series of procedures to find him. Test, clean up some vain names to improve his worth.

Fu Yao said, "Little Junior Sister, don't be angry. You will hit him hard in the future so that he can never turn over again!"

"I'm not angry, he is not worth making me angry."

Wushuang hooked his lips, this kind of person is like the kind of buzzing fly, just find the opportunity to shoot to death, now let him buzz for a few more days.

At this time, Long Er walked in from outside.

"Master, mother, Master Cang Lei has invited many Tianjiao who participated in the invitation meeting, and it seems that they are ready to discuss something important."

Long Er said.

"Who are there?" Long Mo, who hadn't spoken all the time, said deeply, and on his lap was a little girl who was carved in powder and jade, it was the lovely Xiao Rou'er.

"North Xuanjie and Bei Xuanyun, the demon clan’s North Xuansheng, are all grandsons of Emperor Beixuan. Among them, Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie are the most important grandchildren of Emperor Bei Xuan. The siblings who wanted to grab the top floor room. In addition, He Lianyu from the Helian family and Yan Yu from the Yan family were also there, and..."

Long Er looked at Old Tao, "The Wu family who robbed the tomb is also here, and it is Wu Xiaosan."

"Wu Xiaosan wants to marry Princess Xia Ling too. I'm so courageous! Do not pee and look in the mirror!"

The old man narrowed his eyes and let out a sneer.

The Wu family is now close to the Helian family, Helianyu is here, it is not surprising that Wu Xiaosan will come.

"It's just right, you can settle accounts with that Wu Xiaosan." Wushuang raised a small smile and said.

"You don't have to kill him first." Long Moshen suddenly said.

Wushuang looked at him suspiciously.

"After a while, the Helian family will ask Wu Xiaosan to find a large tomb. By then, you can ruin him." Long Mo said softly.

Wushuang's eyes lit up, "Yeah, if that's the case, you should take your treasure back first, and then see how he will find the tomb!"

Uncle Huang knows the life experience of the old way, Wushuang is not surprised at all. After all, the two "spies" Long Yi Long Er are here, but the uncle Huang said is indeed a good way. If you kill Wu Xiaosan directly, you will naturally be unhappy. A person can only be ruined. Isn't he famous now? It is interesting to let him stand higher and fall worse!

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