Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1044: Nameless Junior

Chapter 1044

"Oh, the courage is not small!"

Blood soul Senhan's eyes showed killing intent, and looking at Zhang Ye's eyes was like looking at a dead person.

"Brother Zhang, this person killed you for your brother."

The emperor Ling Tian slowly wiped an ordinary sword, his tone was not as murderous, but as ordinary as slaughtering a dog.

"Brother Long, where is it necessary to get your hands dirty, this kind of dregs, brother solve it by himself."

Zhang Ye shook the fan, a wicked smile on his handsome face.

This light and breezy appearance, I don't know how many women present were fascinated by it.

The blood soul watched him so that he didn't put himself in the bottom of his eyes, wishing to break his neck and drink his blood!

He cared about several hidden families in the Demon Realm, and did not dare to kill Wu Liao, but a kid of unknown origin would dare to ride on him?

Really, his blood soul's famous name is called for fun?

"Brother Zhang, be careful. This blood soul can enter the Dao. He has a celestial artifact of a ten thousand ghost banner. It contains millions of monsters he killed, all of which were refined into evil spirits by him. !"

Su Yi reminded Zhang Yedao in a low voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out a huge ten thousand ghost banner of the blood soul, and for a while, the sky was dim, and the air suddenly smelled of blood, as if even the air was condensed, and there was only blood left in the sky. red.

Refined evil spirits will never be super-born, and their grievances become stronger and stronger over the years, and Wangui banners are refined with grievances and foul aura.

The ten thousand ghost banners in front of me are cold and filthy, and there are more than a million ghosts inside!

Wushuang squinted his eyes, killing intent pouring out from his casual black eyes.

"It's been a long time since the deity’s Wangui flag has a fresh soul. You are so powerful, and you just make the deity’s Wangui flag upgrade again! Jiejiejiejie!"

As soon as the blood soul took out the ten thousand ghost flags, his aura became even more sinister. His eyes on that ordinary face became scarlet crazily, making jealous laughter, and bursts of laughter came from the ten thousand ghost flags. The howling of ghosts and wolves.

In the audience, many children were scared to cry.

After the ten thousand ghost banner was enlarged, it was almost half the square, and the black energy inside was surging, exuding a violent aura, as if to engulf human souls.

"The blood soul's ten thousand ghost banners, I'm afraid it already belongs to the seventh stage immortal artifact!"

Someone looked at the court in horror and exclaimed.

The aura from Wan Guifan, not to mention children, even adults with a low cultivation base, felt palpitations.

However, Zhang Ye on the court did not move at all, and there was no panic on his face.

"Using millions of creatures as a tool to sacrifice and refine your ten thousand ghost flags, after you die, you will be swallowed by ten thousand ghosts, and you will never be overborn."

Zhang Ye said without expression.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! Backlash? It's ridiculous! The ghosts in the ten thousand ghost flags are all made by the deity. They are all based on the deity. Don't worry, the deity will let you taste what it is to eat the heart of the deity!"

The blood soul smiled gloomily, and as soon as the voice fell, the huge ghost banner suddenly turned into thousands of thin vines with sharp ghost claws, which tightly wound Zhang Ye with lightning speed. !

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Ye was already entangled with ghost vines so that he couldn't see him. Those ghost vines were all surrounded, interlaced and tightened tightly, leaving no gaps!

Princess Xia Ling nervously grabbed the armrest of the seat and almost stood up.

Many people in the audience were shocked.

"Oh my God! This Ten Thousand Ghost Banner is so strong! This is no longer a seventh-rank immortal implement, it is clearly an eighth-rank immortal implement!"

"Eight-Rank Immortal Tool!"

"Zhang Ye is dead! There are countless evil ghosts turned into tentacles on the ghost vine, which can **** the spirit of people. Zhang Ye is so tightly entangled that it is impossible to escape!"

"Gui Teng has the strength of an eight-rank immortal implement, Zhang Ye is an immortal king, it is impossible to break free!"

"He might be sucked up alive by the ten thousand ghost flags!"

Everyone said rushingly.

Helianyu Yanyu and the others had a sneer at the corners of their mouths. This Zhang Ye was nothing more than that. He didn't expect to be able to solve him so easily.

In the audience, Master Cang Lei directly lifted his black veil, revealing his true face, and said as if he had breathed out a bad breath:

"Zhang Ye's misbehavior is more than guilty."

His voice was not small, and many people heard it. They looked at him and saw that they were Master Canglei. Many people were very excited. If it weren't for the more exciting scene, they might have to go up and talk to Master Canglei.

Moreover, what Master Canglei said just now was very meaningful. The rumor that Zhang Ye and Master Canglei were at odds seemed to be true, but Zhang Ye's misconduct was true or false.

But no one thinks about this problem anymore, because Zhang Ye is about to die soon. Who cares about the conduct of a dead person?

On the court, Su Yi was about to rush forward, but was held back by Wu Liao.

"Brother Ming, Brother Zhang will have an accident!"

Su Yi said anxiously, Zhang Ye's character is very appetizing for him, he regards Zhang Ye as a brother, how can he die?

"She has the ability." Wu Yan said, taking a deep glance at Long Mo.

Su Yi just noticed that Brother Shen stood there with a calm expression and did not intend to make a move, and he and Brother Zhang are good brothers, and did not make a move, which definitely shows that Brother Zhang has his own ability.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

On the side, Song Yiyang folded his hands together, and his eyes were a little cold as he looked at the growing ghost vine with his narrow, Buddha-like eyes.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie! There are a total of 399 thousand souls in this deity's Manki Banner. Add you one, exactly four million! This is your honor! If this time Manki Banner can be upgraded again, this deity I will give you another honor to engrave your name on the Wangui Banner! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

The blood soul laughed wildly, as if the next moment, he could refine Zhang Ye's soul.

"Brother Emperor!"

Princess Xia Ling looked at Emperor Xia Wen anxiously.

Emperor Xia Wen had the heart to love talent, and that Zhang Ye was indeed a genius of alchemy. Even Master Bai Lan praised him. Hearing Xia Ling calling him, he stood up subconsciously, ready to block the blood soul.

"Sit down." At this moment, Immortal Da Xia opened his eyes closed.

"It's just an unnamed junior, who died when he died."

Emperor Da Xia said blankly.

An unnamed junior needs an identity without an identity, and a background without a background. If he dies under the hands of the blood soul, it can enhance the strength of the blood soul, that is also the good fortune of the blood soul.

"Father!" Princess Xia Ling looked at him anxiously.

Xiandi Daxia turned his head over, with his trademark friendly smile on his face, and said: "Ling'er, Emperor Father knows your mind, you don't have to think about it anymore. It's a good thing that he is dead."

Princess Xia Ling's heart throbbed.

The father actually knew what she was thinking!

"No! Father, since you know Ling'er's mind, he can't even die!"

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