Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1054: Son of Emperor Lingtian

Chapter 1054 The Son of Emperor Ling Tian

Emperor Daxia angrily questioned Emperor Ling Tian.

Why did he suddenly withdraw? Did he deliberately use him as a monkey!

Long Mo's deep complexion remained unchanged, and he said quietly, "The immortal emperor has misunderstood. The deity came here to accompany Ye brother. He originally had no intention of marrying the Daxia Dynasty. I believe that the immortal emperor has known about this. What's more, the deity already has it. How can you marry another woman if your wife has a son?"


"Wife and son!"

"Fuck! Emperor Ling Tian married?"

"Why never heard of it!"

"Mother! I heard you right! The infatuated emperor Lingtian has already married someone else and gave birth to a child?"

For a while, there was a lot of discussion in the audience, and everyone's face was filled with surprise.

"You have a wife and children! Long Moshen, you have already married a wife and have children!"

The furious Emperor Da Xia hadn't spoken yet, but Emperor Xia Wen, who had been silent for a long time, stood up suddenly and asked angrily.

"Yes, the deity has married a wife and had children."

Long Moshen said, his voice was low and pleasant, and his tone seemed to suddenly become gentle because he mentioned his wife.

The emperor Xia Wen had an angry look in his eyes, and then sneered: "I thought you were so affectionate for her. How long will it take you to marry a wife and have children? Are you worthy of her?"

This "she", everyone present knows that "she" represents the Wushuang princess of the underworld. The love story between Emperor Ling Tian and Wushuang princess has been heard by a few years old.

"It's not your turn to beak the deity."

Long Mo gave Xia Wen a faint glance and said.

Emperor Xia Wen sneered, "It seems that you have forgotten what you said before."

Immortal Emperor Daxia suppressed the anger in his heart and said deeply to Long Mo: "Xian nephew, this emperor doesn't want you to make excuses to deceive this emperor. If you are married, why doesn't Jiuyouxian emperor know?"

"Because the deity hasn't told anyone about this, they naturally don't know it."

Daxia Xiandi didn't believe it, thinking that he was making an excuse to escape the marriage.

He said: "Since you said you have become a biological child, unless you let your child appear in front of the emperor, the emperor will not believe that you are married!"

Everyone craned their necks, wondering if Emperor Ling Tian had married a wife and had children.

After more than ten breaths of calm in the field, Emperor Ling Tian slowly said, "Xuan Xi, come out."

At this moment, in the farthest auditorium, a young boy suddenly rose into the sky, flew like a long rainbow, and stood firmly beside Long Moshen.


Everyone stood up from the seats, tens of thousands of eyes all fell on this young boy.

I saw that this young boy was only a total horn, and he was less than ten years old, but his posture was tall and straight, he already had an extraordinary temperament at a young age, and his cultivation was already a golden fairy!

The most surprising thing is that this young boy is very handsome, and his eyebrows look a lot like Emperor Ling Tian. You can see that they are between father and son. There is no need to doubt it!

"Really the son of Emperor Ling Tian!"

"The father and son are like carved out of the same mold, they are absolutely biological!"

"Unbelievable, the son of Emperor Ling Tian is so old!"

"The genius of Emperor Lingtian's son is really an enchanting evildoer! At such a young age, he is actually a golden fairy! I had cultivated for thousands of years before becoming a golden fairy! As expected of Emperor Lingtian's son!"

"Suddenly I was curious, who is Emperor Ling Tian's wife?"

There were constant surprises on the court, and people stared at the son of Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and sighed with emotion.

People thought that Emperor Ling Tian would marry Princess Xia Ling this time and marry the Great Xia Dynasty. Who would have thought that in the end he would announce his marriage and let his son show up!

This can be said to be an extremely hot news in the fairy world.

As soon as this news came out, I don't know how many people were shocked!

Emperor Xia Wen looked at Long Xuanxi, his brows were frowning into a Sichuan character. Long Moshen's son was so old, it turned out that he had already abandoned his promise many years ago!

Next to him, the face of Emperor Da Xia changed for a while, blue and black, with a feeling of being played around.

He almost couldn't resist trying to teach Long Moshen, but in the end he endured it. The future of the Great Xia Dynasty was uncertain. If he really attacked Long Moshen, he would be an enemy of Tiangong. He could not do this.

"Since Emperor Ling Tian has married a wife and had children, I am the only one left in the field! Great, I have already sent a message to my grandfather, and my grandfather will come to Battlefield in a long time to discuss marriage with the Immortal Emperor!"

Bei Xuansheng suddenly said loudly.

He is not stupid. Naturally, he can see from the face of Emperor Daxia that his son-in-law is the son of Emperor Ling Tian, ​​but now he is the one who stands last by mistake. Of course he has to hold this firmly. Timing does not give Daxia Xiandi a chance to go back.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Immortal Great Xia's face became even more ugly, as if he had eaten a fly.

"This princess will never marry him! Father, what you said, will not marry the devil!" Princess Xia Ling roared loudly. After speaking, she flew away in a rage without looking back.

Among all the people, those who belong to the Demon Realm are the ugliest. Although Profound Sage North is not ugly, but at best it can only be regarded as delicate. Princess Xia Ling thinks very highly of herself, how could she be willing to marry Profound Sage North!

Bei Xuansheng frowned: "Marriage is about the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents. However, the immortal emperor, why does the princess say that she will not marry the demon world, what does it mean?"

Xiandi Daxia was in a bad mood, but he had to say in harmony: "Xiannephew, this matter is not in a hurry, and Linger's marriage must be considered again."

"What does the immortal emperor mean! Isn't the recruitment party uncountable!? Everyone is here today, everyone is in full view, are you still planning to play tricks? I have notified my grandfather, and he will come to discuss the marriage with you soon! "North Profound Sage quit. As the most beloved grandson of the North Xuan Immortal Emperor, is he not worthy of the princess of the Great Xia Dynasty?"

"This... nephew, your words are too much, why would the emperor be shameless. The emperor meant that your marriage to Ling'er must be considered long-term!"

Immortal Emperor Da Xia values ​​face, and Bei Xuan Sheng has notified Immortal Emperor Bei Xuan, what else can he say? What's more, looking at tens of thousands of eyes today, only Bei Xuansheng is left, and he can't go back!

He thought, maybe the great deduction master had made a mistake, the demon world of Immortal Emperor Beixuan is in full swing, how could it be impossible to marry them? Maybe the Great Xia Dynasty will be even stronger in the future.

Thinking of this, he felt a little better, but he still had great opinions on Emperor Ling Tian, ​​and he had the heart to kill the wild species that didn't know where it came from.

But he was destined to have no chance to do it, because as soon as Long Moshen made Long Xuanxi appear here, someone secretly notified Jiuyou Immortal Emperor, Jiuyou Immortal Emperor had already planned to visit his grandson in person!

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