Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1071: My grandson of Long Jiuyou

Chapter 1071 My Long Jiuyou's Grandson

I've been looking forward to my grandson's coming to Tiangong, and finally saw my grandson. The fairy queen was excited and nervous again, and when she flew in front of them, she didn't know how to talk.

"Mother Queen."

Long Mo Shen said indifferently.

Wushuang's gaze fell on the face of the Empress Jiuyou, the Empress Jiuyou looked graceful and luxurious, the kind of nobleness on her body seemed to be natural, without any intentional feeling. The appearance is a bit similar to that of the emperor's uncle. It can be seen that the fairy queen should have been a beautiful and moving woman when she was young.

At this time, the fairy queen's eyes were a little excited and nervous, and she kept looking at Xuan Xi.

"Shen'er, these are your friends?"

The fairy queen quickly looked at the people next to Long Moshen with a smile, showing relief. Her son has few friends and rarely brings people to the palace. This time, so many people are brought back. It can be seen that these people are all sons. Good friend.

Long Mo nodded deeply and introduced everyone to the fairy queen.

He first introduced Wushuang: "He is Bei Ming Ye from the Bei Ming family, and he has come to the fairyland for a while."

"This is the Sixth Hall Master of the Dragon Palace, this is the Wu Lao Dao of the Wu family."

He also introduced Lao Jinlong and Old Way.

"These are my grandparents in the Nether Realm, and these are my younger brothers and sisters of my wife in the Nether Realm." They are talking about the couple Ling Xiaoxian and Mu Yuheng Hailanyue.

None of the people introduced were disorganized.

Fu Yao is the Abi King of the Underworld, and it is temporarily impossible to let people know that Long Moshen has a relationship with the Underworld, so he changed his face and introduced him as a friend of Long Moshen.

"Next... the grandparents of the Nether? The younger brothers and sisters of the wife of the Nether?"

The fairy was stunned, why Shen Er...

"Shen'er, do you have memories of the lower realm?"

"Mother, my son doesn't remember what happened after reincarnation, but this doesn't prevent my son from knowing them. Thanks to them, I can see my own son." Long Mo said softly.

The fairy queen looked complicated, but was quickly distracted by Long Xuanxi.

I saw this little boy suddenly took a step forward, looked up at her, and said, "Are you Xuanxi's grandmother?"

"Yes...Yes!" The fairy empress showed joy, stretched out her hand and carefully touched Long Xuanxi's head. Seeing his face that was almost like a withdrawal from Long Moshen's childhood, she felt a kind of bloodline. Traction.

This little boy is really the blood of her heavenly palace!

"Your name is Long Xuanxi? Grandma is so happy to see you. Grandma has prepared a lot of things for you, and there must be something you like!" The more the queen sees, the more he likes it, and she can't wait to give away the best things in the whole world. Give it to him to make up for the shortcomings of the past. This should be what people call the next-generation pet.

"Thank you, grandma." Long Xuanxi said with a smile.

Dad said, after coming to Tiangong, his role is to win over grandfather and grandmother and let grandfather give him the immortal jade seal. He has to give full play to his role and sell cuteness. He can learn from his sister. Selling cuteness is his sister's best. Unique.

Although the grandson didn't say anything, the fairy queen was full of praise for him, praised him for his talent, and praised him for his politeness, etc., as long as the praise was for people, all fell on Xuan Xi's body. In short, his grandson is the best!

Xuan Xi was a little dazed, did he win over grandmother or grandmother over him?

The group of people was blocked here, just listening to the fairy queen exaggerating Xuan Xi's tricks.

The immortal Emperor Jiuyou who was waiting in the hall almost turned white.

He finally couldn't help himself, and transmitted the voice to the fairy queen.

The immortal continued to praise his grandson with the same expression: "Xixi, you can defeat the genius of Dragon Palace at a young age. Grandma is proud of you. Another day, grandma will call all the young geniuses of the Northern Territory and let you all learn from you. Take you as an example."

Didn't those old sisters secretly say that she has no grandchildren? Not only did she let them look at their grandsons, but she also let them crush their grandsons!

Xuan Xi is one head and two big.

The fairy finally stopped talking, she smiled and held Xuanxi's hand, "Go, Xixi, your grandfather is still waiting, let's go see your grandfather."

At this time, she saw that there was a little boy here, and she asked curiously: "Shen'er, is this?"

Forgive her for seeing only her grandson in her eyes. She just saw this handsome and cute little boy. He is not tall, but his small face is quite funny.

"After returning to the fairy, my name is Yan Siying, the Yan family."

Yan Siying said.

"He is my friend." Xuan Xi said.

"It turned out to be Xixi’s friend, okay, Si Ying, you will be your home in the day palace in the future, don’t be restrained!" The queen immediately became enthusiastic, Xixi is more humane than Long Mo when he was a child, and Will bring friends to Tiangong.

As for the family, what does it matter?

Si Ying pursed his mouth and nodded, "Thank you Fairy Queen."

Neither overbearing nor overbearing, the fairy queen liked it when she saw it, perhaps because it was her grandson's friend.

She brought everyone to the hall, and the Emperor Jiuyou had already stretched his neck and waited. When the people came, he quickly sat back in his seat and made a serious and majestic appearance.

"I have seen the emperor."

Wushuang Old Jinlong and the others gave a polite greeting when they saw Emperor Jiuyou.

"Yeah." Immortal Emperor Jiuyou's expression was faint, he couldn't see the emotions, anger, sorrow, and joy, only people thought he was serious.

This is the first time Wushuang has seen Immortal Emperor Jiuyou. In the mouth of the emperor, the immortal emperor is a pedantic and stubborn old man. In fact, the immortal emperor only looks more majestic. He looked a little bit bluff, but looking at the old man, he was clearly a handsome uncle, and his eyes were still staring at Xuan Xi's body.

"Niezi, you are finally willing to come back. Do you treat Tiangong as an inn or something, do you want to stay for a few days?"

Immortal Emperor Jiuyou pretended to say angrily.

Long Mo loved to answer, "Since there is nothing wrong, I will take them to rest."

"Stop!" Immortal Emperor Jiuyou coughed slightly, his eyes finally fell on Xuan Xi's body openly, pointing at him and asking Long Moshen: "He is your son born to a woman in the lower realm?"

"What's your tone, speak well! Don't scare your grandson!" the fairy said in a low voice.

Seeing that Long Xuanxi really frowned, Immortal Emperor Jiuyou couldn't help lowering his voice: "This emperor means, is he the grandson of this emperor?"

Long Mo cherishes words like gold: "Yes."

Then he changed his voice: "It doesn't matter if you don't recognize it, I just took him to the North for a tour."

"Fart! He is my grandson of Long Jiuyou, how could this emperor deny him!" Immortal Emperor Jiuyou said irritably, and stood up from his chair, and came to Long Xuanxi's body.

But when he faced Long Xuanxi's clear eyes, he suddenly didn't know how to speak.

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