Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1078: Disrespect disrespect

Chapter 1078: Disrespect and Disrespect

The Helian family's banquet began early in the morning, and there was an endless stream of people who came to celebrate, and the lively noise was endless.

The gifts received are almost piled up, and these gifts are all extraordinary.

But Helianqin thought that there was no one she wanted to see, so she stayed in her boudoir, too lazy to meet guests.

At this time, a maid brought Helianyu's words to Helianqin.

Helianqin's eyes suddenly brightened, she immediately stood up, walked to the bronze mirror, re-applied her mouth fat, traced her eyebrows, and trimmed her hair.

"How about this lady?"

Helianqin turned his face and asked the servant girls around him.

"The young lady is unparalleled, no one can compete for glory!"

"The young lady's appearance is absolutely amazing!"

Several maids quickly praised.

Helianqin was extremely satisfied, raised his noble head, and walked out.

Along the way, countless guests greeted her, she only slightly nodded, with an arrogant but unrelenting smile on her face, and kept walking towards the gate.

"Miss Qin!" Yan Yu had just arrived. He saw the well-dressed Helian Qin at a glance, and his eyes lit up. But he yelled, and Helianqin didn't seem to hear it.

"Miss Qin, what are you doing?" Wu Xiaosan next to him said curiously.

Someone next to him said:

"It looks like it's the direction to the gate, it should be to meet someone!"

"Miss Qin didn't show up all morning, now that the person to be greeted must be extraordinary!"

The crowd whispered.

Yan Yu and Wu Xiaosan looked at each other and followed.

Some people are keen to watch the excitement, and they follow behind to see who Miss Qin is going to meet.

"Aunt, here you are!"

He Lianyu greeted the guests at the door, and when he saw He Lianqin coming out, the smile on his face became even greater.

"When will Emperor Xia Wen arrive?"

Helianqin asked anxiously.

"The people around Emperor Xia Wen reported that Emperor Xia Wen would be here soon."

"Great, I haven't seen him for many years!" Helianqin said, her eyes showing a shy little daughter's mood, which is a bit inconsistent with her gorgeous dress.

When Yan Yu and Wu Xiaosan heard this, they finally knew why Helianqin came out. It turned out to be to welcome Emperor Xia Wen.

Who didn't know that Helianqin admired Emperor Xiawen the most before, but he didn't expect that after hundreds of years, Helianqin's mind had not changed.

Wu Xiaosan didn't think there was anything, but Yan Yu had other thoughts before, and now that Helianqin cares about Emperor Xiawen so much, his eyes are a little gloomy, but it just flashed past and didn't show it.

Many people's eyes fell on Yan Yu. You should know that the topic of chatting and spanking among the people in the Northern Territory a few days ago was Yan Yu. He was pierced by someone and knelt down and begged for mercy. Some people talk about it.

Looking at it with strange eyes, Yan Yu didn't show any unpleasantness. I have to say that this incident has made him grow a lot.

"Yo, so many people are welcoming me here! How embarrassing is this!"

A voice that was as clear as a yellow oriole suddenly sounded, and a woman in a goose yellow skirt came to the door. She was charming and beautiful, with delicate features, not too tall, and there was a beauty in her eyebrows. Moles, looks very delicate and beautiful.

"Eastern Yuner!"

He Lianyu suddenly narrowed his eyes, revealing a cold light.

He and Dongfang Yun'er were extremely at odds. Since childhood, Dongfang Yun'er didn't know how many times she bullied him. Every time he complained before the wicked person, he finally waited until the person protecting her returned to the west. He was about to bully him back, but she was there. An artifact was actually obtained from the Abyss Tower Ship!

It is precisely because of this artifact that Dongfang Yuner, which was almost forgotten by the Dongfang family, is now being valued by the Dongfang family.

"He Lianyu, what are you doing so fiercely? I came to your house to congratulate you on behalf of the Eastern family. This is your attitude? If you are not welcome, this lady will go back and report to the family, saying that your Helian family does not welcome us. The family came to congratulate."

Dongfang Yun'er said aggrievedly.

He Lianyu wanted to kill her. When Dongfang Yun'er was quiet, she looked like a soft little beauty, giving people a feeling of pity, but when she spoke, everyone could be mad at her, but Dongfang Yun'er With such a deceptive face, she is bullying others, and people will think that others are bullying her!

No, as soon as Dongfang Yun'er finished speaking, many people looked at themselves with disapproving eyes, as if they were extremely sinful.

Helianyu was so angry that his fists creaked, and he bit his posterior molars and said: "How can the Helian family not welcome you, the Eastern family, welcome! Welcome! Very welcome!"

"But your gaze seems to eat people, is it really welcome? Why don't you smile?"

Dongfang Yun'er frowned and asked with some doubts.

Install! Load up hard! He Lianyu was about to tremble with anger, but with so many guests here, he had to squeeze out a smile.

Dongfang Yuner just curled her lips and smiled, "So you know how to laugh, I thought you wouldn't know how to laugh, so you have to laugh more in the future!"

The posterior molars were almost crushed by Helianyu.

"Long Palace come to congratulate!"

Someone sang loudly outside.

He Lianyu immediately put away his mind, gave Dongfang Yun'er a fierce look, and greeted him forward.

But after seeing the person in Dragon Palace, his face became stiff, this one-armed person, he had obviously seen this person in the battlefield!

He had talked with Emperor Ling Tian and Bei Mingye!

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and said loudly: "So you are the sixth hall master of Dragon Palace, disrespectful and disrespectful!"

"This hall master happens to be in the Northern Territory. I have come to congratulate your Helian family. Congratulations."

Old Jinlong said with a smile.

"Welcome! Who are these two?" He Lianyu looked at Mu Yuheng and Hai Lanyue.

When he saw Hai Lanyue, he accidentally glanced a few more times.

This woman is so beautiful, her hair is as soft as seaweed, her eyes are dark green, more beautiful than the most magnificent gems, her skin is snowy, her facial features are delicate and deep, her nose is tall, her red lips are vermilion, she is so beautiful that she doesn’t have any blemishes. A different style of fairyland women.

He almost stared blankly.

Only when the young man who was walking with the woman stood in front of the woman, he recovered.

Helianqin from behind narrowed his eyes fiercely. This woman is so beautiful, does she want to compare herself?

Everyone felt that this beautiful woman with dark green eyes and the handsome man next to her were a pair.

"These two are the favorite juniors of this hall master, and I specially brought them here for a long time."

Old Jinlong said without changing his face.

He Lianyu smiled and said: "Welcome you, I will personally send you in and take a seat."

He kept his eyes on Hai Lanyue's face.

"No, we just go in by ourselves, no trouble." Old Jinlong smiled slightly.

"You follow me. I've been to the Helian family many times, and I've been familiar with it." Dongfang Yuner suddenly came out and said.

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