Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 110: Go first

Chapter 110

Mu Wushuang looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes moist.

The small tree is no more than one person tall, but its branches are strong, the leaves are flourishing, and it is tender and green.

This little sacred sycamore tree has incredible vitality, but the nutrients it absorbs are the last vitality of all sycamore trees.

In order to keep it alive, all trees gave up their lives.

It is precisely because of this that the last sacred parasol tree was preserved.

"Phoenix Egg!"

Little Vermilion Bird said excitedly together.

She had seen an egg on the branch a long time ago, about the size of a copper basin, but the egg was gray and dusty, and there was an old crack on it, lifeless fluctuations, as if life had long been lost.

"Are you sure this is the egg of the sacred beast Phoenix?"

Mu Wushuang asked.

There may only be phoenix eggs on the parasol tree, but it is impossible to say that someone deliberately put fake eggs on it.

"It's a phoenix egg, yes, we can feel the breath of a divine beast from above, but the breath is very weak, it doesn't look like it's going to be born, and we don't know what's going on."

Doesn't it seem to be born?

Mu Wushuang frowned, could it be that there was something wrong.

She was about to reach out and take down the phoenix egg, when she heard Xiao Zhu eagerly say, "Master, wait a minute. Before the phoenix egg was born, it was in the same line as the sacred tree of parasol trees. You can't leave the tree. You'd better connect this small tree to the roots. Move into the space."

It turns out that there is such a statement.

Mu Wushuang nodded, but did not retract his hand, but smoothly touched the phoenix egg.

I don't know whether all the phoenix eggs are like this, or if they are just like this. Its eggshell is very rough, its tentacles are a bit ugly, and the old gap is dark or dusty.

However, if you look carefully, you can find that there are ancient runes the size of small ants on both sides of this crack. It looks mysterious and weird, and it makes people feel chill at first glance.

She read the book in the space for more than half, and did not see such runes.

"What rune is this? Do you know?"

She frowned, pointed at the rune and asked the two beautiful young spirits.

The two spirits watched for a long time and shook their heads.

The little bird said: "This kind of rune feels a bit evil and dark, is it a seal?"

If it were a seal, it could explain why the Phoenix Egg had made such a big battle, as if it was about to be born, but could not be born.

It's just that this rune doesn't look like a good rune, which makes people uneasy.


Mu Wushuang suddenly felt a pain in his fingers, and took a breath. Suddenly a half-finger gap appeared in his fingers, and blood suddenly poured out.

This is a bit evil, obviously there is no sharp place on the egg, the wound on her hand seems to come out of thin air.

Blood dripped on the egg, golden light appeared on the gap, and then, suddenly the mountain shook, and the palace monument not far away collapsed! The ground under the feet also began to collapse!

"Well, the ruins are about to collapse prematurely!"

Regardless of a lot, Mu Wushuang quickly uprooted the small phoenix tree and put it into the space together with the phoenix egg, so that the two spirits were planted on the land of the space and watered by the spirit spring.

Then she turned around and went back the same way.

The emperor's uncle and the little green dragon were no longer seen at the Shimen where they had come.

And she walked over with one kick, no longer blocked by the barrier.

The inside was still collapsing continuously. As soon as she walked out with her front feet, the stone gate behind her was quietly annihilated.

Walking out of the ancient ruins all the way, the blindfold disappeared. It was no longer the old stone wall, but a piece of collapsed dust.

Even if someone visits again, I'm afraid there is no clue.

There is so much movement here, some people will come over in no time.

But she didn't know where the emperor had gone, whether she would enter the ancient ruins to look for her.

When she was worried, Long Yi suddenly appeared in front of her.

At the same time, the jade slip in her arms suddenly lit up.

This is a piece of communication jade slip, as long as you exchange information with other people's jade slips, you can communicate.

She opened it quickly, and it was actually the voice left by the emperor's uncle:

"When encountering an enemy by chance, this king needs to be killed. Don't read the two children, see you in the capital."

His voice is as low and magnetic as ever, especially the phrase "Don't read the two children", which is really affectionate.

"Who is reading you!"

Mu Wushuang sighed inwardly.

But she is not stupid. For her safety, the emperor deliberately pretended to be someone else and would not leave her at a critical moment. There must be a particularly critical situation that caused him to leave early, and the dragon who was protecting Mu Yuheng was sent over.

And he deliberately interrupted and told her not to read, hoping to divert her attention and not worry about him.

The enemy of the emperor's uncle, shouldn't be a person from a low-level continent.

Could it be someone who came on the higher-order continent?

"Long Yi, how good is Yuheng?"

She asked Xiang Longyi.

"The subordinates have sent Young Master Mu back to the outskirts. It is safe. Please come back with your subordinates as soon as possible."

Long said solemnly.

"No, I can go back by myself, you know what I am capable of. You go to the emperor's uncle, he has one more person and more power."

Mu Wushuang said.

"The subordinate's duty is to protect the young lady. Besides, the subordinate doesn't know where the master has gone."

Even Long Yi didn't know where the emperor had gone, Mu Wushuang curled his eyebrows and said, "Then let's go first."

After speaking, the two quickly left around the high-level monster beasts in the mountains.

Soon after they left, a man and a woman came to the place where they had stayed before.

"The Phoenix Ruins actually collapsed! Brother, we are still a step late."

The woman who was speaking was only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a gorgeous and delicate appearance, and she was wearing a hibiscus-colored tulle. The breeze blew and the light veil flew, and the whole person exuded a faint aura, and she looked particularly delicate and beautiful.

She was unwilling, and a hostile atmosphere flashed across her eyes.

If Mu Wushuang were here, he would be shocked.

This woman actually said the name of this place in one mouth, which shows that she has an extraordinary background and knows a lot.

The other man was wearing a blue brocade, with a Tibetan dragon pattern jade belt tied around his waist. He had hair like a cloud on his temples, and his body was long and handsome.

But this person has a pair of starry eyes that are cold and indifferent, as if he doesn't put anything in his eyes.

He looked at the footprints under his feet, his eyes were flat and said:

"Maybe the phoenix egg has been taken first."

"How is it possible?" The girl raised her volume, somewhat disdainfully said:

"How could anyone know that this is a phoenix relic on a small low-level continent? The elders of the Helian family searched through countless ancient books to find this relic. Although the wind was accidentally leaked, the stray of the Tianhu tribe was stolen. The map was updated, but my father personally tore through the void and sent us over at the first time. It is impossible for the Tianhu tribe to get on the ground first!"

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