Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1127: Detoxify

Chapter 1127

Immortal world!

Wushuang looked at the nebula, shining dazzlingly in the dark environment.

Its light is brighter and bigger than the rays of all fairy realms. If the twelve great fairy realms are in the tiny universe, like stars, then the immortal realm is like a galaxy.

Ye Xun's father pointed to the immortal world and said:

"The world of immortality exists, no surprise, this is the world of immortality, but it is too mysterious, leaving only a lot of legends."

"With your current strength, can you feel the immortal world?" Wushuang asked curiously.

He shook his head and said: "No, maybe after the old man becomes the emperor, he may be able to spy one or two."

He was talking about spying one or two, indicating that even if he became the emperor, he might not be able to go to the immortal world.

He has said before that the distance between the twelve great immortal realms is very long, and even a figure of the immortal emperor level will have to fly for several years.

There is a shrinking universe in front of me. Thousands of small worlds around the Big Dipper Immortal Territory are almost invisible. Like dust, the distances between the Twelve Immortal Territories are close or far and large, but there is no distance to the Immortal World Far away, in the middle, seems to be a moat.

No wonder he said that the world of immortality is very mysterious, so far away, knowing nothing about it, of course it is mysterious.

An idea suddenly popped out of Wushuang's mind. Her Abyssal Tower Ship has something to do with the Immortal Realm. Is it possible that Daddy Hades has been to the Immortal Realm?

Which star field does the magnificent starry sky outside the Abyss Tower Ship belong to?

"What do you think was my father's cultivation base?"

Wushuang thought for a while and wanted to ask.

Ye Xun's father thought: "More than 30,000 years ago, the old man couldn't see through your father's cultivation base, but the old man knew that his cultivation base must be above the entire Beidou Immortal Territory."

He was so sure because he was astonished by what Pluto had easily revealed back then. It was only the tip of the iceberg, so he didn't believe that Pluto would fall under the hands of the emperor.

But Wushuang said that Pluto had been dead for hundreds of years. When he fell, countless people in the fairy world witnessed that even the bones were thwarted by the emperor.

Wushuang also said that Pluto's reincarnation mirror has been shattered and many of its magic weapons have been divided.

All this confirms the reality that Pluto has fallen.

"It seems that you still need to explore all of this by yourself." Yexun's father said to her: "You came to the bottom of Xiao Mie Shen Tan. In his expectation, do you think he would fall so easily?"

Of course Wushuang hoped that Pluto's father would not fall, she knew there were many doubts.

She believes that when she restores her past life memories, all of this will be solved.

Later, she talked a lot with Yexun's father and learned a lot about the Twelve Great Immortals.

Finally, Wushuang asked him:

"Are you really unwilling to go up there? You should know that this is a bit unfair to Yexun. With your strength, you can build your own power that can protect both Mie Shentan and Yexun."

Ye Xun's father shook his head and said, "This is the mission of our Illusion Flood Clan, and we will not be involved in the disputes in the fairyland, Ye Xun will understand."

Wushuang is not good to say anything, she has already said what she should say.

She said: "I will come to see you in the future, Ye Xun is my friend."

Yexun's father nodded and started talking about business:

"Before the old man didn't know your identity and didn't help you detoxify, but now the old man can't ignore you. It's just that the toxins on your body are already serious, and the old man is not sure to completely detoxify you."

Speaking of this, Wushuang thought of something, she suddenly asked:

"Did you demolish the coffin of Venerable Dhyana? Do you know where he is? The poison on my body is caused by the poison in the tomb of Venerable Dhyana. These poisons have been refined by amazing means, not the Big Dipper. Domain means."

"Yes, when you were brought back by Yexun that day, the old man observed this. If it weren't for your high body strength, ordinary people would have died long ago."

"The toxins on you are very strong, the old man tries to see how much it can help you get rid of."

With that, he called Yexun and Yexun's mother.

And tell her about the Venerable Dhyana:

"Venerable Dhyana is indeed a capable person. This mausoleum of him can be said to be a magnificent mausoleum. There is no one in the past. He does all this to live a few more lives. He wants to hide the truth from heaven and change the day. But he did not know that the old man came to the bottom of Xiao Mie Shen Tan in order to escape, making his plan fall short."

Wushuang was full of curiosity, with questions written in his eyes, and it happened that Ye Xun and his mother came over.

"Wushuang, are you okay?" Ye Xun came over anxiously and asked in front of her.

"When I get older, I know that my elbow turned out!" Yexun's father snorted softly.

Ye Xun dealt with his parents every day, how could he not see that his father was in a good mood and he was not angry at all. He smiled relaxedly, but he was also very puzzled. Why did his father be so angry before, why has he changed now?

Before he could ask, his father said to Wushuang on his own:

"The old man knows that you are very curious about Venerable Dhyana, but let’s not talk about this first, let’s talk about the toxins on your body. Your guess is really good. This toxin is not a method of the Big Dipper Immortal Territory. If so, these poisons should come from the Vermillion Bird Immortal Domain."

"The Vermillion Bird Immortal Domain? You mean Venerable Concentration Zen, have you been to the Vermillion Bird Immortal Domain?"

Wu Fanglu was puzzled, but when I thought about it, Venerable Dhyana is very strong. The emperor speculates that he has a cultivation base of the immortal emperor. It would not be impossible for him to fly to the Vermillion Bird Immortal Territory for a few years. .

"The old man didn't mean that he must have been to the Vermillion Bird Immortal Territory, but that he might have known the people in the Vermillion Bird Immortal Territory, and thus obtained the poison there." Yexun's father said, "There is a hidden world in the North Dipper Immortal Territory. You should know there. There are other immortal people."

"Do you also know the Hidden Realm? How could other people from the Immortal Realm come to Hidden Realm over such a distance?" Wushuang expressed doubt.

"Hidden Realm is an independent world created by many powerful characters. Wushuang, don't underestimate the Hidden Realm. There have been many great people in the Big Dipper Immortal Realm, and the Hidden Realm is the essence of the Big Dipper Immortal Realm."

It was impossible for Wushuang to not be surprised when she heard this statement for the first time. She listened carefully to what Yexun's father said, and remembered all the words in her mind.

These words gradually formed a general world in her heart, and she still needs to see it for herself to explore and perfect it.

She believes that one day, she will solve all doubts.

Next, Yexun's father began to detoxify Wushuang. He didn't have a detoxification medicine or the like. He used his powerful cultivation base to help her push out the toxins in her body.

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