Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 1146: toxin

Chapter 1146

"It's you!"

Huangfuyu said in surprise.

Wushuang glanced at her. This Miss Huangfuyu was not bad in appearance, with a slim appearance and a little red glow on her cheeks. Her eyes were sparkling, with the surprise and charmingness of a young girl. People see the bottom, not a complicated person.

But the rumors are really good. People in the Huangfu family like luxury. This Miss Huangfuyu is dressed in magnificent gold and dazzling in the sun.

"A few guests, please." The butler dutifully led them in.

Huangfuyu wanted to follow up, but was stopped by the butler: "I'm sorry, Miss Ten, Patriarch has something to discuss, you can't go in now."

Huangfuyu pouted unhappily, "Then I will wait here!"

The young man didn't even look at himself just now. Isn't she dressed enough?

Do you want to change your clothes?

But she was worried that people would leave later, so she took out a few more pieces of jewelry from her storage ring and put them on her hands and necks. This should be dazzling enough, she thought in her heart.

"Please sit down, I don't know if you have anything to ask for, it is better to speak up."

Patriarch Huangfu said straightforwardly after the tea was served.

Looking at the hall that dazzled blind people, Wushuang was really speechless. This Huangfu family liked this kind of magnificent decoration more than the Dragon family.

But he is straight to the point, without those corners, with a smile on his face, and there is no unpleasant feeling in his smile. Just walking along the way, there is nothing offensive about what he saw or heard. It seems that they have chosen the right one. The conduct of the Huangfu family is indeed better.

Long Moshen said without concealing: "This time I came to the Huangfu family to bring the inmates to relieve the toxins on his body. I have long heard that there are many medical experts in the Huangfu family, and we are not far away."

"Yes, our Huangfu family is indeed famous all over the world. There is no toxin in this world that can beat us." Huangfu Patriarch said with some pride.

As he said, he looked at Wushuang, "If you don't mind, my Patriarch will take the pulse for you himself."

Wushuang stretched out his hand: "Naturally don't mind, it's my honor to let Huangfu Patriarch personally check my pulse."

The Patriarch Huangfu was very helpful to these words. He smiled and put his hand on Wushuang's pulse, but when he put it on, his face changed, and he put his hand back as if he was burning his hand.

"This...this pulse..."

He frowned and put his hand up again. It took him a long time to get his hand back.

Everyone was quiet, waiting for him to speak.

"My Patriarch has never seen such a complicated toxin in his life!" Huangfu Patriarch said.

"The owner of this family only saw a few toxins, and there are still many toxins that need to be analyzed in the blood to see that these toxins are fused together to form a more powerful toxin. But if you want to detoxify, you must find all the toxins , One-to-one symptomatic detoxification."

Having said that, he sent a message to several elders of the family and asked them to come over.

"Patriarch, where is the poison that is rare in a thousand years?"

After a while, a few very old elders pushed the door and walked in. Wushuang found that their faces were excited, as if they were a little excited, as if they had encountered something of great interest.

After seeing Wushuang, several of the elders took turns to get her pulse, and they all gave out exclamation sounds, and then frowned and thought.

The head of Huangfu Patriarch took out a golden vessel with great importance and let Wushuang drop blood on it.

This is the ancestral property of the Huangfu family. The Huangfu Patriarch has not used it for many years. It takes a lot of energy to use it once. Several elders saw him take it out, but they did not object.

After Wushuang dropped the blood, her blood slowly divided into more than 30 drops of black blood in the golden vessel, and several elders put them away separately.

"The toxins in your body are composed of more than 30 kinds of toxins. Now that we separate the toxins, we can know what the specific poisons are." Huangfu Patriarch explained to Wushuanglong Moshen.

Then he asked how Wushuang was poisoned, and Wushuang said one by one.

"It seems that the human face manta rays and black poisonous snakes are refined with many kinds of toxins. Among them, there are several kinds of poisons from the Vermillion Bird Immortal Territory. Tsk tsk, if not for the immortal emperor level characters to help you out Part of the poisonous blood and suppress it, you have...cough cough, but it doesn't matter, our Huangfu family rarely has poison that can't be solved, you are in the right place."

Huangfu Patriarch said confidently.

An elder coughed and said, "Patriarch, don't talk too much. There is a poison in her body that is the poison of the black spider silkworm. Only the Suzaku Immortal Territory has the antidote!"

"Black Spider Silkworm!?" Huangfu Patriarch's expression changed, and the other elders also showed solemn expressions.

"What is the black spider silkworm?" Long Moshen asked.

"The black spider silkworm is a god-level poison! The toxin extracted from its silk is difficult to decompose, unless you catch the black spider silkworm and use its blood to detoxify! But our hidden world cannot grow black spider silkworms. There are black spider silkworms in the Vermillion Bird Immortal Domain!

Huangfu Patriarch said seriously.

Long Moshen frowned, "Then first detoxify other poisons!"

"Other poisons are not so easy to solve. Among them, there are several toxins from the Vermillion Bird Immortal Territory, and many antidote is difficult to find." An elder said.

"And if you don't detoxify as soon as possible, there will soon be a day of poisoning, and then it will be very tortured." Huangfu Patriarch added.

What he didn't say clearly was that the poisonous hair would torture people into pain, how could this delicate woman be able to bear it.

"I beg you to save my mother!" Xiao Rouer said cryingly.

My brother used to say that her abilities would be great in the future, and that she could heal someone in the future, but it was useless for her to heal her mother's injuries. She wished she could become more powerful soon.

"We will try our best. If our Huangfu family accepts gifts from others, we won't go back, but you have to find a way for you, Black Spider Silkworm."

Huangfu Patriarch said.

Long Mo nodded deeply, his face was cold, but he did not irritate others, and he would not be embarrassed to be a member of the Huangfu family.

Several elders got together and started to study with Wushuang's blood. They were studying and discussing. After a long time, they finally discussed the results, when all the toxins were on the sign.

I have to say that the elders of the Huangfu family are still very capable, analyzing all the toxins so quickly.

However, among these 30 kinds of toxins, in addition to the insoluble black spider silkworm, there are three other toxins that are difficult to solve.

They said that they can only detoxify the poisons step by step, and then take care of the bad ones.

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